Alternative Convolution Approach To The Classical Cagniard Method For Transient Ocean Acoustic Modeling

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Alternative Convolution Approach To The

Classical Cagniard Method For Transient Ocean

Acoustic Modeling
Roy L. Deavenport & Matthew J. Gilchrest
ILIR 2020 Summary
 In 1939 Cagniard used a convolution method to solve initial value problems for
lossless uniform media and infinite signal bandwidth
 In this talk an alternate convolution method is proposed that does not restrict the
environment and allows for finite bandwidth signals
 Both methods involve convolving an arbitrary time-dependent waveform with the
impulse response of the medium to determine the transient field
 The significant difference between the two methods is the manner for obtaining
the medium impulse response
 Cagniard derived his impulse function using a step-function response to obtain a
delta-function response
 The alternative method determines a bandlimited impulse function by calculating
the inverse transform of a Green’s function
 A numerical example comparing the two methods is given using a propagation
model based on image theory for a lossy, Pekeris-type, shallow-water

 Narrowband waveforms are generally Continuous Wave (CW) sources

• Broadband linear waveforms are short pulses

and Linear LFM , HFM

Typical nonlinear Transient shock sources include

• Point explosives used by Navy

• Airguns : seismic exploration & mitigation
• Transducers : underwater communications
• Vocalizations : marine mammals
• Pile Drivers :

 Acoustic Modes are basically wave models and ray theoretic models.
 These two types are broadband and narrowband.
 Narrowband models are mainly used to determine Transmission Loss
 and Doppler detection of moving targeys
One of the best narrowband models is the Seismo-Acoustic Fas Field
Algorithm for Range-Independent environments (SAFARI)

• Broadband linear models include Linear LFM , HFM used to improve

signal-to-noise ratio via Matched Filter (coherent pulse compression()
large tme-bandwidtg product signals.

• Broadband nonlinear Transient shock models are used to study ship

shock Effects in the near field using numerical methods like the finite
Transient Signal Modeling
Typical applications that require accurate numerical
modeling of transient signals propagating in the ocean
waveguide include …

• Airguns : seismic exploration & mitigation

• Transducers : underwater communications
• Vocalizations : marine mammals
• Navy Sonars & Pile Drivers : mitigation
Propagation Models
• Current models of undersea sound propagation (ray-
based, normal mode, wavenumber integration & parabolic
equation) are based on solutions to the single-frequency
(CW) reduced wave equation.
Polar Form (Travelling Wave)
Impulse Response of CW Polar Form
Bandlimited Impulse Response
Fourier Synthesis
Cagniard Method
Cagniard Method (Cont.’)
Cagniard Method (Cont.’)
Pekeris Waveguide
Image Solution for Pekeris Waveguide
Similitude Source
[ 0.82 kg SUS @ (r,z) = (0,100) m, Rcvr @ (1000,20) m ]
Bandlimited Method
[ fc = 500 Hz; BW = 1000 Hz ]
Cagniard (BW=infinite)
Cagniard (1st & 2nd Arrivals)
 The Cagniard convolution method (infinite BW) was compared to an alternative
bandlimited convolution method for computing transient signals propagating in a
lossy shallow-water waveguide
 Both methods used an image formulation to obtain the ω-dependent Green’s
function solutions in polar (travelling wave) form
 The alternative method uses a bandlimited impulse-response whereas the Cagniard
method uses a step-function impulse-response (infinite BW).
 Transmission loss (TL) comparison at 500 Hz between the image solution and a
benchmark (SAFARI) solution were in excellent agreement for the Pekeris
waveguide parameters used in the numerical calculations 

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