Condition of Service and Employment of AFBL

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Condition of service and employment of AFBL

Akij has followed mixed rule and regulation for their employment policy in which they classify their employees
in following classes according to the nature and condition of work; Namely :

 Apprentice,
 Temporary,
 Probationer, and
 Permanent.
Health and Hygiene

AFBL is completely focused on their health and hygiene issues. AFBL believes that the key of good environment of an
organization is its health and hygiene. SO AFBL focused on cleanliness through accumulation and maintain the
statutory provision of 1948, statutory provisions regarding the health of the workers is stated in the sections 11 to 20.

• Cleanliness (sec 11)

• Disposal of wastes and effluents (sec 12)
• Ventilation and temperature (sec 13)
• Removal of Dust and fumes (sec 14)
• Artificial humidification (sec 15)
• Overcrowding (sec 16)
• Lighting (sec 17)
• Drinking water (sec 18)
• Toilet facilities (sec 19)
• Spittoons (sec 20)
Due to rapid industrialization, industrial workers are exposed to several types of hazards and accidents. Every year lakhs of
workers are injured due to mechanical, chemical; electrical and radiation hazards and it leads to partial or total disablement. So
in recent years, greater attention is given to health and safety due to pressure from government, trade unions, labor laws and
awareness of employers.
According to factories Act, 1948, the statutory provisions regarding the safety of the workers are stated in the sections 21 to 41.
AFBL try to maintain all of them and they are :

• Fencing of machinery (Sec 21)

• Striking gear and devices for cutting off power (Sec 24)
• Casing of new machinery (Sec 26)
• Excessive weights (Sec 34)
• Prohibition of employment of women and children near cotton openers (Sec 27)
• Hoists, lifts, lifting machines (Sec 28&29)
• Revolving machinery (Sec 30)
• Floors, stairs and means of access (Sec 32)
• Precaution in case of fire (Sec 38)
• Safety of buildings and machinery (Sec 40)
Health and safety programs

AFBL has proper and effective workplace health and safety programs that help to save the lives of workers by
reducing hazards and their consequences. They strictly follow below processes:

 Workplace hazards are controlled - at the source whenever possible.

 Records of any exposure are maintained for many years.
 Both workers and employers are informed about health and safety risks in the workplace.
 There is an active and effective health and safety committee that includes both workers and management.
AFBL think that the long run success of company is completely depending on its employee. So, employer must
take care of their employee. AFBL has maintained better work environment, waste management, wages and
salary policy, recruitment policy and safety and security of their employee. in some cases, they have their own
ordinance for the betterment of employee and to maintain the working environment of the organization.

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