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Lip Syncing Pt3.

- Adding the eye, eyebrow and head movement to

the predator lip sync.
Creating Controller Buttons In the Script Editor.
Creating a button to select all the eye controls at once.
• To do this open the script editor and put to one
side > then in the face controls viewport select
all the eye brow controls at once (leading box and
inner lift controllers). You will see the selection
pop up as a line of code in the script editor >
highlight this line of code and middle mouse drag
down to the Mel command box.
• Then in a separate selection, select one eye and
lids (minus pupil) and then repeat for the other
side > For each eye selection you will see them
pop up in the script editors coding box as seen
with the brows. > repeat the process of middle
mouse dragging the eye lines of code down to
the Mel command box.
• From there delete the ‘select -r ‘ from the line of
code relating to the eyes and remove the semi-
colon (;) from the end of the brows code line and
top eye code line > with this done you can then
select -r A_A_browMidKeyR A_A_browOutKeyR A_A_browInKeyR A_browKeyR A_A_browInKeyL A_A_browMidKeyL A_A_browOutKeyL A_browKeyL
A_A_downerEyelidKeyR A_A_upperEyelidKeyR A_eyeKeyR A_A_downerEyelidKeyL A_A_upperEyelidKeyL A_eyeKeyL ; backspace till the three lines of code become
• NOTE: make sure to leave a space between the
connecting lines of code.
• Then select the newly formed line of code and
middle mouse drag up to the shelf tab > will see a
little M icon appear > save the shelf and then
right click on the icon and go to edit/edit popup >
open the shelves tab > go down to icon label and
name ‘Brow’ > once done hit save all shelves.
• You now have a functional button to select all the
eye/brow controls.
• Another way to do this is back in the script editor
by selecting the line of code and hitting the
execute button (or hitting enter the numerical key
pad). Or saving the coded to the scripts folder.
Adding the Key Frames for Blocking out the Brows Movement.

“….It’s like a predator…” “It’s stalking you” “Oh you can try and out run it with” “doctors”

“Medicines” “But in the end “ “time is going to “ “hunt you down”

• Here I used double key frames to ‘lock’ eye and brow
movement to then be able to add in the transitions for
one brow raise to the next later.
• To do this I keyed one position then middle mouse
dragged the expression to where the tone of voice called
for an expression change and keyed the same position.
Then I moved one frame along and changed the eye/brow
position (this creating a sharp jump between expressions,
much like stepped key frames). This process was repeated
throughout to get the main eye/brow key frames.
“And make the kill” • To key positions I used the brow button on then shelf to
make sure all the needed controls where being keyed.
Adding in the In-Betweens for the Brows to Help Transition Key Frames.
• To add in the brow in-betweens I looked at
separating the double key frames used to lock
the brow expressions in place.
• To do this I shift selected the first key frame
and moved it back 6 frames from its original
position > here you will now begin to see a
slight transition between brow expressions.
• From there I then went to the second key
frame where the expression changes and went
back two frames > I then middle mouse
dragged this and moved two frames in front of
the main key frame that changes the
expression and keyed it. In addition to this new
key, I then middle mouse dragged the new key
to the following double key so that there is a
consistency in the expressions since the end
key brow expression has now changed.
Move 6 along. • I then did a similar process for the key frame
we moved > taking one frame after the key
and middle mouse dragging it 2 frames a long.
Middle mouse drag and key X2.
mouse drag
and key.
• Once the brow in-between transitions have be implemented,
Setting up for the Head Movement. I then begun setting up the scene to add in head/body
• To start with I created new camera and positioned it to be
head level with the moom rig, once happy with the position I
then locked the camera and renamed it to Shot_Cam_1 >
Here I also set the arm controls from IK to FK so that they
moved with the body instead of having the hands staying in
one place and the upper body moving within the arm span.
• From there I then proceeded to create a new button in the
script editor for the body controls much like I did for the
brow controls > except this time I used a toggle method to
create the button > this was done by holding the shift key
and selecting the controls I wanted to put into the button.
• I then selected all the toggle controls from the script coding box and
middle mouse dragged it down to the Mel command box > to check that
it works you can select the code in the Mel and hit the execute button (or
hitting enter the numerical key pad) to see if all the control are selected.
> since this works we can middle mouse drag the code from the Mel to
the shelf to create our button and rename MoomCtrls just like I did for
the brows button.
• NOTE: using the toggle method can cause problems, an examples would
be not selecting all the controls need to be keyed so you would have to
go back and re-key. > to avoid this you can turn it into a list like we did
for the first button, you just have to change the ‘–tgl’ to ‘–r’ in the first
line after select and go about removing the semi-colons (;) and ‘select –
tgl’ at the beginning of each line.
Head Movement Blocking.

“….It’s like a predator…” “It’s stalking”

“you” “Oh you can try and out run it with” “doctors”

“Medicines” “But in the end” “time is going to hunt you down”

“And make the kill”

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