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Mastication & Deglutition

Masticatory movements
Muscles of mastication
m. masseter
Latin: musculus masseter

Origin: zygomatic arch and maxilla

Insertion coronoid process, ramus of mandible,

cementomaxillary tendon and cementomandibular tendon

Artery masseteric artery

Nerve mandibular nerve (V3

Actions elevation (as in closing of the mouth) and

protraction of mandible
m. temporalis
Latin: Musculus temporalis

OriginTemporal lines on the

parietal bone of the skull and the superior temporal surface
of the
sphenoid bone.

InsertionCoronoid process of the mandible.

ArteryDeep temporal arteries

Deep temporal nerves, branch(es) of the anterior division o
f the
mandibular nerve (V3)

ActionsElevation and retraction of mandible

m. Pterigoideus medialis
Latinmusculus pterygoideus medialis, musculus pterygoideus internus

Origindeep head: medial side of

lateral pterygoid plate behind the upper teeth
superficial head: pyramidal process of palatine bone and maxillary

Insertionmedial angle of the mandible

Arterypterygoid branches of maxillary artery

Nervemandibular nerve via nerve to medial pterygoid

Actionselevates mandible, closes jaw, helps

lateral pterygoids in moving the jaw from side to side
m. Pterigoideus lateralis
LatinMusculus pterygoideus lateralis,
musculus pterygoideus externus

OriginGreat wing of sphenoid and pterygoid plate

InsertionCondyloid process of the mandible

ArteryPterygoid branches of maxillary artery

NerveLateral pterygoid nerve from the mandibular nerve

mandible, protrude mandible, side to side movement of man
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