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SNHU Pet Supply Company

Management Plan
Ryan Early
Team Management

“Team management is the ability of an individual or an organization

to administer and coordinate a group of individuals to perform a
task. Team management involves teamwork, communication,
objective setting and performance appraisals.”(Time management,

Leadership and Management Styles

• Charismatic Leadership
“A leader’s emotional expressiveness, interpersonal communication style, or cues to shape,
inspire, and captivate others based on their personal identification with the leader.”(Module
Three, 2021)

• Democratic/ Participative Leadership

“Encourages the participation of followers in decision making and encourages leaders to
work with followers to determine what actions an organization should take.” (Module Three,

Team Culture

My strengths as a leader:
• Openness
curious, original, intellectual, creative

• Conscientiousness
organized, achievement-oriented, dependable

• Extraversion
outgoing, talkative, sociable

Decision-Making Models

• Rational Decision-Making Model

• In the past employees with no management experience were promoted
based on time with the company.
• Management candidates will be evaluated based on qualifications.
• Employee’s time with the company will only be considered when
candidates have similar qualifications.
• Less chance of perceived favoritism.

Emotional Intelligence

• Daniel Goleman describes four areas of emotional intelligence:

• Self-awareness
• Self-regulation
• Social skills
• Empathy
Considerations for improving our emotional intelligence:
• Ask for feedback
• Practicing mindfulness
• Stop and think before you react
• Practicing perspective-taking
• Implementing active listening

Communication and Collaboration

Forms and Functions

• Currently Divisional Organization

• Optimal Structure

• Institute bi-weekly meetings with teams to create collaboration

Current Communication Practices

• Strengths
• Familiarity with a wide selection of different communication tools.
• Using in-person meetings.

• Weaknesses
• Employees and managers do not receive information in a timely or
consistent manner.
• Information is passed through the “grapevine.”
• Communication method not consistent across all teams.

Improving Communication Practices
“50% to 90% of a manager’s time is spent communicating, and communicative ability is related
to a manager’s performance.”(Schnake et al., 1990)

Steps to improve Communication:

• Standardize which program will be used for all departments to communicate
with each other.
• Followers will be notified by their managers of important company news within
48 hours.

SNHU Pet Supply Mission Statement, Culture, and Goals

Mission Statement – defines a company’s reason for being in business.

Organizational Culture – “a system of shared assumptions, values, and

beliefs that indicate what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior within a
given organization.”(Kerr, 2005)

Goals – what we hope to achieve.


• Team Management. (2021, April 17). In Wikipedia. %20the
%20ability,objective%20setting%20and%20performance%20appraisals.&text=T hey
%20communicate%20and%20all%20strive%20to%20accomplish%20a%20specific %20goal.
• Goleman, D. (1998). Working with emotional intelligence. New York:
• Schnake, M. E., Dumler, M. P., Cochran, D. S., & Barnett, T. R. (1990).
Effects of differences in subordinate perceptions of superiors’
communication practices. Journal of Business Communication, 27, 37–
• Kerr, J., & Slocum, J. W., Jr. (2005). Managing corporate culture through
reward systems. Academy of Management Executive, 19, 130–138.


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