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Course content
 Objective
 Methodology
 What is Personality.
 What is Personality Development.
 Importance of Personality Development.
 How to develop Personality.

The objective of the training programme is bring

about personality development with regard to the
different behavioural dimensions that have far
reaching significance in the direction of
organizational effectiveness.
 Presentation-cum-discussion

 Group Discussion

 Management Games

 Case Studies

DURATION : 5 days
What is Personality?
 Personality is the sum total of all physical, mental
and emotional attitudes, values, interests and
motivational factors.

 Personality is the core potential that determines

one`s success in life and career.
Personality Development

 It is a on going process.

Personality Development

 It is a process of developing overall personality.

Importance of PD

 An improvement in your personality can improve

your chances for success in any undertakings.
 Contribute to individual and national
 Ensure excellence in one`s chosen field.
 Helps you to be a Winner.
How to develop a
Take a moment to ask yourself

Who are you ?

How well do you know yourself?
Where do I start from?
Be Yourself!!!

 “Why am I different from others?” 

“Why do you have to be like others?” 
Adaptable to change.
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives,
nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one
that is most adaptable to change."
An Attitude of gratitude.

When life gets hectic and you

begin to feel overwhelmed,
take a moment to focus on the
people and things you are
grateful for in life. When you
are grateful, other things will
fall by the wayside. For
example, you probably won’t
be able to feel jealous and
grateful at the same time.
The ability to smile.

Smile, smile, smile, by smiling every time no matter

how complicated the situation is, it will not only keep
you in high spirits but will also make the people
around you want to interact with you.
A positive attitude
Most people who suffer from negative thinking so not make major
progress in their own lives. You can be able to alleviate negative
thinking from you, If engage in positive thinking, all you need to do is
to look on the brighter side of every condition, even though it is
difficult when you first engage in it but after sometime you will find it
has developed into a tradition.
Learning from failure
 "The way to succeed is to double your failure rate." –
Thomas J. Watson... 
Having clear goals

Goals define our life's purpose. Having clear

goals provides us with a sense of direction and
enable us to focus on what we truly want
in life. It saves our time and energy.
Continuously polish yourself
 SWOT Analysis..
Taking regular action.

 You cant just stand in front of mirror and shout

Winning Personality.
 Write down for the next seven days ….. An action
Never Give up.
 As Long As You Are Alive Anything Is Possible
The only valid excuse you have to give up is if you
are dead. As long as you are alive (and healthy and
free) you have the choice to keep trying until you
finally succeed.

1.Think & feel good about yourself.

2.Don’t Complain or Criticize what you
cannot change.
3.Overcoming the guilt and worry.
4.Respect and values for people.

7. Clarity in communication.
8. Free from envy and ego.
9. Challenging your beliefs and
10.Having clear clarifications.
11.Ability to spread Love and
If you want to have something you never had,
You need to Do something you have Never Done.
Thank You

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