BY: Group 5 BESP 2019 Eunike Manurung (4193141007) Miftah Rizkiyah (4193341005) Sarah Nur Fadhilah Panjaitan (4193342007)

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BY: Group 5 BESP 2019
Eunike Manurung (4193141007)
Miftah Rizkiyah (4193341005)
Sarah Nur Fadhilah Panjaitan (4193342007)
PA RT 0 1
PA R T 0 2


PA RT 0 3
PA R T 0 4
Birds : Ornis (Greek)
Aves (Latin)

01 : The study of birds

Special Characteristic : Feather


• Feathers
• Beaked
• The anterior limb was modified to
become a wing
• The posterior adjusts for perching
and swimming
• The sternum has a carina sterni
• Respiration: pulmo, equipped with
saccus pneumaticus
• Do not have vesica urinaria
• Internal fertilization
• The heart consists of 4 chambers
• Homoiothermis
• The body shape in general is a spindle
• Metanephric renal excretory system
• Does not have a diaphragm
• Nervous system with brain as well as
12 pairs of cranial nerves.
Did birds evolve from reptiles?

The proof:
 Tarsormetatarsus scaly
 The chemical composition of
scales is the same as that of

Archaeornithes Neornithes
Archaeornithes “Lizard birds”

• Ancient and currently extinct

• Has teeth in its beak
• The tail is still bony
• Long tail, has more than 13 Archaeopteryx lithographica

• 3 fingered with claws on its
• Separate meta carpal
Neornithes “True birds”
• Short tail with pygostylus
• Generally without teeth
• No claws on the wings
• Sternum with carina sterni
• Metacarpalia unites with carpalia
(carpometacarpus) Aptenodytes forsteri
• Birds in Indonesia are classified into 20
orders following Peters' list (Andrew,
1992) in Sukmantoro et al. (2007)
1 Order Struthioniformes

• A large body
• Thin hairy head, neck and limbs
• Small head,
• Long neck
• Short and large beak
• Have 2 toes
• Sternum without carina sterni
• Family: casuariidae
Struthio camelus
2 Order Procellariiformes

• The nostrils are reed / pipe shaped

• The beak is covered by several pieces of horn material
• Inside the head are salt glands
• The hind radius reduces
• The hair is composed of dense and oily
• Long and narrow wings
• A group of seabirds that resemble gulls
• Family: Family Procellariidae, Family Hydrobatidae
Pterodroma baraui
3 Order Podicipediformes

• A diving bird that has its feet far adrift at the back of the body
• Have fingers that extend to form lobes
• The plumage of the order is classified as tight and waterproof
• The nests of this order are distinctive because they are floating
and made of plants
• Usually hidden among the reeds on the surface of the water
• Short tail
Podiceps cristalis • Family Podicipedidae
4 Order pelecaniformes

• Medium and large sizes scattered all over the world.

• It has the structure of a long and large beak, the legs vary from slender
elongated to short webbed, and the four toes are connected by webs.
• Has a hollow throat (gular patch) and nostrils that have evolved into a
functionless slit, so breathe with its mouth.
• Most of the young birds are altricial or hatch helpless and have no feathers
(Kurniawan & arifianto, 2017).
• Family: family phaetontidae, family fregatidae, family phalacrocoracidae,
family sulidae, family pelecanidae.
Pelecanius occidentals
5 Order Ciconiiformes

• Large, live in swamps or waterfronts.

• Has a large and long beak.
• It has long legs and a reduced fourth finger.
• The coat is varied and has a loose texture.
• The nest is very large and can be used for years (kurniawan &
arifianto, 2017).
• Family: family ardeidae, family ciconiidae, family
6 Order Falconiformes

• Groups of predatory birds that are active during the day.

• Has a short beak, but strong, curved and sharp at the tip.
• Anisodactyl foot type
• It has four strong, sharp claws that can be used to grip and kill prey.
• Does not kill its prey with its claws, but uses its beak (kurniawan &
arifianto, 2017).
• Family: family accipitridae, family falconidae

7 Order Anseriformes

• Freshwater bird tribes are found scattered throughout the world.

• It is most prevalent in wetland habitats, from the arctic tundra to the tropics.
• Habitats with various sizes of water bodies, ranging from small ponds to
oceans (lovette & fitzpatrick, 2016).
• Has dense fur and is waterproof with a variety of colors.
• The three front fingers are connected by a skin membrane which is useful
for pedaling while swimming.
• The water has a grooved edge which is useful for filtering food from water
and mud (kurniawan & arifianto, 2017).
• Family: family anatidae,
Anas platyrhynchos
8 Order Galliformes


• The species of this order can be found all over the world.
• has varying sizes, from small quails to large ostriches.
• The best known species in this order are mostly tame, including chickens,
ostriches, guinea fowl, and quail.
• There are many types of the order galliformes in which males display their
feathers to attract females (Lovette & Fitzpatrick, 2016).
• Family: Family Megapodidae, Family Phasianidae

Gallus domestica
9 Order Gruiiformes


• Includes cranes, mice, and hedges

• Widely spread
• Most species have loud voices and can be recognized easily (lovette &
fitzpatrick, 2016).
• Family: family turnicidae, family gruidae, family ralliidae, family
heliornithidae, family otididae

Grus sp.
10 Order Charadriiformes

• Groups of birds living on the beach.

• Some members of this group are found in almost all terrestrial habitats in the world.
• Very diverse, with the highest number of families and species after the order
passeriformes (lovette & fitzpatrick, 2016).
• Has cryptic fur with a camouflage pattern, such as black, gray, brown or white.
• Beaks are generally long and pointed with varying shapes, depending on the type and
depth of invertebrates in the mud or sand that they feed on.
• The wings are pointy toes and are strong flying birds. The strategies for caring for
young are very diverse compared to other orders (kurniawan & arifianto, 2017).
Calidris pusilla
• Family: family jacanidae, family rostratulidae, family haematopidae
11 Order Columbiformes

• Long, pointed wings. MANAGER

• Some species have a cere at the base of the hairless upper beak for which the nostrils
are located.
• Herbivores that eat seeds, fruit and plants.
• The species of this order are monogamous birds and care for their young together.
• Able to produce crop milk, which is the liquid that is vomited from the cache which
is given as food for its puppies (kurniawan & arifianto, 2017).
• This order has only one family, namely the columbidae.

Columba livia
12 Order Psittaciformes

• It is an order of birds that includes parrots and parrots which are mostly
found only in areas with tropical and subtropical climates. Most of them have
bright colors. (Lovette & fitzpatrick, 2016).
• Family psittacidae
• Consists of many types with colorful feathers.
• It has a large head and a strong bent beak.
• Feet composed of two toes facing back.
• Nesting in tree holes.
• Most of them eat fruit and seeds.
Rhynchopsitta sp.
• Chirping sounds are loud and sharp calls (mackinnon, et al., 2010).
13 Order Cuculiformes

• Only consists of one family, namely cuculidae.

• According to Kurniawan & Arifianto (2017) it has a loose braid and has a
zygodactyl toe arrangement, namely the two inner toes facing backwards and
the outer two fingers facing forward.

14 Order Strigiformes

• An order that includes owls that are scattered around the world. Has
the characteristic large eyes
• Night bird of prey.
• Family, namely tytonidae or serak birds and strigidae or native owls
(mackinnon et al., 2010).

Tyto alba
15 Order Caprimulgiformes

• Birds that are nocturnal insectivores.
• Has a fine coat and speckled pattern for camouflage.
• It has a small, short beak, but can open its mouth wide.
• Has the oran misai, which is the mustache of touch to help catch insects.
Most of them are monogamous.
• These birds do not build nests, but lay their eggs directly on the ground
or tree branches. The chicks that have hatched are semi-altricial, that is,
they are covered with fine hairs, but do not move much (Mackinnon et
al., 2010).
Antrostomus vociferus
• Family: family podargidae, family aegothelidae, family caprimulgidae
16 Order Apodiformes

• It is an order of birds with the most species after passeriformes.
• They vary in size from small to very small
• Has a beak that is short, wide or long slender.
• Has relatively slender and tapered wings and flaps rapidly.
• Has a pamprodactyl foot type, which has four fingers that are in front
(kurniawan & arifianto, 2017).
• Family: family apodidae, family hemiprocnidae

Mellisuga helenae
17 Order Trogoniformes


• It is an order of birds which includes faded birds which are only divided
into one family.
• Trogonidae family
• It is a family of medium sized birds that have striking colors. Has a long
and wide tail. These birds nest in tree holes, looking for prey from low
tree branches in the forest (MacKinnon et al., 2010).

Trogon elegans
18 Order Coraciiformes

• Long, strong beak

• Short neck and legs
• Generally have a syndactyl foot type
• Its fur is bright.
• Nests are in tree holes and on the banks of rivers that
are made by themselves (Kurniawan & Arifianto, 2017)
• Family :
1. Famili Alcedinidae
2. Famili Meropidae
Alcedo atthis (Raja udang)
3. Famili Coraciidae
Order Piciformes

• Has a strong and large beak

• Short rounded wings
• Has a pattern of up and down movements when flying
• Has a zygodactyl foot type
• Generally are insect eaters and fruit eaters (Kurniawan & Arifianto,
• Family :
1. Famili Capitonidae
2. Famili Indicatoridae
Picus vittatus (Pelatuk Hijau) 3. Famili Picidae
20 Order Passeriformes

• These are small and medium sized terrestrial and arboreal birds
• Relatively short leg shape with toes type
• anisodactyl
• Chicks are altricial
• The birds of this order have beautiful voice (Kurniawan &
Arifianto, 2017)
• Family :
1. Famili Eurylaimidae
2. Famili Pittidae
Pycnonotus 3. Famili Alaudidae
zeylanicus (Cucak Rawa)
“DNA barcoding on subsets of
three families in Aves”

 Taxonomic groups of three avian families:

Phasianidae, Accipitridae, and Strigidae
 DNA from 49 individuals from 22 species was
extracted, and 122 COI sequences from 52
species were retrieved from Gen Bank and
BOLD Systems (Barcode of Life Data Systems
is in Guelph, Canada).
 Samples (frozen muscle tissue, liver, blood,
skin, and feathers) were obtained from
Results showed that all 66 species investigated had unique COI sequences and no
sequences were shared between the species.

1) As an industrial material, for example

wild duck used to make shuttlecocks and
pillow fillers, chicken feathers to make
2) As ingredients for making medicine, for
example, swallow's nest and duck eggs.
3) Natural predators, preying on
caterpillars and insects
4) As entertainment, for example in birds
with melodious voices and birds that can
be trained in circus games
5) Eggs and meat can be consumed and rich
in protein, Swallow's nest can be made

1) Spread the bird flu

2) Eating seeds, young
plants, and fruits that
are intentionally
planted by humans
Diversity data and conservation status in
the hot spring area of Raden Soerjo
Forest Park, Cangar, East Java 2019 are
presented in the table.

Which is included in the type that is not protected The aves species that are
according to PERMENLHK P106 with Least status protected according to
The existence of Cow Swallow
Concerns (less risk) based on the IUCN are: PERMENLHK P106 based on
(Collocalia esculenta) in the hot
the IUCN are:
spring area is due to the presence
1) Ordinary Tekukur (Streptopelia chinensis) 1) Faded Tiger (Carpactes
of many insects as a food source.
2) Javanese turtledove (Geopelia striata) oreskios)
According to (Mranata Budi,
3) Ninon flycatcher (Eumyias indigo) 2) Ciung Mungkal Jawa
2001), these wild birds are free
4) Cucak Kutilang (Pycnonotus aurigaster) (Chocoa azurea)
and feed on flying insects
5) The Ash-Headed Flycatcher (Culicicapa ceylonensis) 3) Takur Tulungt stack
measuring 1 - 7 mm. While other
6) Kepudang - Sungu Gunung (Coracina laruata) (Psilopogon javensis).
aves species found during the
7) Sepah Mountain (Pericrocotus miniatus) study are species that can live in
8) Uncal Kouran (Macropygia ruficeps) an altitude of ± 1000 m.
9) Silver Cheek Edge (Stachyris melanothorax) Meanwhile, 21 other species that
10) The Airasia Greja (Passer montanus) have the Least Concern status are
11) Cinenen Jawa (Orthotomus sepium) species that have been evaluated but
12) Chocolate cingcoang (Brachypteryx leucopharys) did not enter into in any status.
13) White Neck Tepus (Stachyris-thoracica orientalus)
14) Kettles Mountain (Cettia vulcania)
15) Young Cikrak leaves (Phiyloscopus trivirgatus) Based on CITES, 24 types of aves were found not included in Appendix I,
16) Uncal Buau (Macropygia emiliana) Appendix II, and Appendix III. Based on the conservation status according to the
17) Striped flycatcher (Ficedula westermanni) IUCN owned by each species,
18) Cow Swallow (Collocalia esculenta) 1. Luntur Tigers (Carpactes oreskios) and Javanese Ciung-Mungkal (Chocoa
19) Bentet Gray (Lanius schach) azurea) are species that are at risk of extinction in the wild in the future.
20) The Gray Srigunting (Dicrurus leucophaeus) 2. Takur Tulung-tumpuk (Psilopogon javensis) is a species that may be in a
21) Merbah Cerukcuk (Pycnonotus goiavier) threatened or endangered state in the wild.
1. Aves in the hot spring area of ​the UPT Taman Hutan Raya Raden Soerjo,
Cangar Malang, totaling 215 individuals from 24 species. CONSERVATION STATUS
2. Conservation status of aves species in the hot spring area of ​the Raden
Soerjo Forest Park, Cangar Malang, there are 3 protected species according
to PERMENLHK P106 with status Vulnureble and Near Threatened
according to the IUCN, 21 species are not protected with Least Concern
status (Low risk), and 24 species are not included in Appendices I, II, and III
according to CITES.

3. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources

NE = Not Evaluated DD = Data Deficient
LC = Least Concern NT = Near Threatened
VU = Vulnerable EN = Endangered
CR = Critically Endangered EW = Extinct In The
EX = Extinct

4. Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild

Fauna And Flora (CITES).
A. Appendix I: All prohibited wild flora and fauna in all forms
international trade
B. Appendix II: List of species that are not threatened with extinction,
C. Appendix III: List of protected wild plant and animal species in the
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Thank you
From Group 5 BESP 2019

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