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Intuitive Thinking and Heuristics

February 2021

At the end of the lesson, each student must be able to:

a. understand intuitive thinking and heuristics

b. recognize the difference between intuitive thinking and strategic analysis

Evans (2008), group intuitive thinking and strategic analysis into following two general

 Mental attributes refer to the characteristics of the two systems of thinking

pertaining to the mental process involved.

 Functional attributes refers to the properties pertaining to the form of operation

Characteristics of two
Systems of Thinking

Intuitive Thinking Strategic Analysis

Mental Attributes
Unconscious Conscious
Implicit Explicit
Automatic Controlled
Low effort High effort
Rapid Slow
Experiential Rational
Impulsive Reflective
Evolutionary old Evolutionary recent
Shared with animals Uniquely human

Functional Attributes
Intuitive Analytical
Practical Theoretical
Concrete Abstract
Parallel Sequential
Heuristic Rule-based
Holistic Analytic
Independent of general intelligence Linked to general intelligence
Independent of working memory Limited by working memory capacity
Activity 7: Your Stand

Can we consider intuition as a sign of intelligence? Why? Explain

Major Forms of Heuristics
February 2021

At the end of the lesson, each student must be able to:

a. examine the major forms of heuristics
b. understand major forms of heuristics
Major Form of Heuristics by Psychologists

1. Satisficing Heuristic
2. Risk-Aversion Heuristic
3. Loss-Aversion Heuristic
4. Availability Heuristic
5. Affect Heuristic
6. Association Heuristic
7. Simulation Heuristic
8. Similarity Heuristic
9. Anchoring-and-Adjustment Heuristic
Activity 8: Matching Type

Write the letter of the correct description for each kind of heuristic.

1. Satisficing Heuristic a. Estimates start with one value as the basis

2. Risk-Aversion Heuristic b. What happened to someone one has similarities with

3. Loss-Aversion Heuristic c. Good enough

4. Availability Heuristic d. Gut reaction, gut feeling

5. Affect Heuristic e. What a word or an idea reminds a person

6. Association Heuristic f. Losses are more valuable than gains

7. Simulation Heuristic g. The sure thing is more important

8. Similarity Heuristic h. Imagining various scenarios

9. Anchoring-and-Adjustment Heuristic i. A vivid memory of a related story or experience

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