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Color is the most interesting element of

design. Color is everywhere. Anything around

you becomes beautiful and attractive because
of color. Look at the sky, sea and mountain.
Look around you. They are so colorful. The toys
you play with, the food that you eat, even your
clothes have color.
Plants give you many things.
Without plants, people and animal
cannot live. Many plants are used as
food. Some are used as medicine.
They are also used as decorations.
In arts , plants are very useful, too. They are
a good source of natural colors. You can get
colors from the roots, flowers, leaves and
fruit of plants. The different parts of the
plants produce colors. You can grind up
petals or leaves to produce red or green color.
Lesson 1: Natural Colors
1. Color - the most interesting element
of design. It gives life to
things around you.
2. Plants - are the good source
natural of colors.
Uses of Plants
1. Good source of natural colors.
2. Plants are source of food.
3. Some are used as medicine.
4. Some are used as decoration.
How to get Colors From Plants
1. Crushing
2. Squeezing
3. Boiling
Some Medicinal Plants:
1. Ampalaya – known as bittergourd, most

known as treatment for diabetes.

2. Garlic – reduces cholesterol in the blood
and hence help control blood pressure.
3. Guava – primarily use as antiseptic
disinfect wound. It is also used as
mouthwash to treat tooth decay.
4. Lagundi – known as “5 leaves chaste
tree” use for the relief of cough
and asthma.
5. Sambong - blumea camphora in
English, helps in the excretion of
urinary stones
6. Akapulko ( Ringworm Bush) - use to
treat ringworms and skin fungal
Lesson 2: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary
1. Primary Colors – are the basic color.
they do not come from other color.
a. Red
b. Yellow
c. Blue
2. Secondary Colors – these colors comes
from mixing two primary colors.
a. Orange
b. Green

c. Violet
3. Tertiary Colors – formed when you mix
a. Red Orange d. Red Violet
b. Yellow Green e. Yellow Orange
c. Blue Violet f. Blue Green
Color Wheel – chart that shows all the
colors and how they are related.
Prepare The Following:
1. Two ( 2 ) pieces paper plate
2. Pair of Scissors
3. Poster Color ( Red, Yellow, Blue )

4. old news paper

5. paint brush
6. Paint palette
7. glue or paste
8. apron

9. popsicle sticks
Lesson 3 : Fun with Shapes
Two Kinds of Shapes
1. Geometric Shapes – are regular and
even in form. They have definite

Examlple: circle, oblong, square

rectangle and triangle
2. Organic Shape - are free form shapes
found in nature. They do not have
definite forms. They have natural
looks and reflects movements.
Example: clouds, moon, leaves. fruits,
flowers and rocks.
Assignment: Jan. 15, 2021
1. Answer lesson 3 module in Arts.
2. On your notebook, paste 5 picture of
objects with geometric shape and 5

objects with organic shape.

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