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Diploma in ME/EE/EP/EU/CH/PS _

22509 _Management U05_ C04

Atul Waghulde_Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering _G P Nashik

Date: 12 July 2020

MSBTE LEAD :- Learning at Your Doorstep.

CO4:- Apply Principles of safety
management in activities.

UO5:- To know the specifications of

fire extinguisher for the given type of
MSBTE LEAD :- Learning At your Door Step.

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Learning Objective:-

► To understand the types of fires and Fire Extinguishers.

► To Know the specifications of water type extinguisher for class A fire.

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What we will learn today :- Fire Hazards:-

1. What is Fire Hazard? Know fire safety, no pain, no fire safety, know pain.
2. Classification of Fires.

3. Types of Fire Extinguishers.

4. How to use Fire Extinguisher?

5. Fire Emergency Action Plan

6. Specification of Water Type Extinguisher. FI ATUL WAGHULDE

Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering.

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What is Fire Hazard?

Fire Hazards are conditions that favour Fire Growth. This is The Fire
Triangle. Actually, it's a tetrahedron, because there are four elements that
must be present for a fire to exist.
There must be
oxygen to sustain combustion, 
heat to raise the material to its ignition temperature, 
fuel to support the combustion and a
chemical reaction between the other three elements.

Remove any one of the four elements to extinguish the fire.


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Classifications of Fires :-

1. Class A fires are fires in ordinary combustibles such as wood,

paper, cloth, rubber, and many plastics.
2. Class B fires are fires in flammable liquids such as gasoline,
petroleum greases, tars, oils, oil-based paints, solvents,
alcohols. Class B fires also include flammable gases such
as propane and butane.
3. Class C fires are fires involving energized electrical
equipment such as computers, servers, motors, transformers,
and appliances.
4. Class D fires are fires in combustible metals such
as magnesium, titanium, zirconium, sodium, lithium, and
5. Class K fires are fires in cooking oils and greases such
as animal and vegetable fats.

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Classifications of Fire Extinguishers:-

Fire extinguisher are classified on the types of fires.

1. Class A fires – water gas cartridge, water mist, foam, dry

powder, wet chemical.

2. Class B – water mist, foam, dry powder, CO2, some wet


3. Class C – water mist, dry powder,CO2.

4. Class D – specialist dry powder.

5. Class F – water mist, wet chemical.

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How to use Fire Extinguisher?

The following four-step technique can be memorized more easily with

the acronym PASS:-

1. Pull: Pull the pin to break the tamper seal.

2. Aim: Aim low, pointing the nozzle or hose at the base of the fire.
(Do not touch the horn on a CO2 extinguisher since it becomes very
cold and can damage skin).

3. Squeeze: Squeeze the handle to release the extinguishing agent.

4. Sweep: Sweep from side to side at the base of the fire – the fuel
source – until the fire is extinguished.

If the fire re-ignites, repeat the last 3 steps.

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Fire Emergency Action Plan and Drill:-

1. Assess all possible fire emergencies. Conduct fire drill.

2. Assess resources available in the plant and make a list of them with their locations,

contact phones of fire brigade and in charge persons.

3. Assess resources needed from outside and make a list of them with their places of
availability, contact persons and phone numbers.
4. Prepare a central control room for co-ordination of emergency time activities.
5. Prepare an organized group of key persons who will act to control the emergency.
Everybody should be given their role in writing. Table top exercise and rehearsal
will be carried out to shape their actions. Established an in-house safety committee
6. All communication systems shall be maintained in workable order.
7. Double gates (one for entry, one for exit), unobstructed inner roads and proper
sign boards shall be displayed. Mark fire prone areas on the factory plan.

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Fire Emergency Action Plan and Drill:-

8. Housekeeping shall be regularly checked.

9. Fire water, working order of fixed fire installations and placement of charged
extinguishers shall be regularly checked.
10. Alternate power source shall be kept ready.
11. Runners shall be arranged to act in the event of communication failure.
12. Distinctive garments or cap, band etc. shall be given to emergency controllers.
13. Decide assembly points for safe gathering by other people.
14. Keep arrangement for medical, security and transport in readiness to handle the –
15. Train firefighting crew, medical staff and other workers for their emergency .
16.Assured before restarting the normal work that fire is fully extinguished,
environment is cooled, debris etc. removed, all-clear signal is given and the plant is
ready for restart.
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Specifications of Water Type Portable Fire Extinguisher (9 Litre capacity):- Class

1. Type of Extinguisher Portable Fire Extinguisher, water type (Gas

2. Media of extinguishers Water
3. Quantity 01
4. Capacity 9.0 ± 0.5 litre
5. Shape of the body Cylindrical
6. Outside diameter 175± 5 mm
7. Syphon tube and strainer Syphon tube with strainer shall be fitted at
    free end inside the body.

8. Material of construction of body Mild steel with minimum grade D of IS 513

9. Material of construction of Syphon tube Stainless steel tube (IS 6913)
Material of construction of Cartridge
10. holder, knob, discharge fitting , piercer & Stainless steel as per IS 6528

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Specifications of Water Type Portable Fire Extinguisher (9 Litre capacity):- Class A
Water Type (Gas Cartridge) Portable Fire Extinguisher(9 Litre capacity)

11. Material of spring Spring steel wire (Grade 1 of IS 4455(part 1)

12. Hose dimension Shall be of not less than 8 mm bore and
    length not less than 600mm.
13. Hose quality Braided rubber with minimum bursting
    pressure of 40 Kgf/cm2
14. Size of Gas cartridge 60 gm as per IS 4947
15. Carbon di-oxide Shall be moisture free and 99% pure and
    shall conform to the requirement of IS 15222
16. Performance requirement of gas cartridge Shall be subjected to internal pressure of 250
    Kgf/cm2 for minimum period of 1 minute.
17. Throw Distance Not less than 6 Meter for minimum period of
    60 seconds provided that at least 95% of
    water is discharged within maximum 120
18. Colour Fire Red or Post Office Red, conforming to
    Shades No. 536 or 538 of IS 5
19. Testing Shall be tested at Hydraulic test pressure of
    3.0MN/cm2 (30kgf/cm2) for a period of 2
20. Marking As per IS:940 (latest amendment)

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 Meaning of Fire Hazard?

 Classification of Fires.

 Types of Fire Extinguishers.

 How to use Fire Extinguisher?

 Fire Emergency Action Plan

 Specification of Water Type Extinguisher.

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Water Type (Gas Cartridge) Portable Fire Extinguisher(9 Litre capacity)


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