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My Fall Fitness

Jillian Clavette
Period 5
The Five components of Health-
Cardiovascular fitness- The mile run testsfitness
how far we can push ourselves and
our cardiovascular system.

Muscular strength- The push up test measures our muscular capability and
assesses how far we can push ourselves.

Muscular endurance- The plank assesses how long our abs can hold us up.

Flexibility- This test shows us how far we can stretch our body.

Body composition- This is the proportion of fat and non-fat mass in your
Baseline Fitness Data

Answer this question: We need to know our baseline fitness data to know how we can
improve during our fitness journey. This allows us to set goals and track our improvement
as we begin to exercise and test our insurance.
Cardiovascular Endurance
1 Mile Run/Jog/Walk - First Try
Current Score: 20:15


Reasoning/Why: I don’t run too much in my personal life, but I used to play
soccer and could run a 8 minute mile. It would be nice to keep testing my
endurance and improve myself enough until I can run a 15 minute mile. My goal
is to shave off five minutes in a duration of time.
Muscular Strength
Push Ups (1 min)-First Try
Current Score: 8 mod

SMART GOAL: 11 reg

Reasoning/Why: If I continue to go to the gym and build muscle I think I will

be able to do 11 real push ups so I think this is a reasonable goal for myself.
Also I’m a little embarrassed I have to do modulated pushups so that's
motivation to improve myself.
Muscular Endurance
Plank - First Try
Current Score: 29 seconds

Smart GOAL: 1 minute

Reasoning/Why: I need to be able to improve my muscular endurance and I

think if I focus and set goals to get better then I think I'll be able to do a
minute plank.
Cardiovascular Endurance
1 Mile Re-test
I didn't do a retest since I already did the mile at a different high school where I did about
the same, 20 minutes.
Muscular Strength
For my retest I did 13 modulated push ups which isn't much of an improvement but
thinking positively, it's still an improvement. This to me is successful and I hope to
continue to get better.
Muscular Endurance
For the second plank I was able to hold myself up for 45 seconds. Again, this isn't the goal
that I set but I did improve and that is something to recognize. I hope as I continue on I
will be able to keep this up.
Final Analysis of Fitness Data
Overall, I improved on all aspects of my journey so to me, that means I was successful
this semester. I may have not reached the exact goals I set but I will continue on to test
myself. For example, I started the year doing 8 modulated pushups, for the retest I was
able to do 13 modulated pushups. Improvement!
Personal Fitness Plan
I recently got a gym membership to help with anxiety and to physically exhaust myself so
mentally I will be able to relax a little bit. Plus during the winter I have to get some dopamine doing
something, so I figured I should begin to start exercising. I started going weekly, and I want to
keep that up until I start to feel toned. I’m not looking to lose weight, I just want to be able to
improve myself. That is my personal fitness plan.
My Fall Fitness Journey Reflection
Over this semester I came into wellness without wanting to put that much effort in, but as
the year went on I started to open up a little bit. Overall, I’m happy that I at least improved
and can set more goals for myself to become a better person. Over the last three years I
never changed and I was okay with my bad habits and who I was. Now, with the help of
some people I love im starting to change many aspects with my life. I can't wait until I
take wellness next year, see you then.

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