Kieras Presentation

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Thematic Analysis Presentation

Kiera Thompson
April 4th, 2021
OGL 482
Professor Lawhorn
The following presentation is a qualitative, thematic self-analysis. This will include but not be
limited to personal vision & mission statements. Synthesizing personal-data and experiences will
create the perfect platform on which to evaluate myself and my leadership abilities. This reflection
will create a pathway for me to navigate through the world of leadership. By understanding my
core competencies and where I need improvement, I can start to reach my true potential.
My Data Sources
In the next few slides I will be sharing my data sources as well as the process
behind my research and collection of data.
Data Sources
Life Story Personal Narrative (LSPN)-This reflective exercise required that I create a Choosing an Organization - This assessment requires users to select two answers
substantial narrative of my life story from birth to the present day. Additionally, throughout the from a series of statement clusters, one which they find most accurate to their
retelling of my story, we were required to identify major themes which have persisted personality and one which they believe is least accurate as to their personality.
throughout our life. Each statement has a corresponding value which generates a score for the user in
Big 5 Personality Test- This assessment requires users to select two answers from a series of four categories: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance. 
statement clusters, one which they find most accurate to their personality and one which they
believe is least accurate as to their personality. Each statement has a corresponding value which The Human Resources Frame - This assessment requires users to select two
generates a score for the user in four categories: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and answers from a series of statement clusters, one which they find most accurate to
Compliance.  their personality and one which they believe is least accurate as to their
personality. Each statement has a corresponding value which generates a score for
Identities- This assessment requires users to select two answers from a series of statement
clusters, one which they find most accurate to their personality and one which they believe is the user in four categories: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance. 
least accurate as to their personality. Each statement has a corresponding value which generates
a score for the user in four categories: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance.  Kuder Quizzes - This assessment requires users to select two answers from a
series of statement clusters, one which they find most accurate to their
Values/Dreams- This assessment requires users to select two answers from a series of personality and one which they believe is least accurate as to their personality.
statement clusters, one which they find most accurate to their personality and one which they Each statement has a corresponding value which generates a score for the user in
believe is least accurate as to their personality. Each statement has a corresponding value
four categories: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance.
which generates a score for the user in four categories: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and
Three Questions - This assessment requires users to select two answers from a
LSPN- This assessment requires users to select two answers from a series of statement clusters, series of statement clusters, one which they find most accurate to their
one which they find most accurate to their personality and one which they believe is least personality and one which they believe is least accurate as to their personality.
accurate as to their personality. Each statement has a corresponding value which generates a Each statement has a corresponding value which generates a score for the user in
score for the user in four categories: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance.  four categories: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance. 
My 10 Themes
After looking for and assessing regularities in my research I have developed 10
themes by which to evaluate my leadership abilities and my personal professional
needs/ goals.
10 Themes
Ethical & Open Dialogue
Employee Rights
Enjoyable Company Culture
Work life Balance
Lateral as well as Bottom up Feedback on Issues
Theme 1: Ethical & Open Dialogue
• Theme Statement: A desire to have a culture around me of healthy communication and cohesive understanding. I
find that the best way to feel satisfied at work is the simple notion that your voice matters, and leadership is eager to
hear your ideas.

• Supporting Data:
• Poor Communication Experience – My LSPN
• 98% MATCH: The Skeptic who is preoccupied with security, seek safety, and like to
be prepared for problems – Enneagram Quiz
• “The human resource frame is one that seeks to integrate both employee needs as well as
organizational requirements. Some may refer to this as work-life balance. It can be crucial
to strike the right balance in every situation as a leader. Certain situations may call for a
lower amount of integration while keeping the overall company culture as one of balance
and satisfaction of work” – The Human Resources Frame
Theme 1: Family con’t
Contradictory evidence: There is no contradictory evidence in my
where I did not desire open and ethical dialogue.

Reflection: I believe the strongest evidence for this theme lies in my

LPSN. Through struggle I sought out a way to avoid future and further
adversaries of the same nature. This has lead me to a life time of
working on my communication and setting and respecting boundaries
with others.
Theme 2: Employee Rights
• Theme Statement: From safety standards and meals to benefits and job security, I am passionate about every step
of making sure the employees are being treated fairly.

• Supporting Data:
• Kroger Company & My Role There: “Now that many local governments are imposing a
raise in wages for essential workers as things open-up and we await higher vaccine levels,
Kroger, who made BILLIONS in the pandemic has chosen to close their locations that
would be affected by the $4 increase. They did this to avoid paying their employees what
they deserve. They did this in California and Washington state” – Choosing an
• “The human resource frame is one that seeks to integrate both employee needs as well as
organizational requirements. Some may refer to this as work-life balance. It can be crucial
to strike the right balance in every situation as a leader. Certain situations may call for a
lower amount of integration while keeping the overall company culture as one of balance
and satisfaction of work” – The Human Resources Frame
Theme 1: Employee Rights Cont’
Contradictory evidence: I have a very situational style of leadership. With this
comes a lot of decision making in the moment and know the right call for the
right person and issue. If I make the wrong assumption or perceive
something incorrectly, I can make poor decisions and then I would be
infringing on someone’s employee rights. I cannot think of an example off
hand but I have witnessed many great leaders make this mistake even if just

Reflection: I hope to keep my leadership ego under wraps and that I always
prioritize my employees needs correctly. This fosters a connected and familial
like work-support system.

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