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Besma Eid
EDU 214
What Is 5G?

5G is a nationwide broadband connectivity to cellular networks.

It is way for telecommunication to be at a faster rate than any
other generational technology. The 5G connectivity is a way to
respond to any form of technology quickly.

How Can This Be Used In The Classroom?

The 5G network connectivity is an important tool within the classroom. It can be used
for fast Wi-Fi connections which for today’s education system is very important since
virtual classes has started. Students can connect to a 5G Wi-Fi network and be able to
connect to the classroom virtually with a quicker response time and won't have to deal
with technical issues. The 5G network can even be used in the classroom when there is
computer class, as the whole class Connect to the Internet computers slow down but
with 5G network computers are still going to be up and running giving fast response

Pros To 5G Connectivity

• With a quicker response time, students can log on to a computer and join class virtually without any
technical issues.

• During a computer class, the entire classroom is joining the same network Wi-Fi which is then slowed
down, and students can not complete work in a timely manner, 5G network connectivity does not have that
problem as

• Virtually, students can log on to a class meeting and be able to join any other assignments that the teacher
has assigned without having any connection problems.

• Downloading any class files or files needed for school in general can be done so much faster and it’s not
going to be time consuming, so the students is able to work on the next thing they need to do at a faster rate..

Cons To 5G Connectivity

• As 5G networks can be use that is such a high speed it will also come with high costs. Cell
phone companies are increasing their prices for 5G connectivity because of its high demand.

• The use of 5G connectivity are draining battery life on cell phones. As there can be a solution
to this issue once 5G is more expanded, cell phones are able to provide updates to the users
to help better the issue.

• With an increasing demand for faster Wi-Fi this will cause more cell towers being put up
resulting in the ruins of the actual sight of a local town.

Link To Website About The Technology &
YouTube Video



Citation Page

• Kalyan Parbat. (2017). Here is all you need to know about 5G [Internet]. The Economic Times, pp.
The Economic Times, 2017-04-24
• Link to full text:


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