Belajar Dari Finlandia

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Sistem Pendidikan
Berdasarkan catatan dan Pengalaman
Seorang Ibu dan Pemerhati Pendidikan
Belajar dari
yang terbaik!
Ada hal yang perlu kita pelajari
secara seksama dan lihat
bagaimana dan apa yang bisa
kita serap Bersama untuk
kepentingan Mardi Yuana.
1. Late Schooling!
Finnish children don’t start school earlier.
Besides, they don’t start going to school
until they are 7. Compare to other
developed countries, in Finland, the school
starts very late.
2. School Timing
School timing of this country is very less
than other countries. The schools start at
9:00 AM and end at 1:00 PM. In a week,
there are only 20 hours of lectures.
3. Less Homework
Instead of giving so much homework to
the students, Finnish schools give less
homework which generally takes 10-15
minute to complete.
Besides, there are fewer exams in
Finland compare to other countries.
By doing this, all the students can give
proper time to their interested fields
such as sports, music and art.
4. No Competition
The difference between the highest
scorer in the class and the lowest scorer
in the class is the lowest in Finland.
That’s why all the students are treated
in the same way.
Also, there are no different classrooms
for a topper or low scorer.
5. Value of Teachers
The value of teachers in Finland is very
surprising. Teachers need the master
degree to qualify to become a teacher.
In other countries, doctors, lawyers,
engineers and chartered accountant are
the most respected profession. In
Finland, the teachers are also included
in the most respected profession.
6. Outside Work
From the initial year of schooling,
Finland schools start giving outside
work as it’s a part of their syllabus. The
students started understanding the
real-life application of any subject from
a very young age.
7. Research Time
Finnish students spend almost triple
time in research and self-development
compare to the students of the United
8. Middle-Class People
Most of the people in Finland are
middle-class. There are very few private
schools in Finland. That’s why rich
people have to prefer public school.
And therefore, Finland has equality
between the rich and middle-class
9. Not a Business
Education is now becoming a business
in many countries. The education cost
is affordable in Finland.
10. Atmosphere
The country has a very friendly
atmosphere between students and
teachers. Regular support of highly
qualified teachers can help a student
Untuk kita
Moto pendidikan Finlandia : “ Pembelajaran
Seumur Hidup” (elinikainen oppiminen).

Pendidikan adalah hak seluruh warga negara

(Gratis dan seluruh lapisan- Equality Right).

Pekerjaan seseorang di Finlandia mesti sesuai

dengan ijazah atau sertifikat kursus ketrampilan
yang dimilikinya.
Untuk kita
• Pendidikan karakter sejak dini

• Nilai kejujuran menjadi hal utama

• Kebutuhan KBM diajar berdasarkan

kompetensi yang diperlukan untuk
bekerja : literasi, kemultibahasaan,
ketrampilan berhitung, metode ilmiah,
seluk-beluk tehnik, kompetensi-
kompetensi berbasis teknologi dan
digital, ketrampilan interpersonal,
kemampuan mengadobsi kompetensi
baru, kewarganegaraan aktif,
kewirausahaan, kesadaran kultural dan
kemampuan memngekspresikan
Untuk kita
Jangan sunat fasilitas pendidikan
mulai dari sarana dan prasarana

Mari padatkan jam pelajaran dan

efektivitas belajar, seperti contoh :
Kegiatan Siswa secara umum-umum
rata-rata mulai dari jam 08.00-14.00.
Lama jam pelajaran 27-30 jam per
minggu atau 4-8 jam perhari.
karakter adalah
hal penting
7 Ketrampilan
Tranversal :
1. Kreativitas

2. Pengambilan Keputusan

3. Konstruksi mengatur

4. Berpikir Kritis

5. Mampu berinisiatif

6. Pemecahan Masalah
Yang harus kita
1. Pengukuran hasil belajar siswa, nilai pribadi
bukan kompetisi, assesment atau evaluasi
bertujuan untuk:
• Siswa harus diberi motivasi dalam
• Siswa akan mendapatkan dasar
pengetahuan mengenai mata
pelajaran yang dipelajari sesuai usia
dan kelasnya
• Pengajar harus mengarahkan siswa
agar memikirkan metode
pembelajarannya sendiri
Hal lain yang
sangat penting
Pembelajaran adalah proses
pengembangan diri siswa dalam
lingkungan sekolah maka tidak
perlu ada penilaian peringkat
atau kompetisi

Aspek interaksi sosial juga

menjadi perhatian dan
pertimbangan dalam evaluasi

Pentingnya pendapat siswa

Pentingnya Bahasa lokal

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