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Day 6


b. At / On the weekend, she usually
c. Today, she’s renovating her
mother’s house. She’s using calm
colors for the living room.
d. Her husband is reading his
students’ exams.
e. He doesn’t get along with the
Juliet’s mother.
f. Juliet doesn’t care about the
relationship between her husband
and her mother.
g. One day she wants to travel only
with her mother.
Then and now

1. When and where were your grandparents born?

I only had the chance / got to know one of my grandmothers. Her name was Teresa. She was born in
Girardot in the 1930s.
2. What did she do for a living?
She was a farmer and she cooked for other people.
We visited her when she lived in Cordoba.
3. Did she ever tell you stories about their childhood?
My mom told me about her childhood.
Listening exercise (7.01)

• Listen to two recordings about Mattie

Smith’s life.

• Take notes on her life now and her life a

long time ago.
Listening exercise (7.01 /2)

(07.01) Mattie Smith is 91 years old. She lives alone in Atlanta, Georgia. She starts her day at 7:30.
First, she has a bath. Next, she cleans the house and then she sits outside on her verandah and thinks
about her past life. Then, she writes poems about it.

(07.02) Mattie was never at school. She lived with her mother and four sisters. She started work when
she was eight (years old). She worked in cotton fields from 6:00 in the morning to 10:00 at night. She
could not read or write, but she could think, and she created poems in her head.
Listening exercise (7.03)

• Listen to the verbs in past and write them down.

1. looked /lʊkt/ 5. earned /ɜːnd/

2. worked /wɜːkt/ 6. marry  married /ˈmærid/

3. loved /lʌvd/
7. died /daɪd/
4. learned /lɜːnd/
8. hated /ˈheɪtɪd/

9. wanted /ˈwɒntɪd/

• Slide 8: Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box.
• Slides 9-10: Read the four stories about Alf, Jeff, Percy and Fred. They don’t remember some
facts accurately, so you need to find the correct version of events.
• Record a voice message about your grandma (1 Min).
 It‘s loading.
 They moved to Cordoba.
 Chase people / Go after people
 Cross the river
 Ride a horse
 Go up a mountain
 Diet /daiet/
New vocabulary  Died /daid/
 Throw /throu/
 Boat /bout/
 Weird /uiard/
 Stoke (derrame cerebral)
 Faint
 Cotton
 Are you an only child?

New vocabulary  Are your grandparents alive?

 Prepositions
I was born in Bogotá (places).

Grammar I was born in Bogotá in 1991 (P before T).

I was born in March (months)
I was born in Bogotá on March 3, 1991 (dates).
Our plan

Day 1: Placement test

Day 2: Simple present review I
Day 3: Simple present review II
Day 4: Simple present review III
Day 5: Simple present / present continuous review
 Day 6: Simple past review I
 Day 7: Simple past review II

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