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Project EA: New Tools &

Introduction Paradigm Takeaways

Design access:Tufts Conversation

Thinking Demo
“We can make it easier to get work done at Tufts!”
We Matter
Where do we begin?
The people who face the problem every day hold the key to the answer.
Actions Motivations

Questions Barriers
“Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that
draws from the designer's toolkit to integrate the needs of people,
the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business
- Tim Brown, President and CEO, IDEO



Test Define

Prototype Ideate

Evolution Interpretation

Experimentation Ideation
“Give us three months…”
HCD Process


Frame the Project Build the Recruiting

Research Synthesis Prototype Evaluate Refine
problem plan team plan
Design Thinking Process - Inspiration

Form insights – Broad insight

find the “why” Group generation –
Observe users
in what you storytelling “Sometimes
see! people will…”
UX Research - Discovery
• Diagonal slide of the organization:
• “Customers” – staff and faculty who engage in transactions (on their own
• Tufts Support Services who assist customers
• IT Help Desk support staff
• Managers, Directors, VP’s
• Contextual Inquiry
Design Thinking Process - Ideation

"How Might Brainstorm Select top 2

We...?" Ideas or 3
IDEO’s 7 Rules for Brainstorming
1. Defer judgment
2. Encourage wild ideas
3. Build on the ideas of others
4. Stay focused on your topic
5. Be visual
6. One conversation at a time
7. Go for quantity

Design Thinking Process – Implementation

Test Iterate
Design Thinking Process to Reframe a Problem

How might we…

Why do we want to do that?

What is stopping us from doing that?

Revise: How might we...?

Has our concept of the problem changed?

Tools We Use
• Fly on the Wall Observation
• Contextual Inquiry
• One-On-One Interview
• Expert Interview
• Group Interview/Focus Groups
• 5 Why (Root Cause/Fishbone or Ishikawa Diagram)
• Design Charrettes
• Service Blueprinting
Design Charrettes
Design Charrette
Current State:
1. Rapid (individual) brainstorm on Post It notes – “Why is [process] so complex? Where
are the pain points? What is it preventing us from making it easier?” (5 min.)
2. Synthesis: Combine all members’ Post It notes and organize into groups, you can add
new ones as you go, remove duplicates (5 min.)
3. One person from each group reports out to whole room/group discussion (20 min.)
Future state:
4. Respond to the problems you've identified. Describe, on index cards, how the
experience could be different! Use “How Might We…” (10 min.)
5. Together, create a storyboard that describes the experience of initiating and completing
a [process]. Start with the user experience and move to the completion of the business
process. You can use specific technology references if it helps.
Analogous Inspiration

Enterprise Architecture

Relevance of Search

Product Release Plans

Architecture & Development

User Stories
• 3C’s
• How they were used
• Show our user stories
• See how easy it is to get started…
Development Process
• Agile cross adapted DAD
• Sprints and spikes
• Card wall
• Gantt chart as a communication vehicle
Enterprise Architecture: a New Paradigm for
Tufts University
• FROM point-to-point system connections – expensive, difficult to
maintain, constraining
• TO scalable and adaptable cloud-based integration:
• Data flow across multiple systems including legacy on premise and cloud SaaS
• Consistent data and business rules throughout the university (future).
“Search is the user's lifeline for mastering complex websites”
- Jakob Nielson1
• Give the user the ability to “control their own destiny.”
• Give the user an “escape hatch” in case they get stuck.

Nielson, Jakob. "Search: Visible and Simple." Search: Visible and Simple. May 13, 2001. Accessed March 13, 2016.
Ongoing Process of Portal Development

Select Extract Apply to
digital Release
subset of design other sets of
workflow quarterly
process pattern processes
Product Roadmap

Build Base Build

System Build Component 1 Component 2
2-8/2016 1-6/2017 8/2017-2/2018

Discovery for Discovery for

Component 1 Component 2
9-12/2016 (or next 20
Articles: Books
• Design Kit: The Course for Huma • Change by Design
n-Centered Design
• Building Microservices
• Design Kit: The Field Guide to Hu
man-Centered Design • Design Sprints
• 45 Design Thinking Resources for • Disciplined Agile Delivery
• Service Design Toolkit
• How Might We video
Thank You!

Thomas W. Cox Louis Kaczmarek

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