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Setting Goals

for Success
Speakers: Julienne Palmones & Luigi Miguel Tortoles
Table of Contents

01 Goal 02 Goal Setting

Meaning of goal and its Its meaning and some skills to
characteristics achieve your goals
Locke and
Five Golden
03 Latham’s 04
Locke and Latham’s Five The five golden rules of goal
Principles setting
an idea of the future or desired
result that a person or a group of
people envision, plan and commit
to achieve
help define the goal and determine an individual's
motivation to achieve that goal.
Goal Characteristics

B. Difficulty

A. Importance determined by general C. Specificity

estimates of probability of
determined by a goal's achieving the goal
determined if the goal is
attractiveness, intensity, qualitative and ranges from
relevance, priority, and sign being vaguely to precisely
Goal Characteristics

E. Level of
D. Temporal ss F. Complexity
refers to a person's
Range cognitive awareness of a of a goal
determined by the range goal
is determined by how many
from proximal (immediate) subgoals are necessary to
to distal (delayed) and the achieve the goal and how
duration of the goal one goal connects to
a powerful process for thinking
about your ideal future, and for
motivating yourself to turn your
vision of this future into reality
Some skills that will greatly increase the
efficiency of any person who owns them:

1. Determination 3. Persistence
It allows you to focus only on achieving a specific It makes you keep moving forward regardless
goal without being distracted by less important of emerging obstacles – problems, laziness, bad
things or spontaneous desires. emotional state, etc.

2. Self-confidence 4. Managing
It appears in the process of personal
It helps combat stress that arises in daily
development, as a result of getting aware of
life from the environment and other
yourself, your actions and their consequences.
Some skills that will greatly increase the
efficiency of any person who owns them:

5. Problem-solving
6. Creativity 7. Generating ideas
They help cope with the It allows you to find It helps you achieve goals
problems encountered with a extraordinary ways to carry out using new, original,
lack of experience. a specific action that no one has unconventional ideas.
tried to use.
Locke and
Latham’s Theory
Proponents of the Theory

Dr. Edwin Dr. Gary

Locke Latham
Development of Locke and Latham’s
Late 1960’s 1968
Edwin Locke’s pioneering research into goal Locke’s article "Toward a Theory of Task
setting and motivation gave us our modern Motivation and Incentives” showed that clear
understanding of goal setting. goals and appropriate feedback motivate

Dr. Gary Latham 1990

A few years after Locke published his Locke and Latham published their
article, Dr Gary Latham studied the effects seminal work, "A Theory of Goal
of goal setting in the workplace. Setting & Task Performance."
Locke and Latham's Five Principles

01 Clarity 04 Feedback

02 Challenge Task

03 Commitment
Application of the theory to your personal goals
and your team’s objectives:

1. Setting 2. Setting
3. Securing
Clear Challenging
Team Commitment
Goals Goals
When your goals are People are often To be effective, your team
clear, you know what motivated by must understand and agree
you're trying to achieve. challenging goals. to the goals.
Application of the theory to your personal goals
and your team’s objectives:

5. Considering
4. Gaining
In addition to selecting the right Take special care to ensure that
goals, you should also listen to work doesn't become too
feedback. overwhelming when goals or
assignments are highly complex.
Five Golden
Five Golden Rules
Knowing these steps will allow you to formulate goals that you can accomplish.

1. Set Goals That Motivate You

When you set goals for yourself, it is important that they motivate you: this means making sure that they
are important to you, and that there is value in achieving them.
Five Golden Rules
Knowing these steps will allow you to formulate goals that you can accomplish.

2. Set SMART Goals

There are many variations of what SMART stands for, but the essence is this – goals should be: SMART
S – Specific (or Significant).
• Set Specific Goals
Your goal must be clear and well defined.

M – Measurable (or Meaningful).

• Set Measurable Goals
Include precise amounts, dates, and so on in your goals so you can measure your degree of success.
A – Attainable (or Action-Oriented).
• Set Attainable Goals
Make sure that it's possible to achieve the goals you set.

R – Relevant (or Rewarding).

• Set Relevant Goals
Goals should be relevant to the direction you want your life and career to take.

T – Time-bound (or Trackable).

• Set Time-Bound Goals
Your goals must have a deadline.
Five Golden Rules
Knowing these steps will allow you to formulate goals that you can accomplish.

3. Set Goals in Writing

The physical act of writing down a goal makes it real and tangible.
Five Golden Rules
Knowing these steps will allow you to formulate goals that you can accomplish.

4. Make an Action Plan

This step is often missed in the process of goal setting.

Five Golden Rules
Knowing these steps will allow you to formulate goals that you can accomplish.

5. Stick With It!

Remember, goal setting is an ongoing activity, not just a means to an end.

Goal setting works because you work on it. It will never work for you if you are not willing to do
the work and take action..

Remember, you must have a strong intention, think about your goals and work on them consistently to
achieve them.

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”

~ Tony Robbins

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