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Stages of test construction

Why and what to test?

• A clear statement of the testing ‘problem’
or needs analysis.

• Write / read / agree upon complete

specifications for the test
Test specifications
• Blueprint of the test (‘plan’, ‘proposal’)
• The specifications should be developed
before any item or task is designed.
• They are useful for test writers, teachers,
students, parents, universities,
• Produced in a handbook with sample test
Test development
• Write and moderate test items
• Trial the items informally on native
speakers, reject or modify problematic
ones as necessary
• Trial the test on NNSs similar to those for
whom the test is intended
• Analyse the results of the trial
Test development
• Calibrate scales:
– decisions on what is “excellent” or “poor” performance
• Validate:
– the more different types of validity is established, the
• Write instructions for test takers, test users and
• Train any necessary staff (examiners, markers

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