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Direct Marketing

Direct marketing is just like traditional marketing — it involves creating, sharing,

and promoting campaigns. These campaigns are typically spread across all print
and digital media channels. However, the key difference is that direct marketing
isn’t about businesses marketing themselves to other businesses. Instead,
businesses are marketing themselves to the buyer. They go straight to the
source. Hence the term “direct.” 

Rules and Principles of DM

Who should With what
you target? should you
(Understand target?
the audience) (Be original)

When should What drives

you target? Day 4
Concept of LOCTR
List Creative Response
List of people to Deals with the How convenient do
target in order communication side, you make it for the
to get maximum phrases, words used to consumers to act/
returns attract customers respond?

Offer Timing
Value proposition offered, When should you target?
why a customer would
choose our service

Benefit - A sample’s response rate from population is 50X more with the usage of LOCTR than
without it.
What has changed in
What has not changed in DM?
• Direct Marketing has not changed from • A lot of things have changed
evolution perspective. with respect to technology.
• Underlying fundamental principles have not • We now have more options of
changed. achieving a goal due to
• There is no fixed benchmark/ metrics in automation.
DM. • Things that were earlier a dream
• There is no body of pooled knowledge for have become reality now.
others to follow.
• Everyone has to start from scratch to reach
the finish line.
Customer Segmentation Customer Genome
Customers pick and reward the This is basically a way of making data
marketers when they get it right and the more useful to the brands. The genome
key to doing that is personalization and technology excels is in its ability to
one-on-one marketing. “imprint” a customer’s DNA and go
into not just more depth, but width as
Companies that use DM well. Looking at the map of a
• Toyota Corolla customer’s DNA leads to much more
meaningful insight than the “you
• KitKat
bought this, you might like this” or
• Burger King and many more
“you bought this, other people bought
this” conundrum facing marketers.

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