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Good Morning!


Would You Rather?


Would you rather live..

A. On an island all alone or
B. In a house with 100 people?

Would you rather

a. Give a speech in front of the entire
school or
b. Ask a bully to stop picking on

Would you rather

a. Feel a homeless person or
b. Heal a sick person?

Would you rather..

a. Not wear shoes the rest of your life
b. Not ever get your driver’s license?
I Love My
Compassion is defined as
the feeling that arises when
you perceive another’s
suffering and feel motivated
to relieve that suffering.
Compassion can arise from
empathy—the more general
ability to understand and feel
others’ emotions—but goes
further by also including the
desire to help.
When we are motivated by compassion and wisdom, the results of
our actions benefit everyone, not just our individual selves or some
immediate convenience. When we are able to recognize and
forgive ignorant actions of the past, we gain strength to
constructively solve the problems of the present.

- Dalai Lama XIV

Did You Know This?

Loving your neighbor as yourself is

found eight times in the Bible. Not once.
Not twice. Eight times.
Loving your neighbor as yourself is so
important to God that He not only
repeats Himself
5 Ways to Love your
• Loving our neighbor goes far beyond peering over
the fence.
• To love our neighbor means to serve our
communities so that we are giving back what we
5 Ways to Love Your Neighbors

01 Be Generous 02 Be Ethical

05 Be Peaceful

03 Be Fair 04 Be Kind
1. Be Generous
There are many things we can give away and all but one of them are
free. Our time, talents, kindness, compassion, joy, and prayers are all
free-flowing things meant not for hoarding but continuous sharing.
2. Be Ethical
If a man gains the whole world but loses his soul,
what has he gained? Many men will lie, cheat,
beg, steal or borrow in order to gain more. Most of
the conflicts in history have their roots in this trap.
3. Be Fair

Judge all things and people honestly. We aren’t to

show partiality to a poor man just because of his
station, but the same applies to a rich man as well.
4. Be Kind

Sometimes one of the most difficult

things to do in life is to smile. We are
surrounded by a world filled with hate,
bitterness, jealousy, envy, and violence,
and we are to smile about it?
5. Be Peaceful
We’ve all held grudges; we’ve all held anger inside of us. We may
have even plotted revenge at one point or another in life. All of
those things exude negativity and create ongoing conflict. Forgive.
Let it go.

What is the meaning of

t h e 5 w a y s to
n e i g hb o r s ?
love your

In a bond paper, draw an individual who have traits

of a good neighbor, you can also draw what a good
neighbor should do according to the 5 ways to love
your neighbor.

3 Things I Learned

2 Interesting Things

1 Question I still Have


Choose one “neighbor” who is hard for you to love.

Think of something you can do to treat him or her as
more important than yourself this week.
The End

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