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An Explorer Project on

Ibn Battuta

Ibn Battuta was a muslum explorer who explored a lot of Asia and Africa in
the 14th century. He traveled almost 75,000 miles in his lifetime. Nearly 30
years after his travels, a writer wrote his stories down in a famous travel
book called “Rilah” or “Travels”.
Who is Ibn Battuta?
Ibn Battuta was a medieval muslim explorer. His full name is Abū ʿAbd Allāh
Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh al-Lawātī al-Ṭanjī ibn Baṭṭūṭah. He was born on
February 24, 1325 in Tangier. He had average education in his home land. He
began his travels travels at age 21. His first journey was to Mecca. He wrote a
book called “Travels” telling about his long journey (over 75,000) to most Musilum
countries like China and Sumatra . He died 1368 after returning to his home in
Where did Ibn Battuta travel?
Ibn Battuta traveled to many places in his lifetime. His first journey was to Mecca. When
he was traveling to Morocco, he had stopped at Egypt. He also traveled from China to
Spain and many other places around the world.
When did Ibn Battuta travel?
Ibn Battuta traveled in the 14th century. He spent over 30 years traveling all over
Africa and Asia. He also went to India and Southeast Asia. After 30 years of hard
work, he passed on his stories to an author named Ibn Juzayy. He wrote his ever
so famous book, The Rihlah.
Information about the travels of Ibn Battuta
Ibn Battuta was an explorer who traveled to a large patch of the world nearly 700
years ago. He began traveling at 21 in 1325. His travels started as a pilgrimage,
Also known as a religious travel to Mecca the holy Islamic city. While on his way,
he stopped at Egypt. He also traveled to places such as China and Spain. He
darted around the world, never staying in one place for to long.
Why did Ibn Battuta travel?
The first reason he traveled was to fulfill his religious duties and get the best
education he could by studying with famous scholars. But, when he returned, he
wanted to explore. He wanted to see as much as he could of the world.
How did Ibn Battuta travel?
He made living by traveling. He visited many monarchs and sultans they donated
to him to let him continue his travel.
Ibn Battuta is an amazing explorer who is not claiming land for any monarch. His
only goal was to learn as much as he can. He proves that you don’t have to
explore for your country, you can explore for education.

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