Lecture No. 1 Food Selection

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Ali Usman 阿里 阿里


“NUTR-3104 The Science of food”

Course : The Science of Food
Activities PERCENTAGE %

Attendance + Class Participation 30%

出勤 + 课堂参与

Mid Term Examination 40%


Presentation 20%

Assignment 10%

“Understanding Food
Principles and Preparation”
Fifth editionof
by “Amy Brown”
Basic Terminologies

Anything solid or liquid eaten by living organism in order to

maintain life and growth.

Nutrition 营养

Recommended Ratios
the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health
and growth.
Examples of Foods



Fruits and vegetables

Fatty acid profile

Cereals and legumes ( 谷类和豆类 )

of peony seed oil

Sea Food ( 海鲜 )

Mushroom ( 蘑菇 )

Fats and Oils ( 脂肪和油脂 )

Food Safety 食品安全

Food safety refers to the conditions and practices that preserve the quality of
food to prevent contamination and food-borne illnesses.

Quality 质量
Comparison of
It is the degree of Oil
excellence of something
Food Quality

Food quality is the quality characteristics of food that is acceptable to consumers

Example : it includes external factors like appearance texture and Flavour and
internal factors are chemical biological and microbial.


After Treatment the conclusions showed that
Chapter No. 01

“Food Selection”
People choose foods and beverages for at least five basic reasons: how
foods look and taste, health, cultural and religious values, psychological
and social needs, and budgetary concerns.


Sensory Criteria 感官标准

When people choose a particular food, they evaluate it consciously or

unconsciously, primarily by how it looks, smells, tastes, feels, and even
5 Senses
Sight 视力
The eyes receive the first impression of foods: the shapes, colors, consistency,
serving size, and presence of any outward defects. Color can denote the

Odor 气味
Smell is almost as importantto review
as appearance when people evaluate a food item
for quality and desirability. Although the sense of smell is not as acute in human
beings as it is in many mammals
Taste 味道
Taste is usually the most influential factor in people’s selection of foods .
There are taste buds located on human tongue ,these taste detectors are not
found on the flat, central surface of the tongue, but rather on the tongue’s
underside, sides, and tip.

Flavour 味道
the distinctive taste of a food or drink, an indication of the essential
character of something.
Salt flavour in chips
Taste Buds 舌头上的味蕾
Touch 触摸

The sense of touch, whether it operates inside the mouth or through the
fingers, conveys to us a food’s texture, consistency, astringency, and
Texture is a combination of perceptions, with the eyes giving the first clue.
The second comes at the touch of fingers and eating utensils, and the third is
mouth feel, as detected by the teeth and the tactile nerve cells in the mouth.

Hearing 听力

The sounds associated with foods can play a role in evaluating their quality.
How often have you seen someone tapping a melon to determine whether it
is ripe? Sounds like sizzling, crunching, popping, bubbling, swirling, pouring,
squeaking, dripping, exploding .
Chips have crunch like sound .

Nutritional Criteria 营养标准

Over the past several decades, emerging scientific evidence about

health and nutrition has resulted in changing food consumption
patterns, Nutritional criteria is based on consuming the more
nutritious food rather than to consume unhealthy food. Food
consumption should be based on consuming on vitamins ,proteins
,carbohydrates with careful attention to avoid excessive consumption
to avoid major health problems .

Food Pyramid
 Bread cereals and potatoes are the major source of
carbohydrates so everyday we need to consume 4 servings a

 Fruits and vegetables are the major source of vitamins and

minerals,2-4 servings.

 Milk cheese and dairy are source of calcium in our body and 3
servings are required.

 Meat and Fish are major source of protein in our body , 2

servings are required .

 Fats and oils confectionary are not suitable for health so they
should be occasionally / sparingly consumed .
Weight Management 体重管理

Generally, individuals must restrict their intake of

food energy and increase their expenditure of
energy and must keep in our mind about our
calorie balance.
Maintaining weight
you are eating roughly the same amount of calories that your body is using
your weight will remain stable
Gaining weight
you are eating more calories than your body is using
you will store these extra calories and you will gain weight
Losing weight
you are eating fewer calories than your body is using
you body will use its fat storage cells for energy, so your weight is decreasing

Vegetarianism 素食主义

The term vegetarian comes from vegetable , it means those people who
only eat vegetables and they do not eat poultry ,beef or sea food.
About 3 to 4% of the U.S. population does not consume meat, poultry, or
Nevertheless, the benefits of vegetarian diet probably come from lower
intakes of fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and animal protein, balanced by
higher levels of phytochemicals, fiber, complex carbohydrates,
antioxidants such as vitamins C.

Functional foods
foods that have a potentially positive effect on health beyond basic
nutrition. functional foods promote optimal health and help reduce the risk
of disease.

对基本营养以外的健康有潜在积极影响的食物。 功能 品可促
Cultural Criteria
Culture is another factor influencing food choice. Culture influences food
habits by dictating what is or is not acceptable to eat. Foods that are
relished in one part of the world may be spurned in another
Different countries have different cultures and their foods are different
from one another.

 In Chinese culture noddles and boiled rice are consumed

 In America people mostly prefer to eat fast foods

 在中国文化中,面条和米饭被消费
 在美国,人们大多喜欢吃快餐
Religious Criteria

Religion is another important influence on food choices.
Religious beliefs affect the diets of many by declaring which
foods are acceptable and which are unacceptable and by
specifying preparation procedures. Muslims do not eat pork and
they do not drink alcohol and its products, they
Follow their own beliefs on animal slaughter
Hinduism don’t allow to eat cow meat


the exploitation of biological processes for industrial and other

purposes, especially the genetic manipulation of microorganisms for
the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc.

 Genetically modified foods


为工业和其他目的利用生物过程,特别是用于生产 生素,激素等的微生
Concerns about Food Biotechnology
Some consumers view genetic engineering
as an invasion of nature’s domain, and fear that scientists
are treading on dangerous ground. Their concerns include
allergies, gene contamination, and religious/cultural
objections. The consumers should Put their focus on
consuming natural and organic foods rather than GMO.Natural
food is a gift of nature and it should be consumed without
interfering the genetic makeup

Organic Foods
Foods that are grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic
fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms, or
ionizing radiation. Animals that produce meat, poultry, eggs, and
dairy products do not take antibiotics or growth hormones.


情况下种植的食物。 生产肉类,家禽,蛋类和乳制品的动物不服用
Difference between natural foods and processed
Natural foods
food that has undergone a minimum of processing or treatment with
preservatives. they does not contain artificial ingredients or preservatives
and the ingredients are only minimally processed.
 Minimally processed foods (e.g., washed and/or packaged fruits and

Processed Foods
Food that has undergone processing. Food processing is the transformation
of agricultural products into food or of one form of food into other forms.
 Foods processed for preservation (e.g., canned or frozen fruits and
 Ready-to-eat foods (e.g., breakfast cereals, lunch meats, carbonated
Natural Foods Processed Foods
Budgetary Criteria

Cost is a very important limiting factor in food purchasing. People before

purchasing food think can I buy it ? Maybe they cannot afford to eat meat
everyday .In some poor countries people lack basic protein (meat) due to
poverty. In some African countries children suffer malnutrition due to lack
of nutritious food.


Class Activity
1. Group of 5 students

2. Select any kind of fruit and make 5 grades based on five senses

3. Grade A (excellent) Grade B (good) Grade C (Average),Grade D (bad), Grade

E (very bad)

4. Present in front of class and explain atleast 10 parameters how they made
the grades based on five senses

5. Explain atleast 10 processed products of that fruit.

6. Scores will be included in class participation and final grades

One group will perform everyday
1. 一群 5 名学生

2. 选择任何一种水果,根据五种感官制作 5 个等级

3. A 级(优秀) B 级(好) C 级(平均), D 级(差), E 级(非常


4. 出现在课堂前,并解释至少 10 个参数如何根据五种感官制作成绩
解释该水果的至少 10 种加工产品。

5. 分数将包括在课堂参与和最终成绩中

6. 每天一组将受理

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