Heat Exchange: Conduction (QC)

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Heat transfer through walls and roofs either inwards or outwards.
Solar Radiation through opaque surfaces included in conductive heat
exchange by the concept of Sol Air Temperature ( combined effect of
radiation incident on building and warm air)


Effects of solar radiation on transparent surfaces is to be considered.
Heat exchange with the movement of air (ventilation) inwards or outwards


Heat produced from human bodies, lamps, appliances, motors etc
Artificial heating or cooling using mechanical equipment

Evaporation on surface of a building ( roof spray, roof pool) or inside the
building (human sweat, water feature)
Thermal balance is maintained
Conduction heat flow rate through a wall (W)
Qc = A x U x TΔ
A = Area of Wall m2
U Value of Wall W/m2/deg C
TΔ = Temp Difference

Heat flow between the interior of the building and the open air depends on the rate of ventilation/air exchange. It could be
unintentional infiltration or deliberate ventilation.
Rate of ventilation heat flow (W)
Qv = 1300 x V x TΔ
1300 = Volumetric Specific Heat of air J/m3deg C
V = N x Room Volume/3600 m3/s ( Number of Air Changes in a room per hour)
TΔ = Temp Difference

For glazed windows the intensity of solar radiation and solar gain factor (θ) which depends on the quality of glass and angle of
incidence will be considered.
Solar heat flow (W)
Qs = A x I x θ
A = Area of window m2
Steady State Condition
Indoor and Outdoor temperatures are constant.
Perfect static conditions are considered when the building is to be equipped with
mechanical heating and cooling to maintain constant balanced conditions.
Non Steady State Conditions
Climatic variations in nature produces an approximately 24 hour cycle of rise and
fall of temperatures.
During day,(hot period) the heat flows from environment into the building and at
night the heat flows from inside the building to the environment.
This repetitive cycle is called as the periodic heat flow.
As outdoor temperature increases, heat starts entering the outer surface of the wall.
Each particle in the wall will absorb maximum heat, then transmit to the next particle.
Thus the temperature increase of the inner surface will be delayed.

The out door temperature will have reached its peak and started to fall before the wall
temperature has reached peak level.
The wall will dissipate heat outside and inside(more to inside), but as outdoor air cools after
sunset, the heat flow is reversed.
The 2 factors characterizing this periodic change are
Time Lag (Φ) and Decrement Factor ( μ)

Time Lag – Time delay for passage of heat due to thermal mass is called time lag. Thicker the
mass and higher the specific heat of the material, more the time lag, as it will absorb much of
the incoming heat before transmitting.

Decrement Factor - The ratio of the maximum outer and inner surface temperature
amplitudes from daily mean.
Effect of Insulation
Insulation on the outside will reduce heat flow into the mass.
Takes longer to fill up the thermal storage capacity of the mass
To remove heat from inside the building, good ventilation is required.

Insulation on the inside will not affect the filling up process.

Will reduce heat emission to the inside, but the mass may not be completely ‘empty’ of heat.

Effect of Cavity.
Mass wall of the cavity needs to be on the inner side.
Outer side should be constructed of hollow material which will improve insulation, but reduce mass
Ventilators if provided in the cavity walls should be closed during day to prevent hot air entering the
cavity and open at night to let the hot air from inside escape to the outside.

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