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 Definitie
 Clasificare
 Etiologie
 Evolutie
Oranduirea comunei
Oranduirea sclavagista
Antichitatea greaca
 Eucrazia: starea de sanatate Dyscarzia: boala
(Krazis = amestec; Eu = bine)

Hipocrate din Cos Asclepiade din Bithinia

460 – 370 IH 124 – 40 IH
Medicina araba

Ibn Sina – Avicena

980 - 1037
Teoria localicista/Teoria germinista

Rudolf Virchow Louis Pasteur

1821 - 1902 1822 - 1895
Epoca moderna

Cl. Bernard
Walter Cannon
1813 – 1878
1871 - 1945
Teoria genetica

Francis Crick
James Watson 1916 - 2004
Dictionarul medical
 “In general, any departure from a state of
helth, or an illness, or a sickness. More
specifically, a definite morbid process
having a characteristic train of symptoms.
It may affect the whole body or any of its
parts and its etiology, patology, and
prognosis may be known or unknown.”
Dictionarul medical
 “Morbus, ilnness, sickness.
An interaption or perversion of functions
of any of the organs, a morbid change of
any of the tissue or an abnormal state of
the body as a whole, continuing for a
longer or shorter period”
SELYE definition:
(in Blakistone’s New Gould Medical Dictionary)

 The failure of the

adaptative mechanism of
an organism to
counteract adequately
the stimuli or stressors to
which it is subject,
resulting ia a disturbance
in functiun or structure of
any part, organ, or
system of the body.
Hans Hugo Bruno Selye
1907 - 1982
Caracteristici generale

 Cauzalitatea
 Reactia de raspuns
 Tulburarea mecanismelor de reglare
 Limitarea capacitatii organismului la
adaptare si/sau suprasolicitare

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