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ISO 22000:

Food Safety Management

System (FSMS)
By: M. Shahzad
Roll no: 0815-MSCCHEM-19
M. Sc. Chemistry (Semester Iv)
GCU Lahore
presented to = Dr. Jahangir
 ISO- Organization for international standards
 ISO is a non-governmental organization, set up in 1947.
 made up of members from 164 countries.
 It’s headquartered in Geneva , Switerzerland
 ISO is responsible for standards applied in various areas
 Contains 785 Technical committees
 provided 22585 standards
 ISO 9001 = QMS
 ISO 14001 = EMS
 ISO17025= testing and calibration of laboratories
 ISO 22000= FSMS
Origin of ISO 22000
The work to prepare the standard is
usually carried out by the ISO Technical
Committee. In the case of ISO 22000,
the Technical Committee responsible is
ISO TC 34. This committee is also
responsible for reviewing the standards
when it.
Introduction of ISO 22000
 It is a standard for Food Safety Management
System (FSMS) that uses a management systems
approach as well as a HACCP process.
 The goal of ISO 22000 is to provide one
internationally recognized standard for a food
safety management system that can be applied to
any organization in the food chain.
 Food safety management system ensure the safety
of food “from farm to fork”.
 It is based on PDCA cycle.
Introduction to food safety
23 million people are falling ill due to
consumption of unsafe food in Europe.
 Unsafe food cause more than 200 Food
born diseases.
 1 person out of 10 fall ill due to
unsafe food
Why is ISO 22000 required
It relates to the food hazard at the time
of consumption
As food safety hazard may be introduced
at any stage of food chain, adequate control
throughout the chain is essential.
Around 20 years ago, many local and
national level standards were developed
by different organization. So, there was a
need for an international standard that will
be acceptable to all organizations.
HACCP & ISO 22000
HACCP stands for hazard analysis and critical
control points.
HACCP is a systematic approach to identify, evaluate
and control food safety hazards that are caused by
biological, chemical or physical agents.
In 1960, Jointly developed by Pillsbury Company and
the NASA, to prevents astronauts from getting food
In 1990, Codex Alimentarius published reports on HACCP
1997 the CAC published a guide to its implementation,
making it an essential tool for all organizations
ISO 22000 included the HACCP as key element.
Principle of HACCP
1. Conduct hazard analysis
2. Determine CCP
3. Establish CCP limits
4. Establish a monitoring system
5. Establish corrective actions
6. Verify that the system works
7. Establish procedures for record
keeping anddocumentation.
Benefits of implementing ISO 22000
o Help organization to minimize food risk and
improves performance.

o improve health.

oImprove customer satisfaction.

oInternational recognization.

o improve response to risk

ISO Structure
consist of 10 clause
Clause1. Clause2. Clause3. Clause4.
Scope of Normative Term & Context of the
standard reference Conditions organization

Clause5. Clause6. Clause7. Clause8.

Leadership Planning Support Operation

Section 4. Context of Organization
It includes
4.1 4.2
Understanding understand 4.3
the the needs and Determining
4.4 FSMS
organization expectations of the scope of
and its context interested FSMS
4.1 Understanding the organization and its context
 It implies the analysis of issues that can impact on
business, not only internal but also external issues.
 External issues may include socials, cultural, political,
technology advancements etc. these influence the
achievement of food safety objectives.
Section 5: Leadership
It includes
5.1 Leadership and commitment
5.2 policy
52.1 establishing food safety policy
5.2.2 communicating food safety policy
5.3 organizational role, responsibility and
 5.3.2 Food safety team leader role and
5.3.3 All persons should report problems to the
identified person
Section 6: Planning
This includes
6.1 Action to address risks and
6.2 Objective of FSMS and planning to
achieve them
 6.3 planning of changes
Section 7. Support
Section 8: Operation
This is the core of FSMS
8.1 Operational planning and control
8.2 Prerequisite programs (PRPs)
8.3 Traceability system
8.4 Emergency preparedness and control
8.5 Hazard control
8.6 Update the information specifying PRPs
8.7 Control of monitoring and measuring
8.8 Verification related to PRPs and hazard control
8.9 Control of process and process nonconformities
Section 9: Performance evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, measuring, analysis and
9.2 Internal audit
9.3 Management review
Section 10: Improvement
10.1 Non conformities and corrective
10.2 Continual improvement
10.3 Update the FSMS
Thank You !

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