Zone Chairperson 2020

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The International Association Lions Clubs

District 325 A2, MD 325, Nepal

LY 2020-2021
Cluster I, Area I, Region II , Zone IV
Agenda of District Governor’s First Advisory Committee Meeting
Host Club : Lions Club Of Kathmandu Regency , Date: 25 Sep 0202 Time: 2.00 PM Venue: ZOOM platform

Das Call
1. Dignitaries called on the dais Chief Advisor Shiva Kumar Katuwal
DG, Dr Shushila Malla Chief Area Coornitor Ganesh K C
Multiple GLT Coordinator Lion Shambhu Ghimire Cluster Chief Lion Sher Bahadur Oariyar
IPDG Lion Shobha Joshi Area Coordinator Lion Krishna Jyoti Shakya
1st VDG Keshav Pandey Region Chairperson Lion Bhuwan Nepal
2nd VDG Lion Dinesh Shrestha Co Zone Chairperson Lion Deepak Bajracharya
PMCC Kayam Uddin Club presidents Lion Kafle, Kathmandu regency
PMCC Lion Pankaj Pradhan Chartered Club PresidentsLion Arbin Kumar
PMCC DR Khanal Das, Kathmandu Self Defense
PDG Lion Sudarshan Dhar Pradhanaga President Lion Anita KC, Kathmandu Unique
PDG Lion KP Awale President Lion Sharma , Kathmandu
PDG Lion Rudrahari Gyawali Ramshahpath
PDG Lion Madhukar Upadhyaya Chartered President, Uttam Prasad Kayastha,
PDG Lion Biju Bajracharya Kathmandu Regency
PDG Lion Hari Shanker Niraula All Lion Dignitaries
PDG Lion Sushma Sharma
 Programme Schedule
1. Meeting called to order by presiding officer Zone Chairperson Lion Ambika
Bhattaraai Kafle
2. National Anthem
3. Flag salutation by Lion Suruchi Pokharel, 1st VP Kathmandu Regency
4. One minute silence Prayer for world peace
5. Welcome remarks and highlights of the meeting by
Zone Chairperson Lion Ambika Bhattarai Kafle
7. Self-Introduction all club officers in the meeting
8. Reporting from all clubs Under zone, Including progress review of the club
president’s objectives and goals, progress report on organizing new clubs
A) Lions Club Of Kathmandu regency
B) Lions Club Of Kathmandu Self Defense
C) Lions Club Of Kathmandu Ramshahpath
D) Lions Club of Kathmandu Unique
9. Agenda briefing by Zone Chairperson

First Advisory Committee Meeting Focus on

 International President’s Theme
 District Governor's Themes
 Club service project idea exchange
 Ways to identify new service projects
o Community Needs Assessment
o Making it Happen
o Planning Service Activity Projects for your lions club
o Providing community Service
• Discussion on Club Challenges and Successes
• Tools to Guide for Club Planning and Management
10. Open forum
11. Resolutions, if any
12. Observation and Remarks:
a) Region Chairperson Lion Bhuban Nepal
b) Area Coordinator Lion Krishna Jyoti Shakya
c) Chief Area Coordinator Lion Ganesh K C
d) Cluster Chief Lion Sher Bahadur Pariyar
e) Tresurer Lion Dr Kamal Bahadur Kayastha
f) Secretary Lion Uttam Jha
g) 2nd VP Lion Dinesh Shretsha
13. Vote of thanks by Lion Lion Raju Kafle, Kathmandu Regency
14. Closing Remarks and Meeting adjourned by the presiding officer Zone chairperson Lion
• The general welfare of clubs in the zone
• The duties of the club officers
• The goals of the district governor and the zone chairperson
• The association’s international theme
• Opportunities for new service projects
• The importance of timely submission of Monthly Membership Reports
• The rules for the Club Excellence Award
The duties of the club officers
Our International President
As a Lion for more than 40 years, International President Dr. Jung-Yul
Choi leads by serving others first. His career and life have been
defined by a passionate work ethic, along with a dedication to uniting
people and embracing diversity for the greater good of all.

Dr. Jung-Yul Choi Serving Our World Safely

International President President Choi’s programs and initiatives will focus on four
Busan City, Republic of Korea key elements of Lions International that are essential to our
mission of service.
1. Addressing global causes by serving local needs
United in Kindness and Diversity 2. Supporting our global foundation, LCIF
Lions don’t just serve the world. We represent 3. Inspiring kindness with our stories of service
it. This year, we’ll unite clubs and 4. Empowering our clubs to serve safely
communities around the world because in
times of great need, greater good can only be
achieved when we join together as one.
Focusing on following areas;
 Vision
 Youth
 Disaster Relief
 Humanitarian
 Diabetes
 Hunger
 Environment
 Childhood Cancer
His themes in a nutshell:
Our diversity enhances our kindness: Uniting the world of Lions to serve communities everywhere.
Kindness is at the heart of service: Serve the needy society with kindness, love and affection;
United in diversity: Serve the people from different cultures, perspectives and backgrounds;
The harmony of service: we create a harmony in the society with great service for needy; Moving forward,
together. During COVID-19 When Lions stay connected for our communities benefit;
Serving safely: During COVID– 19, we need to serve the society keeping yourself safe;
Storytelling: Showcase and sharing of success stories of Lions Clubs to community for
better understanding
Healthy Clubs: During Pandemic Clubs may difficulties and hence needs to clubs healthy
Campaign 100: Every Lion has the responsibility to reach into the targets of 300 Million fund raiser for
projects for Global Causes Our leaders and staff are here for you: If your need any support our Global Action
Team (GAT) to enhance your leadership, membership and service.
District Governor Theme And Program District Governor’s Theme


District Governor’s Signature Program

COVID-19 Management Support.
Presentation of “Pediatric Cancer”.
Prevention of childhood Blindness.
District Governor’s Priority Program
Midday Meal for Education. (When school resumes)
Disable Support. ( With focus to wheel chair distribution)
Vocational training for income generating to empower women.
Mero Bag Mero Sathi. (When school resumes)
Isolation center.
Plasma therapy .
Eye screening

Goal for the year

At least 25 new clubs. (one for one region)
1000 Net membership growth. (40/region and 20/zone)
15 MJF
Contribution in Campaign 100.
Emergency Relief Fund.
Lions Club of Kathmandu Regency #066987/2002

Lion Raju Kafle

Lion Ambika Bhattarai Kafle
President Lion Uttam Kayastha
Chartered President

Lion Pallav Shrestha Lion Hari Bahadur Ghimire

Lion Suruchi Pokharel Lion Suraj Adhikari Secretary Tresurer
1 VP
2 VP
Team Regency
Lions District 325A2
Chartered 03/08/1999



1st VP Ganesh bahadur khatri


Ramshahpath 58901
Lions District 325A2
Chartered 03/08/1999

Lion Deepak Raj Karmacharya


Lion Sabitri Devi Pradhan

1st VP Shree Prakash Pradhan

Lion Alka Shrestha

(142160) Lions District 325A2

Dak Bahadur Ranapal

1st VP Bhagavati Adhikari
Chartered President Secretary

Nutan Shrestha Sanju Maharjan

2nd VP

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