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Development Plan
By: Addi Gunther
Direct Patient Care Abilities
 Personal strengths
 Building relationships, assessing patient goals, and quick learner
 Opportunities for improvement
 Further explaining plan of care and time management
 Short term goals/strategies (Present – 2 years)
 Improve time management amongst patients
 Implement holistic approaches to treatment
 Long term goals/strategies (3– 5 years)
 Delegation and increasing complexity of cases
 Integrative modality incorporated in my patients
 Bringing patient’s into nature when possible
Unit Leadership Abilities
 Personal strengths
 Natural leader, excellent communication and listening skills,
and decisive
 Opportunities for improvement
 Implementing changes and identifying goals for a large group
 Short term goals/strategies (Present – 2 years)
 Identify pathways for early leadership roles and displaying
effective teamwork amongst the unit
 Long term goals/strategies (3 – 5 years)
 Identify multiple solutions to a problem and implement what is
most beneficial the staff
Professional Development (related to
organizations, journals, and certification)
 Short term goals/strategies (Present – 2 years)
 Joinan organization that promotes continuous
educational opportunities
 Achieve a leadership position or transition into critical
 Long term goals/strategies (3 – 5 years)
 Return to school for a DNP program to become a FNP
 Make connections and collaborate on ways to start my
own practice
Management/Leadership Book and
Rational for Selection
 How the book has complimented own strengths and/or
areas for improvement
 Validated the feeling of constant stress and the feeling of
always having something to do
 How the book is beneficial to me in the terms of my
professional growth
 Hourly planning to demonstrate prioritization
 “Don’t eliminate fear, but transcend it to diffuse the
paralyzing effect.” (David Allen, 2003)

Allen, D. (2003). Ready for anything: 52 productivity principles for getting things done. New York, New York: Viking Penguin
Rational for Choice of Leadership
Shadowing Experiences
 How the experience enhanced my knowledge of the
 The leadership position researched was the charge
 The student received further understanding of the skills
required and the benefits of having a charge nurse on
the unit
 The information discovered will help the nursing
student become a leader in the future
Rationale for Own Choice of Professional
Activity or Community Activities
 How the experience enhanced my knowledge
 Basic Life Support CPR Certification
Implementing any changes from the previous two years
Provide quality CPR and First Aid to all patients and
 COVID-19 Pulmonary, ARDS, and Ventilator Resources
Online Course
Understanding critical care concepts
Implementing up to date evidence based practice to
patient’s with breathing difficulties such as COVID-19
Educational Plan Related to Continuing
Education and/or Higher Education Endeavors
 Personal aspirations
 Return to the University of Arizona and enter the pathway of becoming a Family
Nurse Practitioner (FNP)
 Potential opportunities
 Tuition assist to return to school
 Attending conferences for areas of interest
 Short term goal/strategies (Present – 2 years)
 Work for an organization that offers tuition assist and meet requirements for the
DNP program
 Long term goal/strategies (3 – 5 years)
 Continue being a driven student and identify areas of interest for FNP practice
Timeline of Short Term Goals
Direct Unit Professional
Patient Care Leadership Developmen
Abilities Abilities t
Join an
organization that
Improve time Identify pathways Work of an
management for early leadership organization that
amongst patients positions offers tuition assist

Achieve a
Implement holistic Display effective
leadership position Meet requirements
approaches to teamwork amongst
or transition into for DNP program
healing the unit
critical care
Timeline of Long Term Goals
Direct Unit Professional
Patient Care Leadership Developmen
Abilities Abilities t
Identify multiple Return to school Continue to be
Delegation solutions to a for a DNP an eager and
problem program driven student

Implement what
Increasing connections and Identify areas of
is most
complexity of collaborate on interest for FNP
beneficial to the
patient cases ways to start my practice
own practice

 Allen, D. (2003). Ready for anything: 52 productivity principles for getting

things done. New York, New York: Viking Penguin

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