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Computer Architecture

Arithematic (Floating Point)

Khiyam Iftikhar
Floating Point Representation

• Here Exponent is Exponent filled, So Exponent_Actual= Exponent_Filled – Bias

– So, Exponent_Filled=Exponent_Actual + bias
• 32-bit (Single precision)

• 64-bit (Double precision)

Example 1
• .7510 in IEEE-754 format
• .7510= .112 binary
• First write in normalized scientific notation
7510 =1.1 x 2-1
• Now separating sign, exponent and fraction
• (-1)0 x (1+.1) x 2Exp-Bias Here exponent – bias(i.e. 127) must be
equal to -1 or Exp=-1+127=126
• = (-1)0 x (1+.1) x 2126-127
• 12610= 011111102
• Bias for 32-bit is 127, and for 64-bit, it is 255
• Format ordering is designed such that it
simplifies data comparison instructions e.g
banch greater, branch less; and sorting.
Example 2
Floating Point Addition
• Align the decimal point of the smaller number.
• Add the two fractions.
• The sum will have the same exponent (of its
components) multiplied to it.
• Normalize the sum
• Round the fraction to fit in the available space
Example Floating point Addition
Example Floating point Addition
Floating Point Multiplication
• Add the exponents and subtract the bias once
– Because both bias will be added
• Multiply the fractions
• The multiplication result is fraction * added exponent
• Normalize the result
• Round off
Multiplication example
MIPS Floating-point Instructions
Floating-point coprocessor
• A co-processor which has its own
– 32 registers $f0-$f31 each 32-bit wide
– Two registers required for double precision, so
only even numbered registers can hold double
values. For example a double precision number
can be stored at $f2 and $f3
– Eight condition code flags set by compare
instructions and tested by branch (bclf or bclt) and
conditional move instructions.
MIPS Example code
• A, B and C are variables stored on stack

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