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Unit 1 – Class 3

Objective of the class: Students should be able to

create a piece of text to express his/her preference for
a technological device.
• Use the expression: “a bunch of”
Do Now in a sentence. The sentence must
be related to technology.
• Example: In this picture there is a
bunch of cellphones.
* There is a bunch of
technological devices in my

Do Now * A bunch of people use


* Alejandro bought a bunch of

chips for his cellphone.
Look at the picture paying
attention to the words in bold;
what is their function?

A) They show possession of

B) They replace nouns.
C) They show possession and
refer back to a noun or noun

•They show possession and

refer back to a noun or noun
Let’s see
Two more
• What do “mine” and
“hers” indicate?
• Do we use a word after
possessive pronouns?
Let’s practice! Match the sentences with the
correct possessive pronoun.
1) Fabián has a new computer. I think the
one on the desk is.. a) Mine.
2) My app doesn’t work, can I use…? b) Yours.
3) We paid for that program. It is…
4) Sofía left the tablet in the classroom. So
c) His.
this tablet is not… d) Hers.
5) I can help you with the project. If your
computer is old, use… e) Ours.
6) My classmates created a website. Your f) Theirs.
idea looks very similar to…
1) Fabián has a new computer. I think the one on the desk is (c) HIS.
2) My app doesn’t work, can I use (b) YOURS?
3) We paid for that program. It is (e) OURS.
4) Sofía left the tablet in the classroom. So this tablet is not (d) HERS.
5) I can help you with the project. If your computer is old, use (a) MINE.
6) My classmates created a website. Your idea looks very similar to (f)
Now let’s remember the way we express our
• I like finding information on a website.
• I enjoy checking my social media every morning.
• We love using smartphones for communicating.
• She doesn’t like downloading music.
• He hates sending a los of e-mails.
• They don’t mind using applications for everything.
Why do I need to Know These things?
• What if you want to communicate with others and you cannot speak but
• What if you must write to your teacher?
• Should I write an informal or formal e-mail?
• Do I have to introduce myself?
• What if I want to express the things I like/prefer to other people?
Writing a
formal e-mail.
• We have done this
before (you wrote an
informal e-mail on July
• Do you remember this?
Pay Attention here.
Parts of a Formal e-
1. Recipient.
2. Sender.
3. Subject.
4. Greeting.
5. Content.
6. Concluding line.
7. Complimentary close.
8. Name.
What are the


• The way the mail is written.

• The language used.
• The format.
• The “greeting” part.
Your task.
• You must write a formal e-mail to your teacher.
• It must be written in a WORD DOCUMENT.
• You must write about a technological device and how this (the technological device you chose) can
be used in classes.
• You must include a)vocabulary of the unit. b) Possessive Pronouns. c) preferences expressions.
• This formal e-mail must include all 8 parts seen in slide 13 (Recipient - Sender - Subject - Greeting -
Content - Concluding line - Complimentary close – Name).
• You must include vocabulary/expressions seen in class (unit 1, unit 2 and unit 3).
• Length: 60 to 110 words.
Example. (you CANNOT copy this).
• To:
• From:
• Subject: Tablets.
Dear Mr. Boza.
My name is Patricia Ulloa from 8th grade and I’m writing to you to express my opinion about
the use of tablets in your class. I like using technological devices in class because they are simple and
faster than using a pencil. I have one at home (my father gave it to me, and nobody uses it but me; it
is all mine!) and I do all pieces of homework with my tablet. You should try using a tablet next year,
it is fantastic.
I’m looking forward to your reply.
Kind regards,
Patricia Ulloa
8th garde D
• The formal e-mail has all 8 parts included. (2 point)
• The formal e-mail includes at least one preference expression. (1 point)
• The formal e-mail includes at least one Possessive Pronoun. (1 point)
• The formal e-mail has 60 to 110 words. (1 point)
• The formal e-mail has a formal language; it does not include words such as: Hi – see you – etc. (1
• The formal e-mail has only 1 grammar mistake. (1 point)
• The formal e-mail is sent in a WORD DOCUMENT. (1 point)
• The student respects the deadline. (2 point)

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