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Presentation on
Industrial Premises Automation using Cloud and
Android Application

Kumawat Shreyas Balkrishna

Shinde Aishwarya Vijay
Dighe Kshitija Sunil

Under Guidance of:

Mr. A. H. Ansari

Date: 11 Dec 2019

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Pravara Rural Engineering College, Loni, Ahmednagar, (M.S.) India.
Loknete Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil
Pravara Rural Education Society.Loni

Today the development of technologies made it possible to introduce industry

automation systems into almost all manufacturing fields. Industry automation of
production processes enhances labor efficiency and allows cutting net cost and
improving product quality.
IOT is ever-growing network of physical objects that has an IP address for internet
connectivity and communication that occurs between these objects and other internet
enabled devices.
AC, Car, Smart Watches, etc.

Automation can be defined as the

technology by which a process or a
procedure is performed with minimum
human efforts or assistance.
These processes are totally automatic.

1] To control every electrical component(bulbs, fans, Exhausts,

Air Conditioners, etc) using cloud and accessed by every or certain employees.

2] To create a Smart Parking system which will provide a real time

Dashboard displaying parked slots and unparked slots through Wifi and
Android device.

3] Provide a RFID based attendance system for employees of the


4] Create a Dual Axis Solar Panel tracker which will give high efficiency
in generation of electricity through sun rays.
System Model:
Block diagram:

[1] Smart parking based

on IOT

[2] Electrical appliances

control using IOT

[3] Dual axis solar

tracker for 100%
efficiency in generating
solar energy .

[4] RFID based workers

attendance with Time

1. Industrial Automation.

2. Smart Robotics.

3. Software Integration for effective data collection.

4. Used to Enhance Quality and Security.

5. Creating fast paced environments in offices.


1. The system will create ease in the work environment and among

2. Time saving.

3. Reduced manual work.

4. 80% to 100% energy generation by Solar Tracker.


In industries and various work space, Internet of Things (IoT)

can be used to utilize, modify and upgrade various devices as well as
it will create an ease in the tasks of employees.
So here we created an efficient system which will gradually enhance some
factors in the industrial premises and workspace also it will reduce
Manual work to some extend. Also the energy generation
will give about 80% to 100% efficiency in generating electric power.

[1]. Ashwini Deshpande, PrajaktaPitale, SangitaSanap, Industrial Automation

using Internet of Things (IOT), International Journal of Advanced Research
in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET) Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016.

[2]. H.S.Raju, SanathShenoy, Siemens Technologies and Services Private Limited,

Real-Time remote monitoring and peration of Industrial Devices using IoT and Cloud,
2016. IEEE 978-1-5090-5256-1/16 .

[3] Elizabeth Kadiyala, ShravyaMeda, Revathi Basani, S. Muthulakshmi in

“Global Industrial Process Monitoring Through IoT Using Raspberry Pi” with
978-1-5090-5913-3/17/$31.00-2017 IEEE

[4] Md. Mahmudul Islam. “A Wireless Process Monitoring And Control System
With Zigbee” American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER), vol. 7, no. 2, 2018, pp. 177-183.

[5] A.Ajitha, J.Laxmi Prasanna, D.Swathi, D.Shyamala, “IoT platform for

Condition Monitoring of Industrial Motors”, 2nd International Conference on
Communication and Electronics Systems 2017 IEEE





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