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Eng l
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7 Wonders of the World

The Nazca lines are geoglyphs, located in an arid coastal area of Peru, that cover about 170 square
miles. The lines are etched into the ground and there are literally thousands of different designs
depicting creatures from both the natural world and the imagination. These designs feature animals
such as the spider, the Nazca lines hummingbird, the monkey, the lizard, the pelican, and a whale. You
can also find plant designs like trees, flowers, and geometric shapes like wavy lines, triangles, spirals,
and rectangles.
This otherworldly expanse of red rock and stone spires is like nowhere else. With more than 2,000 sandstone
arches, the largest concentration in the world, the place is like another planet, an enormous natural sculpture
garden carved by eons of wind and rain. And 2021 is a good time to visit. The national park will turn 50, plus
there are many rock stars to explore: Landscape Arch, the longest at 306ft and in the shape of a rainbow; North
Window, the sun rising through it each morning like a golden iris. Come here at dawn and the stone glows soft
pink; at sunset, it lights up in a fiery orange. This spot is unique among the landscapes of the world.

For the Brazilian Amazon, 2020 was the worst year in more than a decade. Under President Bolsonaro’s direction,
the deforestation of the largest tropical rainforest on the globe is being accelerated year on year. But the Amazon
needs to survive. It’s said to be home to around 400 billion trees, essential for helping to combat global warming,
along with 10 per cent of the world’s species. About six per cent of the planet’s oxygen is produced here, while one
fifth of its freshwater is stored in its basin. Remarkably, 25 per cent of all prescription medicines are derived from
rainforest plants, yet less than five per cent have been studied for their medicinal potential. There could be cures for
numerous conditions waiting to be discovered in the Amazon, but if we’re not careful it’ll be gone before we’ve
had a look.

Geoglyphs Therworldly Numerous

The lizard The deforestation

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