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Truth Tables and Logic Gates

What are Logic Gates?

 Logic gates are components used in

making logic circuits. Each gate has one
or more inputs and produces a single
output which depends upon the input(s)
Input 1 Output
as an
(1 or more) electrical
What do Logic Gates do?

 Provide control of information flow

 Perform arithmetic and logic functions

 Help to store information and provide

timing circuiting
The NOT Gate
When the switch is on …. the LED is off
When the switch is off …. the LED is on

 The NOT gate has only one input and

one output
 The output of the NOT gate is the
inverse of its input.
 A not gate is also known as an inverter
The NOT Gate – Truth Table

0 1
1 0

The Boolean expression is written as:

P = NOT A or P = Ā
The OR Gate

 The output of an OR gate is TRUE if any

input is TRUE, otherwise the output is FALSE
 An OR gate have two or more inputs and one
The Or Gate – Truth Table


0 0 0 expression is
0 1 1 written as:
1 0 1 P = A OR B
1 1 1 or P = A + B
The AND Gate

The output of an AND gate is similar to the

output given by a series electrical circuit
The electric circuit shown below has 2
inputs (switches) A and B and 1 output P
Truth Table of AND Gate


0 0 0 expression is
0 1 0 written as:
1 0 0 P = A AND B
1 1 1 or P = A . B

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