Introduction To Cost Accounting/Costing

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Introduction to Cost

• Midterm exam 30%
• Final exam 30%
• Quiz & Assignment 30%

In accordance to institution rules 10%
1. Intro
2. Cost of Goods Sold 1. Harga Pokok Standar
3. Job Costing UTS 2. Scrap & Spoilage
4. Process Costing
5. Joint Product Cost Allocation
6. Activity Based Costing
7. Performance Measurement (SCOR – UAS
Cash Conversion Cycle)
8. Buy or Lease

9. PLC (Post Learning Course) setelah UTS

Learning Objectives
• Distinguishing financial accounting from cost accounting
• Understanding the basic concept of Cost Accounting
• Understanding the concept of Cost
• Understanding cost classification
• Understanding how to determine cost of goods sold
(COGS = harga pokok penjualan)
Management vs Financial Accounting
Cost accounting is the
process of capturing all
of the costs of
“production,” whether
a business
manufactures products,
delivers services, or
sells retail items.
It provides information
for management
accounting and
financial accounting
Cost vs Financial Accounting
Financial Accounting
• External Users (investors, bank)
• Emphasis on accuracy and compliance (Financial Report

Cost Accounting
• Internal Users (manajer, supervisor, dst)
• Focus on efficiency and effectiveness, emphasizing usefulness and
Contribution Margin Income Statement Financial Accounting Income Statement
(Internal-Use Only) GAAP - Based

Revenues: $200 Revenues: $200

Less: Less:
Variable Cost of Goods Sold $120 Cost of Goods Sold $120
Variable Operating Costs 45 165
Contribution Margin 35 Gross Margin (Profit) 80
Fixed Operating Costs 20 Fixed & Variable Operating Costs 65
Operating Income $15 Operating Income $15
Definition of Cost & Some Terminologies
• Cost is a resource sacrificed or forgone to achieve a specific objective. Cost is measured as the
amount of money that must be paid to acquire goods and services

Cost Classification

By Traceability By Behavioral

Direct costs are costs you can trace (or tie) to your product or service. Variable Cost  changes in total in proportion to total
• Bahan Baku activity or volume
• Biaya tenaga kerja langsung
• etc Fixed Cost  remains unchanged in total for a given time
Indirect costs can’t be traced directly to the product or service. Instead, period, despite wide changes in the related level of total
indirect costs are allocated. (Indirect costs are also referred to as activity or volume
overhead costs.)
• Biaya tenaga kerja tidak langsung
• Overhead
• etc
Cost Classification by Traceability &
Building Block of Cost

• Cost object—anything for which a measurement of costs is desired—

for example, a product, such as an iMac computer, or a service, such
as the cost of repairing an iMac computer
Cost Classification by Traceability &
Building Block of Cost (2)

Cost-allocation base.
How should a company allocate costs to operate metal-cutting machines among
different products?
One way to allocate costs is based on the number of machine-hours used to produce
different products.
• A specific cost may be both a direct cost of one cost object and an indirect
cost of another cost object.

• That is, the direct/indirect classification depends on the choice of the cost

• For example,
The salary of an assembly department supervisor at BMW is a direct cost if
the cost object is the assembly department
It is an indirect cost if the cost object is a product such as the BMW M5,
because the assembly department assembles many different models
Cost Classification by Behavior Pattern
• Variable Cost  changes in total in proportion to total activity or

• Fixed Cost  remains unchanged in total for a given time period,

despite wide changes in the related level of total activity or volume
Always focus on total costs. Costs are fixed when total costs remain unchanged despite significant changes
in the level of total activity or volume
Cost of Goods Sold
• Cost of goods sold (COGS) is the cost of acquiring or manufacturing
the products that a company sells during a period.
• The only costs included in the measure are those that are directly tied
to the production of the products, including the cost of labor,
materials, and manufacturing overhead.
Generic Report Structure

Bahan Baku
(Direct Material)

Biaya Tenaga Kerja Δ Finished COGS

Laporan Harga Pokok
(Direct Labor Cost)
+ Goods
= (Harga Pokok
(Schedule of Cost of
Goods Manufactured)
Biaya Tidak Langsung
(Overhead Cost)

Δ Work-in Process
Stok Awal Stok Awal WIP Stok Awal WIP
2 unit 3 unit 1 unit
Yang Digunakan Yang Digunakan Yang Terjual
Transferred-out Transferred-out
Beli 30 unit 20 unit
Raw 31 unit Work-in 29 unit Finished
Material Process Goods

Stok Akhir
Stok Akhir WIP 5 unit Stok Akhir
1 unit WIP 10 unit

NB: Unit dan BIaya pada Gambar ini diasumsikan Equivalent Unit sebagaimana dijelaskan lebih lanjut pada bahasan process costing
Stok Awal Stok Awal WIP Stok Awal WIP
$200 $300 $100
Yang Digunakan Yang Digunakan Yang Terjual
Transferred-out Transferred-out
Beli $1,000 $500
Raw $1,100 Work-in $900 Finished
Material Process Goods

Stok Akhir
Stok Akhir WIP $500 Stok Akhir
$100 WIP $500

Direct Labor + Overhead


NB: Unit pada Gambar ini diasumsikan Equivalent Unit sebagaimana dijelaskan lebih lanjut pada bahasan process costing
Hitunglah biaya harga pokok

Item Nilai
a Persediaan Awal Bahan Baku Jan 1 2018 $11,000
b Persediaan Akhir Bahan Baku Dec 31 2018 $8,000
c Pembelian Bahan Baku $73,000
d Upah Tenaga Kerja Langsung $9,000
e Tenaga Kerja tidak langsung (Manajemen dll.) $7,000
f ATK Pabrik $2,000
g Listrik dan Air – Pabrik $5,000
h Depresiasi – Pabrik $2,000
i Depresiasi – Mesin $3,000
j Biaya umum – Pabrik $1,000
k Persediaan Awal - Barang dalam proses Jan 1 2018 $6,000
Persediaan Akhir - Barang dalam Proses Periode Dec
l $7,000
31 2018
m Persediaan Awal barang Jadi - January 1, 2018 $22,000
n Persediaan Akhir barang Jadi -December 31, 2018 $18,000
o Pendapatan $210,000
R&D, Design, Marketing, Distribution, Customer
p $70,000
Generic Report Structure

Bahan Baku
(Direct Material)

Biaya Tenaga Kerja Δ Finished COGS

Laporan Harga Pokok
(Direct Labor Cost)
+ Goods
= (Harga Pokok
(Schedule of Cost of
Goods Manufactured)
Biaya Tidak Langsung
(Overhead Cost)

Δ Work-in Process
Item Nilai Kategori Sub total

(a) Persediaan Awal Bahan Baku Jan 1 2018 $11,000 Direct Material
Penggunaan Bahan Baku
Bahan Baku Langsung
(b) Persediaan Akhir Bahan Baku Dec 31 2018 $8,000 (Kejadiannya di Pabrik)
$11,000- $8,000 + $73,000
direct cost
(c) Pembelian Bahan Baku $73,000 $76,000
Tenaga Kerja Langsung
(d) Upah Tenaga Kerja Langsung $9,000 (Kejadiannya di Pabrik) $9,000
direct cost
(e) Tenaga Kerja tidak langsung (Manajemen dll.) $7,000
(f) ATK Pabrik $2,000
(g) Listrik dan Air – Pabrik $5,000 Overhead
(Kejadiannya di Pabrik)
(h) Depresiasi – Pabrik $2,000 $20,000
Indirect cost
(i) Depresiasi – Mesin $3,000
(j) Biaya umum – Pabrik $1,000
$76,000 + $9,000+ $20,000=
Manufacturing Cost Incurred (Biaya Manufaktur)
(k) Persediaan Awal - Barang dalam Proses Jan 1 2018 $6,000
(l) Persediaan Akhir - Barang dalam Proses Periode Δ Work-in Process Inventory
$7,000 -($1,000)
Dec 31 2018

Cost of Goods Manufactured $104,000

(m) Persediaan Awal barang Jadi - January 1, 2018 $22,000

$22,000 + ($18,000)=
Δ Finished Goods Inventory
(n) Persediaan Akhir barang Jadi -December 31, 2018 $18,000

Cost of Goods Sold $108,000

(o) Pendapatan $210,000 Revenue/Pendapatan

(p ) R&D, Design, Marketing, Distribution, Customer Operating Expense (Kejadiannya
Service di luar Pabrik)
Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured

Direct materials:
Beginning inventory $11,000
Purchases of direct materials $73,000
Cost of direct materials $84,000
Ending inventory ($ 8,000)
Direct materials used $76,000
Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured

Direct Manufacturing Labor: $9000

Manufacturing Overhead Cost:
Indirect manufacturing labor $7,000
Supplies $2,000
Heat, light, and power $5,000
Depreciation – Plant building $2,000
Depreciation – Plant Equipment $3,000
Miscellaneous $1,000
Total manufacturing overhead costs $20,000
Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured

Manufacturing Cost: $105,000

Work-in process inventory $6,000

Total Manufacturing Cost $111,000

Ending Work-in process inventory ( $7,000)

Cost of Goods Manuf $104,000

Income Statement

Revenue: $210,000
Beginning finished goods inventory $22,000
Cost of goods manufactured $104,000
Cost of goods available for sale $126,000
Ending finished goods inventory ($18,000)
Cost of Goods Sold $108,000
Gross Profit $102,000
Operating Cost (R&D, Design, etc) $70,000

Operating Income $32,000

Review Question #1
Explain the term “supply chain” and its importance to cost

Jelaskan istilah “supply chain” dan mengapa supply chain berperan

penting dalam manajemen biaya?

Supply chain describes the flow of goods, services, and information from the initial sources of materials
and services to the delivery of products to consumers, regardless of whether those activities occur in the
same organization or in other organizations.

Cost management is most effective when it integrates and coordinates activities across all companies in
the supply chain as well as across each business function in an individual company’s value chain. Attempts
are made to restructure all cost areas to be more cost-effective
Quiz/Assignment #1
Item Biaya
Amplas 2,000 a) Buatlah Laporan Harga Pokok
Biaya Handling Material 70,000 Produksi
Pelumas/Oli (lubricants & Coolant) 5,000
Biaya tidak langsung (lain - lain) 40,000
b) Buatlah Laporan Laba/Rugi
Biaya Kerja Langsung 300,000
Persediaan Bahan Baku Jan. 1, 2018 40,000
Persediaan Bahan Baku Des. 31, 2018 50,000
Persediaan Barang Jadi Jan. 1, 2018 100,000 c) Jika dalam 1 periode
Persediaan Barang Jadi Des. 31, 2018 150,000 keuangan tersebut
Persediaan Barang dalam Proses Jan. 1, 2018 10,000 perusahaan memproduksi
Persediaan Barang dalam Proses Des. 31, 2018 14,000 900,000 unit produk, berapa
Biaya Sewa Pabrik 54,000 biaya bahan baku per
Depresiasi - Peralatan Pabrik 36,000 produknya?
Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan Pabrik 4,000
Asuransi Pabrik 3,000
Pembelian Bahan Baku 460,000
Pendapatan 1,360,000
Biaya Promosi dan Pemasaran Produk 60,000
Gaji Bagian Pemasaran 100,000
Biaya Distribusi 70,000
Biaya Customer Service 100,000
 Item Awal 2018 Akhir 2018
Persediaan Bahan Baku 22,000 26,000
Persediaan barang dalam proses 21,000 20,000
Persediaan barang jadi 18,000 23,000
Pembelian bahan baku   75,000
Biaya Tenaga Kerja Langsung   25,000
Biaya Tenaga Kerja Tidak Langsung   15,000
Asuransi Pabrik   9,000
Depresiasi - Bangunan dan Peralatan Pabrik   11,000
Perawatan Pabrik dan Mesin   4,000
Pemasaran, Distribusi, Customer Service   93,000
Biaya Umum dan Administrasi – Head Office   29,000
Pendapatan 300,000

a) Buatlah Laporan Harga Pokok Produksi

b) Buatlah Laporan Laba/Rugi Perusahaan
Generic Cost Structure for Merchandising Company
Item ($)
Marketing, distribusi and customer service 37,000
Persediaan Merchandise Jan 1, 2018 27,000
Tagihan Air & Listrik 17,000
Biaya Administrasi & Umum – Head Office 43,000
Persediaan Merchandise, Des 31, 2018 34,000
Pembelian Merchandise 155,000
Freight-in 7,000
Retur Barang Merchandise 4,000
Diskon Pembelian Merchandise 6,000
Pendapatan 280,000

a) Buatlah Laporan Harga Pokok Produksi

b) Buatlah Laporan Laba/Rugi Perusahaan

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