Grade 2 Passages

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A Mark on the Wall

Anna took off her shoes. She stood

straight with her back against the
wall. Anna’s mother put the ruler on
Anna’s head and made a little mark
on the wall. It was two inches above
another mark. Next to the new
mark, Anna’s mother wrote the
Birds and Turtles
Mother birds lay eggs in
nests where they are
safe. Little birds hatch
from the eggs. They cheep
and cheep until their
Mother turtles lay their eggs in
the sand where the eggs will be
safe. But mother turtles cover
the eggs and leave. When it is
time, small turtles hatch from
the eggs. They dig their way up
and learn to find food on their
Fuzzy, Buzzy Bees
Honeybees seem busy as they
buzz here and there. When they
land on a flower, some dust called
pollen sticks to their fuzzy
They carry pollen with
them from flower to
flower. Pollen helps flowers
make seeds.
Inside each flower are
sweet drops of nectar. Bees
suck up some nectar back
home to their hive. There
they store the nectar in
The nectar turns into honey,
which the bees eat. People
eat honey too.
2. What is the name of the
dust that sticks to a
honeybee as it lands on a
a. Dirt
b. Pollen
c. Powder
3. The honeybee stores
nectar in _____.
a. leaves
b. flowers
c. cells
4. What does a bee do
after sucking up nectar?
a. goes back to the hive
b. helps make seeds
c. lands on a flower
5. Which word rhymes
with buzzy?
a. busy
b. fuzzy
c. buzzes
A Walk in the
I went for a walk in the woods
behind my house.
My dad went with me.
The trees were taller than me.
The trees were taller than him.
I saw bugs, dirt, and a stream.
A Walk in the
It was myWoods
My dad had two apples.
He gave me an apple to eat.
My belly was happy.
The rest of the walk was quiet.
1. Where were the
a. far away
b.over the river
c. behind the house
2. How big were
the trees?
a. Taller than the child
b. Taller than the Dad
c. Taller than the child
and Dad
3. What animal did
the child hear?
a. A bird
b. A snake
c. A bear
4. What made the
growl sound?
a. A bird
b. The child’s belly
c. Dad
How many apples
did Dad have?
a. None
b. One
c. Two
Kinds of Leaves
The leaves on trees are not all
alike. Some leaves have jagged
edges called teeth. Toothed leaves
can be oval, skinny, or shaped like a
heart. Beech and elm trees have
such leaves.
elm beech
Other trees have leaves shaped
like a hand with the fingers spread
out. These leaves have three to
seven fingers, also called lobes.
Many maple trees have such leaves.
Both types of leaves drop off trees
in the fall.
1. How are toothed leaves
and hand-shaped leaves
a. They grow on trees.
b. They have lobes.
c. They have teeth.
2. How are toothed leaves
and hand-shaped leaves
a. Maple leaves drop off in the fall.
b. Elm leaves are shaped like hands.
c. Toothed leaves have jagged
3. What is the passage about?
a. trees have different kinds of
b. maples trees have hand-shaped
c. beech trees have jagged edges.
4. The fingers on hand-
shaped leaves are called
a. Fingers
b. Lobes
c. Teeth
5. Which of the following
can be a shape of toothed
a. Circle
b. Oval
c. Hand-shaped
Ben’s Visit
My friend Ben is staying overnight. He
will be coming very soon. Before he gets
here I have to clean my room. We will sleep
on the floor. We will sleep in sleeping bags.
Maybe we can make a tent with some
blankets. Then it will be like a camp-out. My
nightlight will be like a campfire.
Ben’s Visit
We will eat popcorn and sing songs.
We can tell each other stories. We can
play games. My stuffed animals can be
our pets.
I hear the doorbell! Ben’s here! Now
the fun begins.
1. Which of these BEST
tells about what you read?
a. It tells how to make
b. It is a story.
c. It is a letter.
2. This is a story about a
boy who is ___.
a. Playing with stuffed animals
b. Waiting for a friend to come
sleep over
c. Going on a camping trip
3. How does the author
feel about Ben coming to
spend the night?
a. Angry
b. Sad
c. Excited
4. Which of these words is
made by putting two
words together?
a. Overnight
b. Sleeping
c. Begins
5. What does the author
have to do BEFORE Ben
comes over?
a. Make a tent
b. Play games
c. Clean his room
6. How will the author use
his nightlight?
a. As a tent
b. As a campfire
c. As a star
Kindness Rewarded
Ida was a kindhearted girl, and one
day when crossing a bridge, she saw
two boys on the stream, trying to
drown a little dog. So, she ran to the
shore, and crying loudly, “Oh! How can
you be so cruel to that poor little
The boys looked at her in wonder, and
one of them said, Father told us to
drown it. The dog had reached the bank,
crept towards Ida. “Poor little fellow,”
she said, patting his head. “Will you give
him to me?” “Yes,” said the boys. “You
may have him and welcome.” Ida thanked
the boys and ran home.
“Oh, Mama,” she cried, “look at
this dear little dog; two boys
were trying to drown him and I
asked them to give him to me.
May I keep him, Mama?” “My
dear child,” said Mrs. Mercado,
“I am very glad to hear that you
saved the little dog from pain.”
1. What did Ida see when
she was crossing the
a. Two boys and a cat
b. Two boys and a dog
c. Two girls and a dog
2. Why did the boys
drown the little dog in the
a. Their father told them
b. Their mother told them
c. They were playing
3. Did the boys give the
dog to Ida?
a. No
b. Yes
c. Did not say
4. What did Ida’s mother
say when she heard the
5. What name would you
give the dog if you were

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