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1 Narration 2 Description
3 Definition
4 Problem and Solution
5 Cause and Effect
6 Comparison and Contrast
pp. 55 - 70 7 Exemplification and Clarification
The act of telling a story or presenting events or incidents
as they happen.
It is also used in giving information, objective report
In summer of
a chronological order (story books, novels, diary)
At first, I was The owner This experience
2008, I was When I
hesitant to go must have rather surprised
eating at a touched the
near it, noticed my me, but I was
restaurant, dog, it began
because when more surprised
when apprehension to wag its
I was in grade when the owner
suddenly I , since he
saw a dog
school, I tail and said that I could
experienced smiled and played have the dog and
being walked told me, “It’s
being attacked around me. make it my own
by its owner ok.”
by a stray dog. pet.
in a leash.
A girl with brown hair and brown eyes stood on the stage.
Looking at the audience, she smiled and began to sing. Her
dream was finally coming true. All her life she wanted to stand
in front of an audience and sing. Her mother, whose eyes
glistened as she sat in the audience, smiled at her with all the
gentleness of a mother’s love. As Ali began to sing, she realized
the importance of being part of the night’s performance. She
could barely believe she had almost canceled being in the show
back in high school. What if she had not chosen this path?
Perhaps her dream might not have come true.
‘Rahel was first blacklisted in Nazareth Convent at the age of eleven,
when she was caught outside her Housemistress’s garden gate decorating
a knob of fresh cowdung with small flowers. At Assembly the next
morning, she was made to look up depravity in the Oxford Dictionary
and read aloud its meaning. Six months later she was expelled after
repeated complaints from senior girls. She was accused (quite rightly) of
hiding behind doors and deliberately colliding with her seniors. When she
was questioned by the Principal about her behaviour (cajoled, caned,
starved), she eventually admitted that she had done it to find out whether
breasts hurt.’

- Arundhati Roy’s, The God of Small Things (1997)

It is used to express thoughts.
It describes characteristics/features of a thing or a
*Make use of sensory details in
GUSTATORY creating a mental picture or a
particular mood about a topic.

Lake Harriet is a great place to to swim and relax. In the summer, the
water is warm and clean, and the beaches are large enough to
accommodate groups of people seeking relief from a midsummer
scorcher. In addition to swimming, visitors to the lake can go canoeing,
sailing, windsurfing, or fishing. The blue water is a refreshing, tempting
sight. The sweet scent of sun block wafts through the air from sunbathers
lying on the beach. Children laugh and splash in the water, and nearby
volleyball games stir passionate shouts in the heat of competition.
Meanwhile lifeguards sit atop their towers and make sure everyone is
safe. In the distance, sail boats catch the soft breezes that ripple Lake
Harriet's surface, and canoeists glide quietly past. This is what summer is
all about!
I have seen the girl they're talking about. She's dark
and womanly, with an air of mystery about her that the
kids in the hallway assume is sex. She is usually alone,
but she always acts as if she's on her way somewhere, as
if she's late. I'd never admit it in school, but I'm drawn
to her. Everyone looks at her, while I'm a gloomy,
invisible girl with a maximum of three friends, a girl
whose name nobody can remember.
It states the meaning of a
term that may be unfamiliar
or technical and discipline
specific; and specifies the
usage of a term according to
its context.
definition means stating exactly the
nature, scope or meaning of
something, which requires a very
close understanding of the object or
person being described; a definition
intends to explain the meaning of
the object
a description seeks to explain the
attributes of an object
Definition –
a domesticated canid, Canid
familiaris, bred in many varieties; vs
any carnivore of the dog family
Canidae, having prominent canine
teeth and, in the wild state, a long Description –
and slender muzzle, a deep- the description of dogs can include
general characteristics, such as ‘dogs
chested muscular body, a bushy
have fur and walk on four paws’ or it
tail, and large, erect ears.
can describe a specific dog, such as
‘Fido was a male yellow lab that
weighed 30 kilograms (65 pounds)
and had a prominent white stripe on
his forehead’
Placebo effect refers to the phenomenon where a patient
believes or expects that a particular treatment will work,
so he or she feels that the illness is alleviated. People
using folk medicine are often said to be the ones to
experience this. On the other hand, those who are using
modern medicine consider it an illusion because of lack
of scientific explanations. Conversely, a nocebo effect or
the worsening of symptoms may be experience if a
patient doesn’t believe in a treatment.

General topic It is used to clarify or

explain a general idea.
Specific Topic
It is achieved by giving
Categories examples that will form
Kinds a mental picture of your
Families point.
Accepting and blessing our circumstances is a power
tool for transformation. In fact, this potent
combination is a spiritual formula that can work
miracles in our lives.

What is acceptance? Acceptance is surrendering to

what is; financial stakes, our work, our health, our
relationships with other people, the delay of our
dreams. Before we can change anything in our life, we

It is often used
to critically
examine two or
more items
from the same
Although cell phones and regular phones have the same purpose and they both work the same,
they have many differences as well. For example a cell phone has to have at least six service bars in
order to talk and the battery has to have a charge before it will work. The battery needs to charge for
about an hour but it depends on what kind of charger you use. The charger that comes with the cell
phone doesn't take as long to charge the phone as chargers purchased over the counter. A hard wired
phone, one that has to be installed through wiring within your home, can be used anywhere in your
home and is maintained by telephone servicemen. some of hard wired phones are cordless, which
means they can be used throughout the home and even in the yard. You can't take your hard wired
phone with you in your vehicle because service is limited to just a short range. A cordless phone has
to be returned to its base periodically to be recharged. With your cell phone, someone can leave you a
message and you can get it right on the phone where as on a home phone, you have to have an
answering machine. Although they have many differences, they also have some similarities. They
both have to be charged in order to keep the battery full and the phone working. You can use both to
make and receive a call. They also both ring to tell you that you have an incoming call. A cell phone
can be programed for special rings but a hard wired phone has only one ring tone. Cell phones are
much smaller in appearance than a hard wired phone. Cell phones may have different appearances
and gadgets but they both serve the same purpose.
cause AND effect
cause AND effect

It is used in
Effect Cause Cause
analyzing the
relationships Causes Effects Effect
between the
causes (reasons) Causes Effects Cause
and effects
(results) of an Causes Effects Effect
action, decision,
or phenomenon.
cause AND effect
• Introduction: Nowadays, people are overweight because of their increasing consumption of unhealthy
food, a lack of physical activity, and their refusal to work with fitness trainers.
• Body:
– Causes:
• People are eating a lot of unhealthy food that is cheap, easy-to-consume and contains a lot of
calories. (Include statistics: how many people regularly consume unhealthy food.)
• People don’t move enough. Causes: inactive jobs, laziness, and not enough information about
the consequences.
• People don’t want to visit a specialist. If they did, they would be informed about the causes of
obesity and offered a plan to solve the problem.
– Effect: Until those problems are solved, people will become more and more obese. (Include a
prognosis about obesity rates over the next decade.)
• Conclusion: Junk food, a lack of physical activity, and a refusal to visit a doctor are the three leading
causes of obesity. We hope that the situation will change. (Include some examples of what each person
can do about the problem)
AND solution
AND solution

It highlights a specific problem and proposes a solution/s

to address. It analyzes all issues/problem and convinces
the reader that your proposed solution will work.


Proposed Solution
AND solution
Energy Sources: A Dilemma of the Twenty-First Century
On most part, energy is created by burning fossil fuels -- coal, natural gas and oil. The problem with this is that these
resources are finite. At the current rate of use, it is expected that the world will run out of fossil fuels in thirty to forty
years to come. As a result, it will no longer be possible to generate power to operate factories and vehicles or to light
and heat houses. This world-wide problem can be resolved through the implementation of two possible solutions. The
first solution is to improve conservation efforts. In order to do this, governments can try to raise public awareness,
discourage over-consumption and encourage recycling. For example, they can encourage the installation of high-
efficiency light bulbs in homes and offices. They can inform the public of the amount of energy saved by simply turning
off lights that are not being used or by using public transport more and cars less. They can also pass laws mandating
the recycling of whatever possible. Improvements in conservation will surely extend the life of current fuels but they are
not complete answers to what will happen when fossil fuels eventually run out. The second and better solution,
therefore, is to use alternative sources of energy to meet future needs. The current leading alternatives to fossil fuels are
solar energy and fusion, which is the union of atomic nuclei to form heavier nuclei. Solar energy is directly obtained
from the sun so it is easily accessible and pollution-free. It can be used both to heat water and buildings and to generate
electricity but mostly in countries that have ample sunlight. Fusion, on the other hand, will make it possible for nuclear
power plants to generate enormous amounts of energy in order to meet the energy needs of the planet indefinitely. In
addition, despite public concern about safety and risk of contamination, fusion is a safe and clean source of energy as
modern power plants take strict safety measures to prevent potential nuclear disasters and leaks. In conclusion, in
order to have sufficient energy for the next century, it will be necessary to develop and encourage the use of alternative
1 Narration 2 Description
3 Definition
4 Problem and Solution
5 Cause and Effect
6 Compare and Contrast
pp. 30-38 7 Exemplification and Clarification

Answer Practice 1.4 on pages 39-40

Finish in 10 mins.

A Collection of
Text Types
Pair activity
Sources of text materials are limited to the following:
• Local Newspaper
• Local Magazine
• Books
• Textbooks
Pair activity
Collect different published works of essay according to its
purpose. (1 example per text type)
Provide a brief explanation.
- text type definition
- what the text is about
- what text structure/type used
Word doc| Arial 12 | 1.5 spacing | File Name: Last Name
Submit your work via google classroom
Submission Deadline:
PAIR activity
Text Type: DESCRIPTIVE TEXT Explanation:
Source: Website/Book Title/Newspaper (In 3-5 sentences)
where the material is taken This paragraph describes
about what sunset looks
Example: like. The author used
Sunset is the time of day when our sky meets the sensory details to make a
outer space solar winds. There are blue, pink, and vivid description of the
purple swirls, spinning and twisting, like clouds
sunset. The author even
of balloons caught in a blender. The sun moves
slowly to hide behind the line of horizon, while
used colors to add details.
the moon races to take its place in prominence
atop the night sky. People slow to a crawl,
entranced, fully forgetting the deeds that still
must be done. There is a coolness, a calmness,

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