Job Hazard Analysis

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Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Training

2011 V1

- OSHA 3017 Guidebook
- University of California, Berkeley, EHS Dept JSA Library
- 11006115 Copyright ©2000 Business & Legal Reports, Inc.
Course Overview/Description
The information provided is intended to assist supervisors, directors,
department heads, managers, etc., improve the quality of their
working conditions, and reduce the occurrence of workplace injuries
and illness, while increasing worker productivity and morale, and
maintaining compliance with regulatory agencies. This course
provides the techniques and resources required to perform a
Job Hazard Analysis (JHA).

JHA training objectives include:

• Define a Job Hazard Analysis
• Identify how the JHA can be a valuable
planning, production, profit and safety tool
• Identify which jobs to assess and how to prioritize
• Know the 4 step process of completing a Job Hazard Analysis
Workers in the first year with their new employer
account for more than 50% of disabling claims

 So why are these workers getting hurt?

 They receive little or no safety training

 They perform unsafe work procedures

 They use inadequate Personal

Protective Equipment (PPE)

 There is no safety oversight

The Job Hazard Analysis Defined

 A Job Hazard Analysis is a technique that focuses on

job tasks as a way to identify hazards before they
result in injury, illness, property damage, or worse
 It focuses on the relationship between the worker, the
task, the tools, and the work environment
 Ideally, after you identify uncontrolled hazards, you
will take steps to eliminate or reduce them to an
acceptable risk level
 A JHA is also known as a Job Safety Analysis or JSA
- Both are considered the same
The Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA)
 OSHA requires employers to furnish a place of
employment free of recognized hazards that are
causing, or likely to cause death or serious
physical harm to employees
 Employers (UAF) must comply with occupational
safety and health standards set under the
General Duty Clause, section 5(a)(1) of the
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
 The most common and useful tool used to
comply with this requirement is the JHA!
Regulatory Requirements

 There are several other OSHA regulations that require

the need for specific hazard assessments
 Failure to assess hazards in the workplace could lead
to injuries or illness, and costly OSHA citations and
penalties (fines) against your department and UAF

 OSHA is very likely to review your hazard assessment

(JHA) program in the event of an accident/illness
on the job, especially if the injury/illness results in a
worker hospitalization
 Completing your JHAs helps ensure you have both a
safe and regulatory compliant workplace!
Completing your JHAs is a good thing!

Benefits of JHAs include:

 Reduced injuries
 Reduced absenteeism
 Increased productivity
 Increased morale
 And it protects employees!
More benefits of a JHA

 Sets performance standards

 Standardizes operations based on acceptable
safe practices and PPE
 Provides a form of training documentation
regarding the employee’s knowledge of the
job requirements.
 Complies with many OSHA requirements!
As you can see, completing your JHAs is a
WIN-WIN situation for you AND UAF!
Job Hazard Analysis - KEY TERMS
 What is a JOB?
Any activity (mental or physical, or both) that has
been assigned to an employee as a responsibility and
carries with it both positive and/or negative
consequences based on the performance of that job.

Examples of a job include:

 Operating a forklift
 Unpacking heavy boxes and stacking books
on upper shelves
 A research project using chemicals in a laboratory
 Using hand or power tools to fix something
Job Hazard Analysis - KEY TERMS
 What is a HAZARD?
A hazard is the potential for harm. In practical terms, a
hazard often is associated with a condition or activity
that, if left uncontrolled, can result in an injury or
Examples of a hazardous activity or condition include:
 Using a table saw with a missing blade guard (cut hazard)
 Using a corrosive cleaning solvent (exposure hazard)
 Working on a rooftop that has no guard rails (fall hazard)
 Manually lifting 100 pound boxes (lifting injury hazard)
 Performing welding activities (burn and inhalation hazards)
 Performing medical response activities (biological hazard)
 Working outdoors in an extreme weather environment
(physical hazards like heat or cold stress)
Job Hazard Analysis - KEY TERMS
What is a CONTROL?
 Safe procedures or other protective measures
 Any provision taken to reduce or eliminate the exposure to a hazard.

Types of controls include:

 Engineering Controls
 Administrative Controls
 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

To assist you in developing your JHAs, various types and examples

of controls will be further explained later in the presentation
So then, the JHA process is
 The breaking down of a job into its component
steps and then evaluating each step for potential
or known hazards
 Each identified hazard is then corrected or a
control method of worker protection (safe
practice or Personal Protective Equipment)
is identified and implemented
 The final product is a written standard of safe
operation for that particular job.
 The JHA will be completed using the UAF JHA
Template found on our website
As you begin your JHAs, you may find there
are several styles or formats used to include
versions from:
 OSHA Publication 3071, JHA Guidebook

 The Facilities Services JHA Manual

 The Historical UAF JHA/Risk Assessment


 This is the current and recommended format to
use when developing your UAF JHAs
 We will go over this form in depth, later in the
Example: OSHA 3071 Guidebook
JHA Format
Too Simple..
not enough detailed information!
Example: Facilities Services
JHA Format
Somewhat confusing….job
Hazard Analysis #28 steps
Drum, 30-55not included
Gal (Handling)
and information is not logically listed
Task Hazard Cause Prevention

General Use Eye Injury Splashes Goggles (for handling

Trauma Impact exposed chemicals)
Foot Injury Dropped object on foot Situational awareness,
gloves, and wear safety

Safety Shoes/boots
1. Use two people to move/lift heavy drums.
2. Read and understand Material Safety Data Sheet for chemical being handled.
3. Know where the nearest emergency eye wash/shower is and ensure a clear path.
4. Plan movement route to avoid hazards and minimize exposure to chemicals.
5. Use mechanical means to handle drums if available.
6. Secure drums when in transit to avoid tipping and spilling contents.
7. Be aware of drains along travel path to avoid any chemical entering the waste system in case of a spill.
8. Use proper body mechanics when handling heavy/awkward loads.
9. Only move drums when properly closed (unless empty and purged).
10. Push drums versus pulling them on a dolly to prevent them from falling on worker in case of a fall.
11. Operate all equipment in strict accordance with Manufacturer’s instructions.
12. Only authorized users can operate equipment.
13. Report any observed defect or safety hazard to your supervisor immediately.
14. Where any object handled would possibly cause injury to feet if dropped, safety shoes will be worn.
15. Where any object handled could possibly cause cuts, punctures or abrasions to hands, appropriate gloves will be worn. (Exception: where rotating machinery presents a
greater hazard of entangling gloves, they are optional at the supervisor’s discretion).
16. Keep hands, hair and loose clothing clear of all moving parts.
Historical UAF JHA Format
Again, somewhat confusing for users to
accurately complete
With feedback from customers like you,
we’ve found these previous JHA formats to
be over-simplified or just too confusing
This is the current, more user friendly,
2010 JHA FORMAT now used at UAF
The 2010 JHA form is comprised of a few
key areas you’ll need to understand

Department Name and Description of Job Assessed



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Re otec

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Pe uip

rso m

na ent

Page 2 (reverse) of the 2010 JHA form

JHA Continuation Sheet

Job Description_________________________________________

Task Step Extra rows to include

Hazard(s)all the job steps Controls

Other JHA information

Photos Attach or link/references to photographs, flowcharts,
Flow Charts:
diagrams, other chemical or equipment information, etc.
So….where do you begin??

Your basic course of action will be to….

 Involve your employees
 Review your accident history
 Conduct a preliminary job review
 List/rank/set priorities for hazardous jobs
 Finally…Complete a Job Hazard Analysis
using the 2010 UAF JHA form!
Involve your Employees…

 They possess a unique understanding of their

specific jobs, and this knowledge is invaluable
for assessing job details and identifying hazards
 Helps minimize oversights
(by using the experts)
 Ensures a quality analysis
 Gets workers to “buy in” to the solutions because
they will share ownership in their safety and health
Review your Accident History

 Review your worksite’s history of accidents and

occupational illnesses that needed treatment, losses
that required repair or replacement, and any “near
misses” - events in which an accident or loss did not
occur, but could have.

 These events are indicators that the existing hazard

controls (if any) may not be adequate and deserve
more scrutiny (further evaluation).

 EHS&RM can review historical incident/accident

information at your request
Conduct a preliminary job review
(start a list of jobs that you perform)
 Brainstorm with your co-workers. Start by making a list of
the jobs you do, both daily and the non-routine
 Discuss with your employees the hazards they know
exist in their current work and surroundings. This may
identify a particular job to assess
 Ensure your fellow employees understand you are
evaluating the jobs they perform, not their performance!
 As you brainstorm, think of ideas to eliminate or control
those hazards (this will be a major step in completing a
 As you conduct this preliminary job review, if you identify
any hazards that pose an immediate danger to an
employee’s life or health, take immediate action to
protect the worker, don’t wait to complete the JHA first!
Now that you have this long list of
jobs….which ones need a JHA?
 Jobs with high accident and injury rates
 Jobs with the potential to cause severe or disabling
injuries or illness, even if there is no history of
previous accidents
 Jobs where there has been close calls/near misses (an
event that could have resulted in harm to the worker,
but did not, either by chance or timely intervention)
 New jobs (never evaluated)
 Jobs with new procedure or process changes
 Jobs complex enough to require written instructions
Additionally, you may have to prioritize
which jobs get assessed first

 Jobs that present unacceptable risks where hazards are

most likely to occur and with the most severe
consequences, should be a first priority consideration
 Example High Priority JHA: A job with prior related
injury resulting in fatality, the need for medical attention,
the loss of one or more workdays, job transfer, or loss of

 Jobs where one simple human error could lead to a

severe accident or injury should be the (highest priority)
Who should perform the JHA?

 As you are taking this JHA course, you have been

chosen to either develop or oversee the
development of JHAs for your department

 Make sure you have a knowledgeable person assist

with the assessment. Remember, use your experts!

 It should be a joint effort between those actually

performing the job, supervisors, safety personnel,
maintenance personnel, and any other persons having
specific knowledge of the particular job being
Steps in Performing a JHA

 Step 1—Watch the job being done

 Step 2—Break the job down into steps
 Step 3—Identify the hazards in each step
 Step 4—Recommend safe procedures
and protection measures (controls)

Let’s walk through each step of completing a JHA

Step 1- Watch the job being done

Effective methods to watch the

job being done include:

- Video
- Observation
- Photos
- Sketches

• Your notes will help establish job steps later

Step 2 - Breaking Down the Job
 List each job step in order of occurrence (sequence)

 Describe each action during the step

Remember...KEEP IT SIMPLE!
 Avoid making the breakdown so detailed that an
unnecessarily large number of steps results

 Avoid making the job breakdown so general that basic

steps are not recorded
 General rule of thumb is no more than 10 steps per job
Example Job Steps for…..
Changing a Flat Tire
 Pull off road
 Put car in “park” Too Many Steps!
 Set brake
 Activate emergency flashers
 Open door
 Get out of car
 Walk to trunk
 Put key in lock
 Open trunk
 Remove jack
 Remove Spare tire
 Enough steps to analyze the job???
Example Job Steps for…..
Changing a Flat Tire
 Park car
 take off flat tire
 put on spare tire
 drive away

-- Not Enough Steps for this task!

-- Skipped steps = missed hazards!
Now, how about this?

 Park car, set brake

 remove jack & tire from trunk
 loosen lug nuts
 jack up car
 remove tire
 set new tire
 jack down car
 tighten lug nuts
 store tire & jack - Just Right!
- Less than 10 steps
- Most important steps listed
- Key hazards can be identified
So far, so good!
 We’ve observed the job
being performed
 We have also broken a job
down into it’s sequential steps

 Now comes the fun part, playing detective

 As you watch the job being performed, you may
notice situations (hazards) that could cause harm to
the worker(s), the equipment being used, or the
environment in which they are working
 Next we’ll discuss how to identify these HAZARDS
Identifying hazards is indeed an exercise
in detective work! During this step you
must ask yourself…..

 What can go wrong?

 How could it happen?
 What are the consequences?
 What are other contributing factors?
 How likely is it that the hazard will occur?
 What could prevent it?
Step 3- Identifying the Hazards in
Each Step
 The information gathered in step 3 will be valuable in helping
to eliminate and/or reduce hazards associated with the job,
and improve the system weaknesses that produced them.

 Conduct a “what if” scenario for each step

 Review product/equipment labels and manuals for assistance

in hazard identification (the work is often already done for
you). ALWAYS consult the:
- Owners/Manufacturer Manual
- Material Safety Data Sheets
- Other technical data
Some typical questions to ask when
evaluating a job step for hazards…..
 Are there any known or potential chemical or radiation
 Any excessive noise produced or encountered?
 Proper ventilation to remove contaminants?
 Is lighting adequate?
 Are emergency exits clearly marked?
 Any potential electrical shock/exposure?
 Is Personal Protective Equipment being used or should it be
More questions to ask when
evaluating a job step for hazards…..
 Any lifting or moving heavy objects?
 Does work involve repetitive movements?
 Any work in extreme outdoor weather?
 Any indoor heat/cold stress?
 Are cuts/lacerations possible?
 Is equipment used with blades or other cutting/grinding parts?
 Any work with radioactive sources or emitters?
 Any work with dangerous biological agents?
Here are some
Common Hazards and Descriptions
 Chemical (Toxic): Chemical A chemical that exposes a person by
absorption (Toxic) through the skin, inhalation, or through the blood
stream that causes illness, disease, or death. The amount of chemical
exposure is critical in determining hazardous effects. Check Material
Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), and/or OSHA 1910.1000 for chemical
hazard information.
 Chemical (Flammable): A chemical that, when exposed to a heat
ignition (Flammable) source, results in combustion. Typically, the
lower a chemical’s flash point and boiling point, the more flammable
the chemical. Check MSDS for flammability information.
 Chemical (Corrosive): A chemical that, when it comes into contact
with (Corrosive) skin, metal, or other materials, damages the
materials. Acids and bases are examples of corrosives.
Common Hazards and
 Explosion (Chemical Reaction): Self explanatory

 Explosion (Over-pressurization): Sudden and violent release

of a large amount of gas/energy due to a significant pressure
difference such as rupture in a boiler or compressed gas cylinder.

 Electrical Shock/Short Circuit: Electrical contact with

exposed conductors or a device that is incorrectly or
inadvertently grounded, such as when a metal ladder comes into
contact with
power lines. 60Hz alternating current (common house current) is
very dangerous because it can stop the heart.

 Electrical (Fire): Use of electrical power that results in

electrical overheating or arcing to the point of combustion or
Common Hazards and
 Electrical (Static/ESD): The moving or rubbing of wool, nylon,
other synthetic fibers, and even flowing liquids can generate static
electricity. This creates an excess or deficiency of electrons on the
surface of material that discharges (spark) to the ground resulting in
the ignition of flammables or damage to electronics or the body’s
nervous system.
 Electrical (Loss of power): Safety-critical equipment failure as a
result of loss of power.
 Ergonomics (Strain): Damage of tissue due to overexertion
(strains and sprains), awkward postures, or repetitive motion.
 Ergonomics (Human error): A system design, procedure, or
equipment that is error-provocative. (A switch goes up to
turn something off).
Common Hazards and
 Excavation (Collapse): Soil collapse in a trench or excavation as
a result of improper or inadequate shoring. Soil type is critical in
determining the hazard likelihood.
 Falls (Slips and trips): Conditions that result in falls (impacts)
from height or traditional walking surfaces (such as slippery floors,
poor housekeeping, uneven walking surfaces, exposed ledges, etc.)
 Fire/Heat: Temperatures that can cause burns to the skin or
damage to other organs. Fires require a heat source, fuel, and
 Mechanical Vibration/Chaffing/Fatigue: Vibration that can
cause damage to nerve endings, or material fatigue that results in a
safety-critical failure. (Examples are abraded slings and ropes,
weakened hoses and belts.)
Common Hazards and
 Mechanical Failure: Self explanatory; typically occurs when
devices exceed designed capacity or are inadequately maintained.

 Mechanical: Skin, muscle, or body part exposed to crushing,

caught-between, cutting, tearing, shearing items or equipment.

 Noise: Noise levels (>85 dBA 8 hr TWA) that result in hearing

damage or inability to communicate safety-critical information.

 Radiation (Ionizing): Alpha, Beta, Gamma, neutral particles, and

X-rays that cause injury (tissue damage) by ionization of cellular
Common Hazards and
 Radiation (Non-ionizing): Ultraviolet, visible light,
infrared, and microwaves that cause injury
to tissue by thermal or photochemical means.
 Struck By (Mass acceleration): Accelerated mass
that strikes the body causing injury or death. (Examples
are falling objects and projectiles.)
 Struck Against: Injury to a body part as a result of
coming into contact of a surface in which action was
initiated by the person. (An example is when a
screwdriver slips.)
Common Hazards and
 Temperature Extremes (Heat/Cold): Temperatures
that result in heat stress, exhaustion, or metabolic
slow down such as hypothermia.
 Visibility: Lack of lighting or obstructed vision
that results in an error or other hazard.

 Violence In The Workplace: Any violent act that

occurs in the workplace and creates a hostile work
environment that affects employees’ physical or
psychological well-being.
 Biological: Primarily airborne and blood borne viruses.
Weather Events

Weather can create hazardous work conditions

 Snow and Ice
 Rain
 Wind
 Extreme Heat and Cold
 Lightning
Example Hazard Scenario 1

 In a machine shop, a worker occasionally

clears equipment snags by reaching into a
machine cabinet, within inches of a
rotating pulley.

Could there be a hazard to the

worker during this activity?

YES! From fingers/hand getting

caught in moving machinery
In the previous scenario, you should consider
the following hazard concerns as
you perform a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) :
 What can go wrong?
The worker’s hand could come into contact with a rotating
pulley that “catches” it and pulls it into the machine.
 What are the consequences?

The worker could receive a severe injury, possibly losing

 How couldor
it ahappen?

The accident could happen as a result of the worker trying to

clear a snag during operations or as part of a maintenance
 What are other contributing factors?
activity while the pulley is operating.

This hazard occurs very quickly and leaves little time to react.
Example Hazard Scenario 2
 A worker in a Laboratory uses several gases
for a research project. The gases include
nitrogen, argon, helium, and carbon dioxide.
 Could there be any hazard(s) associated with
using these gases in a lab setting?
Yes! Many lab gases will list the known
hazards right on their cylinder label. You
can also find the hazards printed right on
the material safety data sheet (MSDS) for
each specific gas used.
Again, consider the following?
 What can go wrong?
The cylinders or hoses could leak or burst, releasing the gas.
Cylinders could fall over breaking off the regulator, literally
creating a rocket. Improper regulator could burst hoses/lines.
 What are the consequences?
These gases can cause rapid asphyxiation and death when
inhaled. Additionally, these gases as a liquid or a gas can

 How severeit frostbite
happen?to the skin and eyes. Explosion injuries.
Workers not ensuring proper seating/tightness of cylinder
and hose connections. Improper storage (unsecure cylinders).
Using improper cylinder regulators (incompatible PSI ratings)

 What are other contributing factors?

Possible that workers were not trained in lab safety procedures
Give yourself a round of applause!

 We’ve learned how to observe the job

being performed
 We know how a job is broken down
into it’s sequential steps
 And we’ve discussed various hazards
you might encounter on the job

Finally, we’ve come to the last step, choosing the

appropriate safety controls or procedures to reduce
or eliminate the hazard(s)
Step 4- Recommend Safe Procedures
and Protection Measures (Controls)
When the hazard cannot be eliminated, consider
a “Control Method Hierarchy” to bring the
hazard to an acceptable risk. The methods, in
order of preference, are:

 Engineering Controls
 Administrative Controls
 Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)

Controls protect the worker and/or the

Engineering Controls: when
possible, use these first!
 These controls focus on the source of the hazard, unlike
other types of controls that generally focus on the employee
exposed to the hazard.
 The basic concept behind engineering
controls is that, to the
extent feasible, the work
environment and the
job itself should be designed
to eliminate hazards or reduce exposure to hazards
 In this example, a fume hood removes hazardous
contaminants away from the worker’s breathing zone
Examples of Engineering Controls
 Dilution or local exhaust ventilation systems -
exhaust harmful agents away from the worker
 Sound dampening materials or enclosures
- reduce potentially harmful noise exposures
 Use soap/water instead of hazardous cleaner
- replacing harmful chemicals with safer substitutes
 Attaching dust collectors on grinding/sanding tools -
help prevent contaminants from reaching workers
 Using cool, instead of heated, solvents -
reduce breathable, harmful vapors
 Machine Guarding
- Guards prevent contact with moving, dangerous parts
Administrative Controls

 Administrative controls, or management

controls, may result in a reduction of exposure
through such methods as:
 Changing work habits
 Improving sanitation and hygiene practices
 Altering work schedules
 Making other changes in the way the
employee performs the job
Try Administrative Controls when engineering
controls are not feasible due to cost or other limitations
Personal Protective Equipment
 When exposure to hazards cannot be
engineered completely out of normal
operations or maintenance work; and

 when safe work practices and administrative

controls cannot provide sufficient additional
protection from exposure

 Use PPE as a last resort!

There are many types of PPE
 Fall protection (harness, lanyards, guardrails, etc,)
 Safety glasses (with and without side shields)
 Chemical protective clothing
 Welding gear (apron, sleeves, hood/goggle lens, etc.)
 Respirators (air-purifying and supplied-air)
 Gloves (Chemical or heat resistant, leather, etc.)
 Eye goggles/face shields
 Protective footwear (safety-toe shoes/boots)
 Hardhats and bump caps
 Hearing protection (ear plugs and muffs)
 and many more!
PPE Selection Guides: can help you
determine the proper PPE you’ll need
 1910 Subpart I App B (eye, face, head, feet)
 OSHA Respiratory Protection eTool.
 Glove Selection Guide
 National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH)
 Please consult with EHS&RM for assistance!
Other “specific” information to
include on the JHA form…..
 Is work specific training or certification required to
perform the job? If so, list it.
 Specific types of shop equipment must be listed
(by manufacturer name, model#, etc.)
 Specific chemical product(s) must be listed
 Specific required PPE must be listed.
- List “ 3ml Nitrile gloves”, not “rubber gloves”
 Are only certain individuals assigned this job?
A completed JHA =
Safe Operating Procedures
 A completed JHA can be effectively used as a
training tool and “Safe Operating Procedure”

 Any person performing the job can use the

JHA as a guide to safely and effectively
perform the tasks involved

 A signed JHA is also evidence of OHSA

compliance regarding hazard assessment,
hazard recognition, and the right to know law!
When is a JHA Revised?

 When an accident or injury occurs

 When the job changes
 After a Near Miss (close call)
 Following an employee complaint
 If equipment suffers damage
 Per a scheduled review (e.g., biannually)
OK…Lets do a “simple” JHA!

-Using an Office Paper Cutter-

 First we’ll list out the sequential steps of
using a typical office paper cutter

 Next we’ll list the associated hazards of using an

office paper cutter
 Finally, we’ll list the controls for safe use
 Hey, I said it was going to be simple…. 
Prepare work area, set up paper cutter
Cutting Paper
Removing waste paper
Moving paper cutter, securing blade
the j
ob steps
Next, list the HAZARD(S) for each of these steps
Lacerations, especially to
Prepare work area, set up paper cutter fingers when unlocking blade
Cutting paper
Removing waste paper the h
Moving paper cutter, securing blade
az ard(
Lacerations to fingers or hand

Lacerations to fingers or hand

Lacerations, especially to
fingers when locking blade

Next, we will look at CONTROLS

for the safe use of the paper cutter
Avoid contact with blade by
making sure blade guard is in
place and handle is locked
down before moving paper
Pick up paper cutter by non-
blade edges. Hold paper cutter
with blade away from the body.
Be aware of co-workers or
Controls for safe use bystanders as you perform this

Avoid contact with blade.

Unlock handle. Ensure finger
guard in place if so equipped.

Lock blade down.

Avoid contact with blade.

Make sure handle is locked

down. Avoid contact with
blade by picking up paper
cutter by non-blade edges.
Hold paper cutter with blade
away from body. Be aware of
co-workers or bystanders as
you perform this task.
Don’t forget to add…

i ni ng
r t ra
utt e
er C
Pap ed
n of ui r
t i o Req
O pera P PE

And list pictures/diagrams, etc. on reverse

Your finished JHA looks like this:

 That’s wasn’t so hard, was it?

 Let’s try another job…

Lets do another JHA! This job is a bit more
complicated than using a paper cutter

Job Description: -Grinding Iron Castings-

A worker reaches into metal box on the floor to the left of the
grinder, grasps a 15-pound casting and carries it to the grinding
wheel. Worker grinds the sharp burrs from 20 to 30 castings per
hour, placing finished castings in box on the floor to the right.

Job Steps
Step 1. Reach down into metal box to left of grinding machine,
grasp casting, and carry to grinding wheel.

Step 2. Push casting against grinding wheel to grind off burr.

Step 3. Place finished casting in box on floor to right of machine.

First, List the job steps
Next, List the Step Hazard(s)
Next, List the hazard CONTROLS
Don’t forget to list
the training and
PPE requirements,
and any applicable
photographs too!

Operation of Table Grinder, Lifting and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Safety Glasses with
Back Safety Training, PPE training side shields, leather gloves, and safety toed
The Completed JHA
A Quick JHA Review
 Develop a list of jobs you perform
 Prioritize which jobs to assess first
 Perform a Job Hazard Analysis by
 Observing the job steps
 Note all hazards associated with each step
 List controls (protective measures) for each hazard
 Note any required training for the job
 Include any relevant pictures, flowcharts, etc.
 Please contact us to review any of your JHAs. We want to ensure you understand this
JHA Assistance and References
o As you begin to perform JHAs in your department, rest
assured that help is always available. EHS&RM can
assist you with any particular questions or concerns
you may have.
o Additionally, there are many resources available to assist
you. On our webpage for example, you will find several
references to help you develop your JHAs, to include:
- This PowerPoint presentation
- Blank JHA templates
- Completed JHAs you can use (cut/paste) in developing
those JHAs specific to YOUR jobs!
o Remember, the best overall JHA resource is:
 The OSHA 3071 JHA Handbook
- also found on our website
You’re almost done.

Please complete the JHA Quiz


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