The Church Part 5

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The Church Part 5

The Prophetic Past, Present and Future

Pastor Kerry Wilson

The Church Part 5
The Prophetic Past, Present and Future
• Romans 8:18-23 (Darby Translation)
•  18For I reckon that the sufferings of this present
time are not worthy [to be compared] with the
coming glory to be revealed to us.
•  19For the anxious looking out of the creature
expects the revelation of the sons of God:
•  20for the creature has been made subject to
vanity, not of its will, but by reason of him who
has subjected [the same], in hope
The Church Part 5
The Prophetic Past, Present and Future
•  21that the creature itself also shall be set free
from the bondage of corruption into the liberty
of the glory of the children of God.
•  22For we know that the whole creation groans
together and travails in pain together until now.
•  23And not only [that], but even *we* ourselves,
who have the first-fruits of the Spirit, we also
ourselves groan in ourselves, awaiting adoption,
[that is] the redemption of our body.
The Church Part 5
The Prophetic Past, Present and Future
• The King James Version uses the term, “
manifestation” or a time when the sons of God will
make themselves known.
• It is frightening to me to think that the culmination
of the eternal plan of God rest in the Church, which
is made up of “us”…..
• The devil knows his end, when “ time” is ended his
time is ended. You should be able to grasp the frantic
nature of why our enemy is fighting so hard against
the Church, and more specifically “you”.
The Church Part 5
The Prophetic Past, Present and Future
• He is not fighting in the natural, he is fighting in the
supernatural. The supernatural being defined as that which
is not natural or that which can be seen. The closer that we
move into the end of the age, two things occur, one is the
deceptive nature of how the devil attacks, the other pertains
to our text, in that the “ you “ must make yourself known.
• We ,by way of “transformation” have to begin to see things
from a supernatural viewpoint. If you are not being
“transformed”, which the Word teaches us is the “renewing
of the mind” you will not be able to move into the realm of
the supernatural. You have to “think” it , to become it.
The Church Part 5
The Prophetic Past, Present and Future
• The “division or separation” that I have been ministering
on is in this realm of moving from the natural into this
manifestation. The old colloquialism “so heavenly minded
that we are no earthly good” becomes relevant.
• There is an attachment in these bodies to this system that
is not easily overcome and in fact impossible without the
Holy Ghost. Our soul does in fact “cleave” unto this earth.
We use terms like, watch, warn, wake-up, shaken, but
these are terms relative to the natural. This is why that in
the same chapter as our text, Paul warns of what the
outcome of the “carnal mind” is and that is “death”
The Church Part 5
The Prophetic Past, Present and Future
• The Holy Ghost is trying to “quicken” (translated: to cause to
live, give life or make alive) your clay man body into this
revelation or manifestation of who we are so that we can
have a last days impact on this world.
• “I want to make myself known, even as I am known”
• 1 John 3:2-3 (Darby Translation)
•  2Beloved, now are we children of God, and what we shall be
has not yet been manifested; we know that if it is manifested
we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.
•  3And every one that has this hope in him purifies himself,
even as *he* is pure.
The Church Part 5
The Prophetic Past, Present and Future
• The Ancient Enemies
• The ancient enemies of the church are spirits which
become personified if the church is not in position
to combat or recognize their presence.
• There are two things I want to make clear, there is
sin and the need for salvation in every man, there
are also ancient enemies in the spiritual which
manifest themselves in the natural to disengage the
church and keep you from making yourself known.
The Church Part 5
The Prophetic Past, Present and Future
• We know this by the fact that historically men
and women really existed, yet after death the
spirit that manipulated that person is
mentioned again thousands of years later.
• These ancient enemies have a directive from
Satan against the Church and the mission of
the Church…. This tells us that while they are
spirits they will manifest themselves again in
people, and consequently become natural.
The Church Part 5
The Prophetic Past, Present and Future
• Plain of Shinar Genesis 11
• Which became the city of Babel, because of
confusion, confusion orchestrated by God
because their purpose became self oriented
instead of God centered.
• Which became the city of Babylon, destroyed
yet still alive in the supernatural according to
John’s revelation. (Revelation 17,18)
The Church Part 5
The Prophetic Past, Present and Future
• This cup is spiritual, and a system so well
hidden in mystery that to speak of it makes
me squeamish. Confusion that still keeps the
nature of the unity of God in a suspended
state because we don’t know the nature of
the term in the supernatural.
• But God, “ doesn’t hide things from me, He
has hidden things for me……..
The Church Part 5
The Prophetic Past, Present and Future
• Jezebel, a real political figure during the time of crisis Elijah. A
generation that halted between two opinions, a generation that
needed to make themselves known, thousands present but not
making themselves known……
• This natural person, characterized by a spirit, is still here today, I
believe that soon a woman will come on the scene in the
political realm that will manifest the same spirit as the Jezebel of
old, intimidating men of God, controlling the climate in some
political arena.
• But God, “ is going to raise up Elijah’s, maybe He has them
hidden right now, but they are coming forth to meet the Ahab’s
and Jezebels of our generation.
The Church Part 5
The Prophetic Past, Present and Future
• Baalim
• Korah
• Cain
• Whether you realize it or not, the acts of
nature going on right now are meant to
inspire us, signs of upheaval in groaning.
Telling the church to get out, get up and on
with the work….
The Church Part 5
The Prophetic Past, Present and Future
• Areas of Manifestation Needed:
• The enlargement of the priesthood has
disengaged the people..
• When the leadership falls into the prophetic
pronouncement of “destroying the way of thy
paths” concerning people then the evolution of
independence becomes eminent.
• The result of this independence is fruit that is not
like the person of Christ.
• It is my intention to give the work of the
ministry back to the Church.
• I am going to empower you, and release you
into the gifts, callings and power of God that
lay inside of you.
• It has become more apparent to me that my
anointing is to empower, enable and teach
you in your gifting's.
• Number two on my list is “Faith”, I believe that
if the end of days is like that of Noah, there is
more to it than just the world’s response. I
believe we usher in the Rapture by performing
the word of the Lord. Noah brought the flood
because of his faith in God’s word…….

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