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Noise Pollution

Nizam Mat Ali

 Sound levels about 85 dBA with exposures of 8 hrs per day will
produce permanent hearing loss after many years.

 Increased blood pressure and hypertension were shown to occur at

sound levels of 85 dBA.

 Increased risk of hypertension for people living in areas with road

or air traffic noise at outdoor equivalent sound levels above 70
dB(A) based on exposure between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.
Environmental Noise Legislation

The main sources of Environmental Noise

Types of Noise
 TrafficCars
 Car Alarms
 Motorcycles
Stadiums / Events
 Exhaust
Clubs / Bars
/ Restaurants
 Landscaping
 Truck Engine
Public Transportation
Counting Decibels (dBA)
Pain Threshold
 Boom 125
Car 140
 Jet Takeoff
Hearing 140100
Loss Risk
 Shotgun
Very Annoying 130
 Rock Concert 125
Intrusive 70
 Thunder Clap 120
Comfortable 60
 Leaf Blower 100
Very Quiet 30
 Motorcycle 95
 Audible 20
Lawn Mower 90
 Traffic Noise 80
 Conversation 50
 Whisper 30
 Breathing 10
Sources of Noise Pollution
 Transportation systems are the main source of noise
pollution in urban areas.

 Construction of buildings, highways, and streets cause a lot

of noise, due to the usage of air compressors, bulldozers,
loaders, dump trucks, and pavement breakers.

 Industrial noise also adds to the already unfavorable state

of noise pollution.

 Loud speakers, plumbing, boilers, generators, air

conditioners, fans, and vacuum cleaners add to the existing
noise pollution.
 INDUSTRY - machinery, manufacturing, etc.
 Construction of buildings, highways, and streets cause
a lot of noise, due to the usage of air compressors,
bulldozers, loaders, dump trucks, and pavement
Industrial (generator sets, boilers, plant operations, trolley
movement, transport vehicles, pumps, motors etc.)
The Noise Industry
 Identified companies that profit from creating
noise pollution
 Boom car industry promote anti-social

behavior in their advertisements

 We are not going to let them get away with it

◦ We refuse to be victims
◦ Working to pass laws against their industry
◦ Empowering the public
The Noise Industry
 Making billions of dollars a year at your
◦ Vehicle Aftermarket Industry
 $29 Billion Year Retail Industry
 5,700 Companies
 Enormous Political and Financial Resources
◦ Manufacturers and Installers
 Boom Cars
 Car Alarms
 Motorcycles and Hot-Rod Exhaust Systems
Noise Industry Trade Groups
 Industry Trade Groups
◦ Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)
◦ Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA)
◦ Mobile Enhancement Retailers Association (MERA)
 Tactics
◦ Lobby against proposed noise-pollution ordinances
◦ Create political caucuses and PACs
◦ Enlist hot-rod and motorcycle clubs to lobby on
their behalf
◦ Attempt to marginalize noise pollution activists
 CONSTRUCTION AREA - machinery,
manufacturing, construction, etc.
 Construction of buildings, highways, and streets cause
a lot of noise, due to the usage of air compressors,
bulldozers, loaders, dump trucks, and pavement
Construction noise:
many sources, hours, variable levels; dynamic

Which Construction Workers
are at Risk?
• Highest Risk:
– Projects: road construction, carpentry, concrete
– Trades: carpenters, laborers, operators, ironworkers, sheet metal worker
– Stage: excavation, erection, finish
• Studies small; need comprehensive assessments

Mortising Noise Levels for
Common Tools
Orb. Sand.
Table Saw
Belt Sander

Metal Shear
Hand Drill
Circular Saw
Tile Saw
Impact Wrench
Miter Saw
Chop Saw
Chain Saw
Hammer Drill
75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115
Impulsive Peaks by Trade

No. Peaks >140 dBA

carpenters laborers ironworkers operators electricians

Hearing Loss Among Male Carpenters
as a Function of Age
So what…
People lose their hearing
anyway as they age.
The Average 25 Year Old Carpenter
Has 50 Year Old Ears!
OSHA Standard for Construction: 29 CFR 1926.52
PEL of 90 dBA with an Action Level of 85 dBA

What Constitutes A Hearing Conservation Program?

• Noise monitoring
OSHA • Controlling excessive noise
06/29/1992 • Individually fitted protection
• Education/Training
• Baseline & annual audiometry
• Procedures for preventing
additional hearing loss
• Record Keeping
 DOMESTIC - use of powered tools such as
washing machines, grass cutters, saws, air
conditioning, waste destruction unit, etc.
 transportation – public & private
 Transportation systems are the main source of noise

pollution in urban areas.

 COMMUNITY – Sharing common spaces -
schools, councils, hospitals, etc.

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