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m Waghbakri Company is a family owned tea business amongst

conglomerates and mega corporations that tower the

International business scenario all over the world.

m The group is making leading strides in tea exports and ships in

bulk and retail consumer packing to countries all over the

m Its outstanding performance is credited to excellence in

management and a spirit that results into a quantum jump in
annual growth in face of stifling competition and cut throat
scenario that dominates the tea industry today.
m itarted by iir Narandas Desai when he set foot in India on Mahatma
Gandhi¶s request in year 1892.

m It began from a small retail shop at Kalupur, Ahmedabad

m Currently has over 400 professional managers

m Production is based at Dholka( dist. Ahmedabad) in a spread of 14 acres

m Worth of the company is 400 crore

m Over 2 Lac Retail Outlets

m Over 12 million loyal customers

m 8 lac packets/day

m iales of 25 million kg/year

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Chai Tea

Tea Quik
6  D¶ling


Tea Bags
m Wagh Bakri has categorized the organic teas, all other form of
double and single chamber tea bags, Darjeeling teas and Nilgri
teas as ³ipecialty Teas´.

m Adopted various forms of sales promotion to execute their vision

for catering to newer generation which traditionally were never
their customers.

m Diversifying further Wagh Bakri Organic Combo Pack has been

made available in the market, with recipe booklet, which has
helped their customer to understand the teas better.
m A blend which matched value of co-existence and harmony

m There is a lot of emphasis on closeness between tea and health in their


m Brand legacy of over 100 years is brought to the fore

m The logo signifies a wagh and a bakri, bringing out the fact that the tea can be
enjoyed across classes and sects.

m Tea is one thing which can be enjoyed uniformly and in fact avoids polarization
of society

m It projects itself as a very customer centric and entrenched brand

m A tradition of consistency
m A blend which matched value of co-existence and harmony
m New initiatives for online sales
m Advertising to be present in the niche mind space of the
m All campaigns bring the aspect of being unique and different
from other teas in terms of
- Dlavour
- Aroma
- Procurement Processr which is very personal and
handpicked oriented
- Production Process
m Tea Lounge
- Wagh Bakri has moved one step forward and entered in the service area
of serving all forms of teas from single platform which we have discovered
as ³Tea Lounge´. They have opened one tea lounge in Mumbai in
November 07 and have received an over whelming response and hence
are looking forward to go ahead with this idea on pan India basis.
m Vending operation is also a newer version of having hot
tea. There are lots of opportunities and the company
desires to cater to this business on pan India basis.

m They have started the activity of gondola displays, floors

stack displays and also used promoters at the select
outlets where they can interact with the end customers.
m The brand message is extremely traditional and deep rooted in

m Lack of presence in major cities and primarily tea drinking

states like UP, Bihar, Delhi, Jharkhand

m Insufficient use of new social media and other contemporary

formats for marketing

m The number of tea lounges that they have are very limited and
only in select cities like Mumbai. Even Ahmedabad, which is
the origin city of the brand does not have Tea Lounge

m An obscure presence in all the media vehicles

m Not a top of the mind recall brand

m Doreign operations and exports are not known to most of the


m They have only recently diversified the menu at their Tea

Lounges, initially catered only the standard tea ranges

m Brand Advocates in the form of testimonials and other word of

mouth strategies are underutilized
m Positioning of the brand should be more youthful and engaging
- It will only garner more loyalty among newer customers

m Brand Promotionr one is to motivate a customer to change and second is

appreciating customers choice to continue using the particular product.

m Online ielling Portal r selling portal should have all the enmities required for
the online selling portal. This initiative will definitely keep them as frontrunner on
global platform and enhancing there exports.
m iince, they will be new entrants in most of the states they have
to carve a niche for themselves and cater to it

m Expansion of their Tea Lounges in all major cities in India

m Tie up with major export sites and other tea buying sites in the

m ·eavy use of print media, because beverage category attracts

a lot of consumer base through print
m Testimonials and Recommendations from the connoisseurs' in
the field of tea tasting
- This will reinstate the belief of quality assurance and authenticity of the brand

m Associate themselves with a nation wide social or health (since

they state it extensively in their brand message) drive,
something like ü   

m Get a known and popular face as a Brand Ambassador,

someone who is credible and can motivate people to buy the
m Extensive use of new social media, like Dacebook and Twitter

m Can have a Brand Icon and build engaging and interesting

stories around it.

m In- Dilm Integration/ TV ierial Integration

m Product Placement strategy to attract eyeballs

m Issuance of membership cards, for frequent buyers/bulk

buyers, to redeem points for their next purchase

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