Positive Attitude 2

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l e r a n c e

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Po si ti v e 2 55 )
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es e n te d a I ru m
Pr Aye s h
Positive attitude
“The way one choose to dedicate himself to
think positive, be positive and react positive in all
situations and remain consistent over it.”
“Looking for good in all circumstances.”
How to develop positive attitude?
• Constructive thinking.
• Creative thinking.
• Be Optimistic.
• Develop Motivation to do things and accomplish goals.
• An attitude of happiness.
• Expecting success and not failure.
• Feel inspired.
• Believe in your strength not to give up, Believing in your abilities.
• Show self-esteem and confidence.
• Look for solutions, instead of dwelling on problems.
• Recognize opportunities.
• Change your thoughts
• Have a purpose
• Focus on good
Benefits of positve attitude:
 Motivation
 Problems disappear
 Better Self
 Stress Elimination
 Great Health
 Creative Thinking
 Improves social life
 Energy- ‘happier vibrations’
 Achieving Success
 Respect and Influence
Impact on stress:
 When people have a positive attitude they do not
perceive stress as intensely dangerous or as difficult as
they would if they had a more negative attitude.
 Having a positive attitude provides improved coping
skills when you are faced with challenges or adversity.
Positive attitude in Islam:
Islam teaches us to direct the act reflection (tafakkur), or deep
thought, towards the Signs of Allah.
His creation, yourself and to take lessons from the things
Allah has created.
• Tafakkur is a mirror that reflects both one’s goodness
and evils. (Fudail bin‘Iyâd)
‫إِنَّ َما اأْل َ ْع َما ُل بِالنِّيَّات‬
Deeds depends upon intensions.
• Beware of suspicion, as suspicion is the falsest talk, and do not spy upon each other,
and do not listen to the evil talk of the people about others’ affairs, and do not have
enmity with one another, but be brothers.(Saheeh Bukhari #5970)

• Amazing is the affair of the believer. Definitely, all of his life is good and this is
not for anybody except the believer. If something of good happens to him, he is
grateful and that is good for him. If something harmful befalls him, he is patient
and that is good for him. (Saheeh Muslim #2999)

• Make things easy for the people and do not make things difficult for them.

The ability or willingness to tolerate the existence of opinions or

behavior that one dislikes or disagrees with…
• It is the capacity of a person to endure pain or hardship
• Tolerance is giving to every other human being, every right that
you claim for yourself.

(Robert Green Ingersoll)

• major social error.

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