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scientific evidence

for the big bang

The History Of Red Shift
According to the wikipedia, it started in 19th In 1887, Vogel and Scheiner discovered the
century of wave mechanics and the exploration annual Doppler effect, the yearly change in the
of phenomena associated with the Doppler Doppler shift of stars located near the ecliptic
effect. which we could notice later on, the due to the orbital velocity of the Earth. In 1901,
connection between redshift and dopler effect. It Aristarkh Belopolsky verified optical redshift in
is named after Christian Doppler who first the laboratory using a system of rotating
examined the effect. The first dopler red shift mirrors.
was described by French physicist Hippolyte
Fizeau in 1848, who pointed to the shift in
spectral lines seen in stars as being due to the The earliest occurrence of the term red-shift in
Doppler effect. The effect is sometimes called the print (in this hyphenated form) appears to be by
"Doppler–Fizeau effect". William Huggins was American astronomer Walter S. Adams in 1908,
the first to determine the velocity of a star in which he mentions "Two methods of
moving away from the Earth by this method. In investigating that nature of the nebular red-
1871, optical redshift was confirmed when the shift".
phenomenon was observed in Fraunhofer lines
using solar rotation, about 0.1 Å in the red.
Red Shift
In 1910, Vesto Slipher discovered that galaxies is moving far away from the earth, and it was answered in 1927 where Georges lemaitere
stated that the reason why the galaxies are moving far way from the earth is because of the expansion of the universe. He said galaxies
are not moving but actually because the universe is expanding, many people doesn’t believe him since it lacks evidences and scientific
explanations. until 1929 where Edwin hubble discovered that the reason why galaxies are moving away from earth is because of red
shift, he stated that all galaxies have high red shift, meaning high wavelength. and It’s called red shift sice, red is the highest wave length
in spectrum.

Red Shift can be explained through Doppler Effect, when the wavelength of the wave increases as the wave travels away from the server,
The Ambulance being the source of noise, the siren is the sound wavelength,the nearer the source the loudest it become and if it go
passes you, the sound will lessen but still spreading, yo can stil hear it even though it’s far and that loud as before, same as the galaxies,
according to hubble, galaxies have high red shift, that means it’s moving and while it moves the wavelength expands, galaxies became
more distant from each other, they’ll look much far away, and it just prove that the universe is indeed expanding becase galaxies are
moving and It’s the first evidence to prove that big bang theory is indeed true,and universe is still expanding up until now.
Primeval Atom theory

IN 1931 Georges lemaitere, published a book entitled Primeval

Atom Theory, in this book he stated that, if the univerese today is
still expanding it means there is a possibility that a few billion years
ago, our univeres is just the size of an atom, that they later on called
singularity, an extremely hot, dense, and small thing.

Cosmic Microwave Background

In 1964, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered

But if the wavelength is 380- 750 nano meters, can be
Cosmic Microwave Background, which is the second
detected by our eyes, and we could see them as visible
evidence of the Bigbang theory, because of this, the
discoverers earned the 1978 Nobel Prize in Physics.
If the wavelength is smaller than the radiowaves and
Cosmic microwave Background is like an evidence that
bigger than infrared rays, it’s called microwave,same as
there is indeed a big bang theory.
the waves that microwave emits to warm or cook the food
For further understanding for example, when we shout
in microwave oven, also this microwave are used in
inside the bathroom, there will be an echo, and that echo
internet, thes kind of microwave is what we could also see
can be an evidence that we shouted.
in the cosmic microwave background, so it just means,
there might be a reason why microwave oven are called
microwave oven right?
Light is a wave, an electro magnetic that changes, it
depends on it’s wavelength or length of it’s wave.
One thing we must always remember is that the shorter the
the electromagnetic wave who have longer wave are
wavelength the more energetic it is, the longer the
called radio waves, we couldn’t see radiowaves since it’s
wavelength th less energetic it is, gamma rays and x-rays
wavelength is too huge, and gamma rays are the small
are energetic, that’s also the reason why we take
wavelength, we couldn’t see it since it’s too small.
Cosmic microwave background
According to Scientist universe release a very energetic radiation from thousand years ago after the
bigbang, and since it’s 13 billion years ago, the radiation changes, it moves far away, and started to
dissipate or lessen the energy, and till today it will lessen and lessen, that energy becomes particles that
later on become part of microwave spectrum, that’s the reason is called cmic microwave background.
So how did the cosmic microwave background become an evidence of big bang theory?
3 minutes after the universe expanded of after the bigbang, electrons, neutrons and protons were made,
and that time because of the high temperature, both electron, neutrons and protons can’t combine to form
an atom,and because electrons are everywhere, they are blocking the radiation, so 400,000 years after the
big bang, the universe started to get cold since, it’s been a hundred years and the universe is expanding,
the protons, neutrons and electron combines to form an atom. and also because of that the radiation is
free again from travelling everywhere since electrons already have a job, and stopped blocking the
radiation. Up until now these radiation is still travelling and still continue to lessen, dissipate and
become what we called cosmic microwave background, our entire space and atmosphere are full of
cosmic microwave background.
That’s also the reason why the rival theory of bigbang theory, the steady state theory
lost some believers or fans, since it can’t explain the cosmic microwaveave
background, big bang theory can easily explain why we have cosmic microwave
background, and that is because after the expansion releases radiation, and the
rediation lessen, dissipate it become the cosmic microwave theory and up until now
it’s still happening.
Another example is when you are in the middle of a swimming pool and drop a stone
infront of you, there will be waves around the rock, that waves you saw could be the
evidenceat there is a rock dropped there a few minutes ago, cause and effect.
Same as the cosmic microwave background could also use as an evidence that there
is indeed a phenomenon happened and that phenomenon is called big bang theory.
Cosmic Elemental Abundances of
Hydrogen and Helium and Big Bang
It started a few seconds after the big bang, quarks This evidence also has a connection of the cosmic microwave
combine to form protons and neutrons, and later background.
on, protons and neutrons form helium lithium, and
The universe is too hot after the bigbang, and protons and neutrons are
beryllium through the process of bigbang
too energetic that if they combine, they crushed and after 400 thousand
nucleosynthesis. years the universe expands and since the universe expands, it cools, and
according to sir Bogart of Science Kwela, there are neutrons and protons combined and from there bigbang nucleosynthesis
4 things we need to remember to further understand started.
the connection of bigbang nucleosynthesis in the
Basically nucleosynthesis is formed by combining protons and neutrons
formation of these light elements. and resulting to a deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen, since it has 1
1. The Bigbang is an expansion of the space. proton.
2. As the universe expands, it cools. When deuterium hits another neutron forms helium, and it requires a lot
of energy to form lithium and beryllium since they are more heavy, there
3. The more energetic the particles are, the higher
their temperature will be and the more hotter. are only less berrylium and lithium where made in the starting of the
universe, and more on hydrogen and helium since they are easy to make.
4. The Identity of the element depends on how
So that’s why they say the Universe starts of with 75% hydrogen and 25%
many protons it has.
of helium.
The Universe temperature continue to drop, where protons and neutrons no longercan combine, they lack energy, it’s too cold, and when it’s too
cold means the universe continued to expand and the radiation started to lessen, now where do they get heat from? where in the universe do they
find heat?
It’s the sun, or what we also called stars, and stars also made the heavier elements, through nuclear fusion.
Stellar Nebula - The birth palce of the stars, clumps of dust and gases, unfurtunately it got so big that it collapses on it’s own gravity, because of
this, the dust compresed, and there comes friction that produces heat, and these heat are the one used to combine hydrogen atom, to form
helium, this phenomenon is what we called nuclear fusion.

Nuclear Fusion- to fuse hydrogen atom to create helium, and these process releases energy, at this moment this is the job of our sun, the energy
that the sun emits is from the hydrogen inside it.
And if there will be a nuclear fusion inside the sun, there will be a lot of radiation and energy that will be release, that’s the reason why It’s hot.
If the hydrogen went out inside a medium sun like our sun, it will become a red giant and will create helium that forms heavy elements like
beryllium, carbon, and oxygen, soon it will growm bigger until the outer layer of the red giant will be released and become a planetary nebula, it
will leave a hot core that we call white dwarf, and eventually when it’s core becomes empty it will be a black dwarf.
If a star is a big star ut will become a reder giant, it can fuse neon, silicon, iron, until it collapses and become the biggest explosion called
Gold and silver are found from the supernova.
Neutron Capture- the core can be a neutron star or black hole.
Neutron star merger- when there will be collision of stars, and there will be formed more heavier elements.
The resources and that
I’ve gathered is mostly
from the youtube channel
Science Kwela (Big Bang
Theory Series) ,which I
highly recommend. and
some are from wikipedia.

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