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SAP Change and Transport System


 Identify the mechanics of the Change and Transport System.

 Memorize the transaction codes for the Transport Organizer.

 Manage to display the list of all objects contained within the task/transport request.

 Create a Transport Request and Tasks.

 Identify the use of Developer Access Key.

 Describe the use of the Online Service System.

Change and Transport system - Overview
• The Change and Transport System (CTS) is a tool that helps you to organize development
projects in the ABAP Workbench and in Customizing, and then transport the changes
between the SAP Systems and clients in your system landscape.

• The CTS records all changes in change requests. The changes in change requests can be
linked together logically, or can be completely independent of each other.

• Developers in a team can use a common request. You can create documentation for a
change request, where you can describe your changes in more detail. This makes it easier
to see which data was changed by which user, and to what purpose.

Change and Transport system – Overview contd.
• When you have finished your work in the IMG or ABAP Workbench, or have reached a
certain stage, you can release the request. The change request is then used to copy the
changes from this client to other clients or systems. This automatic procedure is known as
a Transport.
• Transports of changes by the CTS allow you to develop in one environment, test your
development work in a test environment, and then, if the tests are successful, use it
productively. This makes sure that productive operations are not placed at risk by faulty
settings or program errors.
• Transports of changes between clients and systems are subject to rules that are set in the
CTS configuration in the system landscape. One rule may be that changes are transported
into a test environment before they can be copied to the production environment. All
transports are logged, so that you can see when a change request was imported into a
client or system, and whether there were any errors.

Client- Types of Clients

• When you log on to an SAP System, you log

on to a particular client of this system. Any
activities you carry out in the system are
always carried out in one client. When you
plan your SAP system landscape, you must
consider which clients you need for which

• Since you need to adapt the SAP software

for your own business needs, each SAP
system landscape requires a client where
Customizing settings, and possibly ABAP
Workbench developments, can be made.
This client is known as the Customizing and
development client, or Customizing client
for short. The abbreviation CUST is used for
this client.

Quality Assurance Client ( QAS )

• Before you can use the Customizing settings and Workbench developments productively,
you need to test them extensively for errors. Any faulty settings can seriously disrupt
productive operations, and at worst, lead to the loss of productive data.
• The integrated nature of the various SAP applications means that there are many
dependencies between the different Customizing settings. Even an experienced
Customizing developer may not discover these dependencies immediately.
• The correctness of the settings can only be guaranteed with extensive testing. The client
where these tests are made is the Quality Assurance Client, QTST for short.

Production Client ( PRD )

• A separate client is required for productive use of the SAP System. So that this client can
be used without disruption, it is essential that no Customizing settings or Workbench
developments are made here, and also that no tests are carried out. This client is known
as the Production Client, PROD for short.

• Examples of other clients: TRNG, TEST, SAND

7 System Data Structure
Client 100 Client 200

Application Application

Master Records...)

Master Record...)

(Orders, (Orders,


Cross-Client Cross-Client
Customizing Customizing

(Company Codes, Plants, (Company Codes, Plants,
Stores, ...) Stores, ...)

Cross-Client Customizing

Repository Objects
(For example: Table Definitions, Programs, Transactions, Function
Modules) Customer
Basis FI CO HR PP MM SD ...

Development Classes 8
Changes to Repository Objects

. . .

SAP Namespace Customer Namespace



Modifications Extension Customer Development

Three-System Landscape Recommended By SAP

Development Quality Assurance Production


At least three clients with identical ID, for example 100

Project Management in the Transport Organizer


... develops ... ...Objects, ...

...which are
recorded in... ... requests ...

...and are transported to ... ... other systems

Transport Organizer

What is the
Transport Organizer?

Transport Organizer contd.

The Transport Organizer helps

you when you organize
development projects by allowing
you to distribute project work for
individual developers or teams
between different change
These change requests record all
changes made to development
objects and Customizing
Objects from the areas of
Customizing and the ABAP
Workbench are managed and
recorded in separate requests.
Special checks have been
implemented for each of these

Transport Organizer contd.

• You access the Transport Organizer from a request overview that clearly shows all
change requests and allows you to display several levels of detail, right down to the
object list itself.
• Developments, corrections, and repairs are recorded in tasks and transported using
change requests.
• The target system and type of transport are assigned automatically and no longer need
to be maintained by the user.
• Several users can work together on a project by organizing their development work in
tasks. These tasks belong to a common change request.
• You can control access to Transport Organizer functions for different user groups by
assigning appropriate authorizations.

Transport Organizer contd.

• Once you have included Repository objects in a change request, you can edit them in this
request only. This means that until the change request has been released, they are locked
against development work or maintenance by other developers not working on this change
request. These developers are only allowed to display the objects.
• This is how the Transport Organizer prevents uncoordinated, parallel changes from being
made to objects. Only make changes to the original objects. A warning appears if you try
and change a non-original object.
• The Transport Organizer is activated automatically every time you edit a Repository object.
An object has to be in a change request before a user can create or change it. Entering
objects in requests ensures that all changes made in the ABAP Workbench are registered.
• Changes to Customizing data are also registered by the Transport Organizer.

Transport Organizer contd.
• A package and the developer who is responsible for it are assigned to each Repository
object. This development class indicates which area the object belongs to. This enables
you to quickly contact a person in connection with any object. The structure of the entire
ABAP Workbench is based on packages which can assist you in starting your work.
• The Transport Organizer provides version management for all Repository objects, enabling
you to compare or retrieve previous versions of objects. This lets you document or restore
versions released before or after a particular change request or development project.
• All developers working on a change request are required to write structured
documentation when releasing their tasks. This states the aims of the project, its status,
and any special features it includes. In addition, all changed objects are automatically
recorded in the object list of the change request. This information, together with the
documentation and version management, ensures that you have complete control over all
revisions made in a single or multiple computer configuration

Mechanics of Transport Organizer

Transport Organizer
Transport Organizer -- SE09/SE10

Extended Transport
Extended Transport Organizer
Organizer -- SE01

SE09/SE10 -Transport Organizer

Change Request

• An information source in the Transport Organizer that records and manages all
modifications made to Repository objects and Customizing settings during a development

• Types of Change Request:

– Workbench Requests

Change request for transferring and transporting Repository objects and changed
system settings from cross-client tables.

– Customizing requests

A change request for copying and transporting changed system settings from client-
specific tables.

Change Request Contd.

• Request Status

– The status of a transport request indicates whether it is still being processed

(Modifiable) or whether it has been released.

– When you start Transport Organizer Web UI, the Status field changes to Modifiable
automatically. This means that all transport requests are displayed that are not yet

– When you set the request status to Released, all released requests of the currently
displayed user are displayed. You can select a time frame in the dropdown menu
(such as Since yesterday) to display all transport requests released in the relevant

SE09/SE10 - Transport Organizer contd.

Display Object List

Display Key Data

Creating a Request

Creating a Request contd.

Creating a Request contd.

Developer Access Key

Developer Access Key contd.

Developer Access Key contd.

Creating New Development Objects

Creating a new Task in a Request

Add User Button

Need for OSS (Online Service System) ?

•To see important information and notes

•To register developers, objects, SAP systems

•To get latest patches

•To report your problems to SAP and seek solution

•To avail of services like Remote Consulting, Early Watch etc.

How to log into SAP server ?

• With transaction OSS1, you can log on to the Online Service System (OSS) from any PC
in your R/3 System, without having to configure separate icons for OSS access on the PCs

• The necessary software is included in the standard delivery as of Release 2.2D of the R/3

• SAProuter is a prerequisite for accessing the SAP services

 The Change and Transport System (CTS) is a tool that helps you to organize development
projects in the ABAP Workbench and in Customizing, and then transport the changes
between the SAP Systems and clients in your system landscape.

 Transport Organizer is the set of utilities which provide for the development change
management and customization (configuration) change management.

 The Transport Organizer is accessed via transaction SE09 or SE10.

 All users who will be editing development objects on the R/3 system must be registered
with SAP and assigned a development key.

 A list of all registered developers can be found in table DEVACCESS.

 A Package is a group of logically related development objects.

 If the “Local Object” button is selected, the object is classified as a local private object, and
changes are not recorded by the Workbench Organizer. Local private objects may not be

Questions ?

 What is the full form of CTS ? What does it do ?

 What are the transactions for the Transport Organizer ?

 What is the transaction code for the Extended Transport Organizer ?

 What is a Package ?

 What is a developer access key ?

 What is a local object ?

Thank You!

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