Academic Words: Rofiqotul Fitriyati (13320110) Ni'matul Muyassaroh (13320123)

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Rofiqotul Fitriyati (13320110)

Ni’matul Muyassaroh (13320123)
What Is a Academic Word?

The Academic Word , is words that appear quite

frequently in academic texts, like science and
medical texts. The words are grouped into 10 sublists
that reflect word frequency. Thus, the first sublist
contains words with the highest frequency and the
last sublist contains the words with the lowest. Each
sublist contains 60 words except sublist 10, which
contains 30 words.
Academic Word can be defined as

1) the words used in the classroom and

2) the words of text,
3) the words of assessments,
4) the words of academic success
Informal Words

 Repetition of words
sentences start with “and” or “but”
can vary greatly by ethnicity, region, gender,
use of slang such as “dude”, “whatever”, and
appropriate for use in casual, social settings
Academic Words
variety of words, more sophisticated
sentences start with transition words, such
as “however”, “moreover”, and “in
replaces slang with accurate descriptors
appropriate for use in all academic and
work place settings
common language register for all
The text of Academic Words
Sublist 1
Banking is the most regulated among all
industrial sectors of the economy. Thirty years ago Buser,
Chen and Kane (1981) remarked that, "a bank has
traditionally been conceived as more than just another
business firm; it operates under unusual regulatory
restrictions.....". Since then the
regulatory environment surrounding banks has not
changed much. When financial market was deregulated in
the early 1980s banks were reregulated by more stringent
capital regulation which restricted their asset generation
capacity. Banking is now the only industry that is
subjected to international capital regulation supervised
through Basle Capital Accords.
Sublist 2
Banking is the most regulated among all industrial sectors of
the economy. Thirty years ago Buser, Chen and Kane (1981)
remarked that, "a bank has traditionally been conceived as
more than just another business firm; it operates under
unusual regulatory restrictions.....". Since then
the regulatory environment surrounding banks has not
changed much. When financial market was deregulated in
the early 1980s banks were reregulated by more stringent
capital regulation which restricted their asset generation
capacity. Banking is now the only industry that is subjected to
international capital regulation supervised through Basle
Capital Accords.

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