3 and 4 Planning Process and Strategy Logfriam

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Planning of Health Program

Process, Steps and Framework

Binjwala Shrestha PhD

Institute of Medicine
Planning ?? Brain storming



• Models/Framework
Health Program Planning
Effective planning ability is necessary tool for the
effective manager.

• For efficient management of resources
• To make provision of range of service availability
• To maintain the equity and access to health care (gender,
Age, geography and underprivileged)
• To Maintain quality of care
• To maintain the Health service user satisfaction
What is the
situation in
broad terms?
Where do we
Take want to go?

Planning Process What are the

priority areas?

alternatives are
best? What are the alternatives
for action in the priority
The Strategy formulation process
To which H
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service Organization
Envt. ds ity and organizations
Strategy on of which
Threats responds with requires an

Strategy is the set of decisions that determine the character (size, scope, and
mix of services) of a health services organization and give it direction in the
market place
Planning process and steps
Stage 1: Analysis of Initial Situation
Stakeholder Analysis
• The first part of the situation analysis is the stakeholder analysis,
which provides an overview of:

• The actors (organisations, groups, individuals) that are directly or

indirectly involved in or affected by the planned project;

• The interests, expectations, potentials and possible resistance of

these actors.

• The Stakeholder Analysis Matrix allows the analysis of different

categories of stakeholders according to different criteria.
1. List potential actors and try to find useful categories, such as

A. beneficiaries, users, target groups

B. donors, executing organisations, partner organisations
C. actors to be consulted or informed
D. opponents: actors who will be negatively affected by the project.

According to the specific necessities of the case, the categories might have to
be further divided into subcategories.

2. Agree on useful and relevant criteria for analysing these categories of

actors such as their
• relevance for the project,
• their potential to contribute to solutions and
• the resistance which might be expected.
Facilitate the analysis.
Problem Analysis
• A problem is a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and
needing to be dealt with and overcome.

• Problems are neutral descriptions of concrete negative situations and

should not be confounded with an absence of the preferred solutions or a
lack of money.

• The availability of money is never a solution, but can be a means to

make possible a specific solution.

• The purpose of the problem analysis is to:

• develop a common understanding of the main problems that the project should
help to solve.
• make visible the cause-and-effect relationships between the problems.
Criteria to assess project success for
1. Social compatibility
2. Available competencies
3. Institutional capacity
4. Technology level
5. Available means
6. Costs/benefits
7. Political acceptance
Stage 3: Consensus on Intended Change
This third planning step consists of creating a common
understanding about the intended change. (Theory of change)
How will the situation look like when the problem is solved?

• A shared vision provides continuity and gives direction,
purpose and confidence on the difficult road of project

Recalling the vision from time to time can be like recharging the
Step 4: Project Strategy
• The LogFrame is a table that also
depicts the causal links between the
intervention and the expected results.

• It shows on which assumptions the

cause-effect hypotheses are based
and how the success will be

• The challenge is to select the

outcomes because the LogFrame
format contains only one level of

• In most cases, we transfer the higher

level or «intermediate» outcomes to
the left column of the LogFrame.

• Often the lower level or «immediate»

outcomes can be used as indicators.
Sample formats
Plan of operation: Format
What When : By whom: Resources Remark:
:Activities Duration Responsible any
/ time (Section, unit, issues
individual etc) and
Five Year planning on …. In…….. Municipality…..district
Brief findings of the problem analysis of health system
Rationale of selected program for five year planning
Vision: What you want visualize after five year intervention of your program
Mission : What efforts must be done
Goal: What is main expected outcome of the intervention
Objectives: General and specific
Strategies: Set of activities with specific outcome
Activities: broad activities based on the strategies
Budget (source and amount) year wise with priority activities
Evaluation format of the planning document
• Log frame,
• Plan of action/operation
• Work plan
Any question ??

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