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Visiting Poverty

Presented by: Paulen Viroy Macapagal

BSED Engish2B
Poverty is a state or condition Absolute poverty is the
in which a person or complete lack of the means
community lacks the financial necessary to meet basic
resources and essentials for a personal needs, such as food,
minimum standard of living.  clothing, and shelter

1. Causes of Poverty
The main causes of poverty in the
country include the following:

✔ low to moderate economic growth for the past 40 years;

✔ low growth elasticity of poverty reduction;
✔ weakness in employment generation and the quality of
jobs generated;
✔ failure to fully develop the agriculture sector;

The main causes of poverty in the
country include the following:

✔ high inflation during crisis periods;

✔ high levels of population growth;
✔ high and persistent levels of inequality (incomes and
assets), which dampen the positive impacts of economic
expansion; and
✔ recurrent shocks and exposure to risks such as economic
crisis, conflicts, natural disasters,and "environmental 5
2. Poverty Rate of the
Poverty Rate of the Philippines

✔ The country's poverty rate is projected to average between

15.5% and 17.5% in 2021, likely near the 16.6% posted in
2018, officials of the National Economic and
Development Authority (NEDA) said on Thursday,
February 4, during the launch of the updated Philippine
Development Plan (PDP).

3. Unemployment Rate in the
Unemployment Rate in the Philippines

✔ In 2018, the unemployed persons numbered about 2.3

million resulting to an annual unemployment rate of 5.3
✔ increased to 8.8% in February 2021

A lot of people nowadays are having a hard time and
experiencing difficulties in life. Most of the people belongs
to what so called “poor” when it comes to economic status.
Being poor means you are lacking of means to live decently
and feed the mouth three times a day.
Our country is currently having an economic crisis due to
pandemic, Covid 19. A lot of establishment and businesses
stopped their operations which caused a lot of Filipinos to
lost their jobs. Unemployment became the number one
problem that leads every Filipino to poverty. Poverty is
everywhere especially in the rural areas where people cannot
even move because of limited space and resources.
“No work, No pay” a policy that demands physical
presence of a worker in order to have a salary for the day.
But in our present situation everything is affected that’s why
everyone is suffering from poverty. How can we end this

Let us all be united to fight poverty. Those who have the
means to share can be a great help to end the struggle. As we
go on, let us serve an inspiration to everyone, lift one’s spirit
and pray for the healing of the land. These too shall pass


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