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What is a Marketing Process ?
A marketing process is: “A series of
steps that allow organizations to
identify customer problems,
analyze market opportunities, and
create marketing materials to reach
the desired audience.”
5 Essential Steps for a Successful Strategic Marketing Process :

The strategic marketing process is a deliberate series of steps to help you identify and
reach your goals. Even more, you’ll discover what your customers want and develop
products that meet those needs. Here are the steps to a successful strategic marketing

2.Situation Analysis
3.Marketing Strategy/Planning
4.Marketing Mix
5.Implementation and Control
Step One: Mission Step Two: Situation Analysis
◦ First, identify and understand the company’s mission.
The second step of the strategic marketing
Maybe it’s written down and promoted throughout the
process is to evaluate internal and external
organization. If not, talk to stakeholders to find out why
factors that affect your business and market.
your company exists. A mission statement explains why a
Your analysis will illuminate your strengths and
company is in business and how it can benefit consumers.
Sometimes, the mission statement is aspirational,
the challenges you face — either with internal
motivating staff and inspiring customers. Or it is simply a resources or with external competition in the
straightforward statement about who you are. Either way, marketplace. Situation analysis provides a
you can’t plan a marketing strategy without knowing clear, objective view of the health of your
clearly what business you are in and why. business, your current and prospective
  customers, industry trends, and your
Here are some example mission statements: company’s position in the marketplace.
Citigroup: Our goal for Citigroup is to be the most There are several methods to conduct this
respected global financial services company. Like any analysis. A typical analysis is called a SWOT
other public company, we’re obligated to deliver profits analysis: strengths, weaknesses,
and growth to our shareholders. Of equal importance is to opportunities, and threats.
deliver those profits and generate growth responsibly.
◦Step Three: Marketing Plan
◦Now that you’ve identified opportunities through your analysis, you should prioritize and map out which ones you are going to pursue. Writing a marketing plan
will specify your target customers and how you will reach them, and should also include a forecast of the anticipated results. These questions can help:
•How will customers respond to your marketing efforts? 
•How much will the plan cost? 
•How will your competition respond? 
◦The data from your market research and situation analysis will help you build these projections into your plan.
Step Four: Developing Marketing Mix Decisions Step Five: Implementation and Control
At this stage of the strategic marketing process, it’s time to Now it’s time to put your plan into action. Identify how
focus on the “how” of planning. Your marketing mix is and when you will launch your plan. At this stage of
based on the 4Ps of marketing, including Product, Price, the strategic marketing process, you will reach out to
Promotion, and Place.  In 1960, E. J. McCarthy first customers to inform and persuade them about your
expressed the 4Ps, and it is probably the best-known way to product or service. Your next steps include getting the
resources (cash and staffing) to market your product,
describe the marketing mix. The 4Ps will guide the way
organizing the people who will do the work, creating
you convey the value of your product to your customers. calendars to keep the work on track, and managing all
You are positioning your product and its competitive the details for each goal. It will help you stay focused
advantage. You need to be clear about what you are and energized if you create monthly benchmarks and
marketing: convenience or quality? And you need to know projects, weekly action steps, and daily marketing
who is likely to buy your product or service.  appointments.
Marketing Plan
A marketing plan is a report that
outlines your marketing strategy for
the coming year, quarter or month.
Typically, a marketing plan includes:
An overview of your
business's marketing and advertising
goals. ... A description of your
business's target market and customer
Summary :
◦ Hence , The marketing process is based on :
• Set goals and objectives. Before you create a marketing plan, you must have a
purpose for it. ...
• Analyze your situation. ...
• Map your messages. ...
• Live out your mission. ...
• Outline your tactics. ...
• Make a timeline. ...
• Mind your budget. ...
• Divide and conquer.

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