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Dr PK Jha
Human Brain is divided into 3 main parts on the basis of their function and
1. Fore Brain
2. Mid Brain
3. Hind Brain

– It is the anterior part of the brain
– It has 3 parts 1. Cerebrum 2. Thalamus 3. hypothalamus
– It is located below the cerebral cortex and above the hind brain
– Function: It controls reflex movements of the body and hearing reflexes
– It is present at the backside of the Brain
– Parts: It consists of 1. Cerebellum 2. Pons 3. Medulla Oblongata
The cerebrum
• Largest portion of brain (>=80% mass).
• Responsible for higher mental functions..
• The cerebrum is divided into left and right
hemispheres by the longitudinal fissure.
• The cell bodies in the outer cortex require
more surface area than the underlying white
matter which results in much folding.
• The upfoldings are called gyri (gyrus,
• The infoldings are called sulci (sulcus,
• Both hemisphere connected by corpus
• Corpus callosum: Major tract of axons that
functionally interconnects right and left
cerebral hemispheres
•  Each cerebral hemisphere has
• 3 poles
• 3 surfaces
• 3 borders
• 4 lobes
Surfaces of cerebral hemisphere
cerebral hemisphere has three surfaces
• Superiolateral surface
• Medial surface
• Inferior surface
– Inferior surface further divided into two
• Orbital surface
• Tentorial surface
Four Borders of cerebral Three poles-
hemisphere • Frontal
• Superomedial border • Occipital
• Inferiorio lateral borde • Temporal
• Medial orbital four lobes-
• Medial occipital 1. Frontal lobe
2. Parietal lobe
3. Temporal lobe
4. Occipital lobe
Gyrus and sulcuses
• cerebral hemisphere shows a complex pattern of
convulation called Gyrus
• The gyruses are separated by furrows of varying
length called Sulci.
• The convulated structure increases the cortical
volume to three times what it would be if the
surface is smooth.
• The area of the cerebral cortex is 2200cm²
• Sulci (Groove) Fissure (Deep groove) Gyri (Elevation)
Important sulci and gyri
• Important Sulci-
• Lateral sulcus
– Deep cleft on the lateral and inferior surface .
– It has a stem which divides into three rami:anterior, ascending, posterior
• The central sulcus
– It is the boundary between frontal and parietal lobes.
– It starts at the superomedial border, a little behind the midpoint between frontal and
occipital poles.It runs downards and forwards for about 8-10cm to end little above the
posterior ramus of lateral sulcus.
– It demarcates the motor and sensory area of the cerebral cortex.
The other known sulcuses are-
– superior frontal sulcus
–  Callosal sulcus
– Precentral sulcus
– Calcarine sulcus
– Postcentral sulcus

• Important gyri-
–  Precentral gyrus
– Superior frontal gyrus
–  Postcentral gyrus
– Superior temporal gyrus
– Parolfactory gyrus
Layer of the cerebrum
• Gyay matter
– Outer layer
– Composed of mostly cell body of neuron.
• White matter
– Inner layer of cerebrum
– Mostly made up of axons

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