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Module 8: Human Rights,

Lecture recap:

 What is the difference

between race and ethnicity?

 How does race intersect

with human rights and
Breakout Room Task

To what extent is ‘race’ a useful concept?

Consider how race, ethnicity, class and gender are linked (intersectionality).

Should immigrants conform to ‘Australian values’?

Refer to Chapter 8 of the Textbook: Do you think a person’s race/ethnicity can affect their education?
Open discussion:

The lecture for this week included the trailer to the documentary, ‘The
Australian Dream’ (2019). Journalist, Stan Grant said, “he wasn’t just Adam
Goodes the footballer, he was Adam Goodes the Angry Aborigine”. This
point echoes what Collingwood president said in 1993, ‘As long as they
[Indigenous Australians] conduct themselves like white people, well, off the
field, everyone will admire and respect them’.
 What do you interpret these comments to mean?
 Do you think Australians are uncomfortable talking about race and
talking about our history?
 Teachers across Australia are now required to promote intercultural
In 1993 the crowd racially abused Olympian Cathy Freeman caused understanding. What do you think intercultural understanding involves?
AFL player Nicky Winmar, saying huge controversy when she carried
that he should “sniff petrol” and “go
walkabout where you came from”.
the Australian and Aboriginal flag  How do we address racism and ethnocentrism in schools?
At the end of the game he lifted his
after winning the 400m at the
shirt and pointed at his skin as a Comm. Games in 1994.
proud symbol of his racial identity.
Student Feedback on Teacher (SFT)
Student Feedback on Unit (SFU)

Students should have access to SFT and SFU for DSJL, under ‘My vUWS Sites’ on your vUWS homepage.

Please spend the next 15min completing these two feedback forms for Diversity, Social Justice and
 The SFU assesses the overall quality of the unit, including content, structure, facilities etc.
 The SFT specifically collects feedback on your tutor’s teaching.

Each survey collects different but important information used to improve the quality of learning and teaching
at the University. Over the past few years, student feedback has helped to improve clarity and consistency of
assessment guidelines, change assessment due dates, update marking standards and criteria, change course
and unit content and encourage flexible teaching by adding online components to many units.

Your responses are confidential.

For more information please go to:
Q1) Why is it important to
implement social justice
perspectives in your teaching
practice? 5/20
Assessment 2B Rubric

Q2) What sociological theories

would influence and enhance
learning and teaching and/or
the student experience? 5/20

Q3) How does/will your

teaching practice address
issues of equity and
diversity? 5/20
 Introduction (100-150 words):
briefly introduce the essay. Do not list all the questions as
you only have 1000 words.
Assessment 2B  Paragraph 1 (250-300 words):
Essay (20%) Why is it important to implement social justice
perspectives in your teaching practice?
 Paragraph 2 (250-300 words):
Essay Scaffold Idea
What sociological theories would influence and enhance
learning and teaching and/or the student experience?
1,000 words (+/-10%), at  Paragraph 3 (250-300 words):
least 6 academic
How does/will your teaching practice address issues of
references equity and diversity?
 Conclusion (100-150 words):
summarise your points/essay.
Assessment 2A and 2B Q&A

If you have any questions about

Assessment 2A and/or 2B please raise
them now.

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