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The 3 Monotheistic faiths

The Three Religions of the Middle

(Also known as Southwest Asia)
The Three Religions of the Middle East- (Also
known as Southwest Asia)

• Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all began in the Middle East.

• All three of these religions trace their beginnings back to a man named
Abraham. (They are “cousin” religions.)

• The oldest of the three religions.

• It began about 4000BC.
• Followers are called Jews or are referred to as being Jewish.
• Some consider this a race or ethnic group rather than a
• Most Jewish people believe themselves to be descendants
of the Hebrews.
• Their holy book is the Torah, (the first five books of
the Bible).
• They worship in synagogues.
• The temple, formerly in Jerusalem, was their main
place of worship.
• The Romans destroyed it in AD 79. The “Wailing Wall” is
part of the Temple ruins. It is the goal of the Jewish people
to rebuild the Temple.
The Wailing Wall
• It is a remnant of the ancient wall that surrounded the Jewish
Temple's courtyard, and is arguably the most sacred site recognized
by the Jewish faith.
“Wailing Wall”
• 1. What is the Torah and why is it important to Jews?
• 2. What is the central idea common to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?
• 3. What are the four cornerstones of Judaism?
• 4. Name one reason why the Jews consider it so important to be able to live in Israel.
• 5. Name and describe two Jewish rituals or festivals.
• 6. What does the holiday of Passover celebrate?
• 7. What is the main significance of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah?
• 8. What is the main tragedy that has befallen the Jewish people in the twentieth century?
• 9. What do the candles of Hanukkah celebrate?
• 10. What is your understanding of what it means to be a Jew?

• Began with the life and death of Jesus who was born about 4BC.
• Jesus was a Hebrew and also a citizen of the Roman Empire.
• Followers are called Christians.
• Their holy book is called the Bible.
• They worship in churches and cathedrals.
• Gregorian Calendar- Also called the “Roman Calendar” or the
“Christian Calendar”.
• This calendar, which is used throughout the world, is based upon the
birth of Jesus.
• BC- Before Christ (322BC is read: “Three hundred and twenty two years
before Christ”.)
• AD- Anno Domini (AD322 is read: “In the year of our Lord three hundred and
twenty two”.)
• In some circles the term BC is being replaced BCE, “Before Common Era” and
AD is being replaced with CE or “Common Era”.

• 1. What is the New Testament and why is it important to Christians?

• 2. What is the central idea common to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam?
• 3. Why do Christians celebrate the Lord's Supper?
• 4. Name one reason why Christians believe in helping others.
• 5. What is the most widespread form of Christianity?
• 6. What do the Stations of the Cross represent?
• 7. What is the main significance of the Gospels?
• 8. With whom did the ritual of baptism originate?
• 9. What was one of the main contributions of the middle Ages to Christianity?
• 10. What is your understanding of what it means to be a Christian?

• Began somewhere around AD 632 with the life and death of

• Muhammad was a student of both Judaism and Christianity.
• He believed himself to be the final prophet of God.
• Followers of Islam are called Muslims.
• Their holy book is called the Quran.
• They worship in mosques.
Sacred Places
• Judaism
• Jerusalem- The heart of the
“Promised Land” as well as the
site, chosen by God, for King David
to build the Temple.
• Christianity
• Bethlehem- The birthplace of Jesus.
• Jerusalem- The place of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
• Islam
• Mecca- A city in western Saudi Arabia. The birthplace of Muhammad.
• Medina- Also in western Saudi Arabia. The city where Muhammad
spent much of his life.
• Jerusalem- The place where Muhammad ascended to heaven.
• Dome of the Rock- A mosque built on part of Jewish Temple site. This is
believed to be the site of Muhammad’s ascension to Heaven.
• The Jews wish to tear down the mosque and rebuild the Temple. (They haven’t done this
because they fear the wrath of the Muslim nations.)
• 1. What are some of the reasons that Islam is misunderstood by many people?
• 2. Who was Mohammed, and what did he do to begin the faith of Islam?
• 3. What are the five pillars of Islam?
• 4. What functions do mosques serve besides being centers of worship?
• 5. What are some of the contributions that Islamic culture has made to the West?
• 6. What are some of the uses of Arabic script?
• 7. What was one result of the colonization of the Islamic world by European powers?
• 8. Name three of the major colonial powers.
• 9. What is the future of Islam likely to be?

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