Ways To Achieve The Sustainable Development Goals

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Ways to Achieve the

Sustainable Development

Group :
Angel Fayth A. Canlas
Benedick L. Gulmatico
Ryan Jardin
Mitzi Faye Villanueva

Goal #2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved
nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. 

• End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote
sustainable agriculture. Launch an anti-food waste campaign among the
countries. This campaign encourages you to take action from your home and
then witness the power of collective decisions you and others have made to
reduce food waste, save money, minimize the environmental impact of food
production loss and help promote sustainable agriculture. To say the least, with
the campaign, we can lessen hunger and possibly end it slowly but surely – and
at the same time – help our farmers gain profit.

Goal #3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all
at all ages

Connect with yourself, with others and with your community.

Be active, by physically moving in whatever makes you feel
better. Keep learning because when we learn, we develop and
grow and it keeps our brain active and grow as well. Take
notice of our own selves and what is going on around us.

Goal #4: Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and
promote lifelong learning

• Focus more on the educational system of the country – for

education is the driving factor of the people – and the people is the
driving factor of the economy. Not only is that a driving factor of
the economy but it also gives the citizens the virtue of lifelong
values and learnings. With a good educational system people are
well versed and pretty much capable to handle work which will lead
to benefit the economy.

Goal #5: Achieve gender
equality and empower women Goal #6: Ensure access to
and girls water and sanitation for all

• Give equal access to

• Promote hygiene and provide
resources to both women and
more distilled waters in rural
men as well as adopt a
areas order to distribute clean
payment method that is
waters in areas that are in
structured around
need of it. 
productivity and effort
instead of gender. 

Goal #7: Ensure access to affordable,
reliable, sustainable and modern energy for

• Promote the usefulness and the efficiency of clean
energy to the masses so that factories or big
companies would be more inclined to switch to
clean energy solutions and set aside funds for
further development of clean and alternative
energy developments.

Goal #10: Reduce inequality
within and among countries
Goal #8: Promote inclusive
and sustainable economic • Reduce income inequality by
growth, employment and providing stable and sustainable
decent work for all income for the poor and increase
taxation for the high income persons.
In this case, it can also be one of the
• Promote entrepreneurial solutions to end poverty. Ensure equal
opportunities and end discrimination
projects that’ll help boost
by promoting equality policies,
employment rate. identify and prevent having in
conscious bias, and be proactive.

Goal #13: Take urgent action to combat climate
change and its impacts
Goal #11: Make cities
inclusive, safe, resilient
and sustainable • Power your home with renewable energy.
• Have more strict Invest in energy-efficient appliances. Reduce
regulation and patrol water waste. Support or join youth-led
officers in populous movements in concern of our environment.
areas in cities in Green your commute by reducing
order to keep order transportation emissions
and have police
ready for action at all

To sum it all up, everyone need to help one another
and there needs to be a willingness to cooperate in
order for us to achieve the goals that we have in
Sustainable development. It is not an easy job where
everything will go to its perfect place when we want
our country’s development and a concrete plan is
needed to achieve it. We need to start from the
simplest actions and from there everything will
follow until we achieve a result that we want to see.

Thank you!

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